Hand of Hell: Chapter 3, Theft

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#13 of Discontinued

I had a friend from YS proof read this story and make sure everything is in order so silently thank him for his hard work, then thank me for writing the story :)

Vote and comment like always

Eric slowly moves through the dry dirt plain, there was nothing around here but dead trees and an orange red sky overhead.

Looking around as he steps over a hill, he froze as he gazed over the large field of bodies that lay before him. Staring at the thousands of dead bodies that lay there, the smell of burning and rotting flesh was blown over the human, making his eyes burn before he turned his head away to shield his eyes from the feeling.

Looking back up slowly, he could see a figure in the distance. Moving forward to see what exactly the figure was, stepping over and atop the bodies, furs and humans alike of all different species and genders, though he didn't look over them much as he moved closer to the figure

Keeping his head down, since he didn't wish to step on the bodies of the dead, he continued until he felt he was close enough to make out what was in the distance. When he looked up, what he saw made him freeze.

The figure standing there was a white scaled dragon with long silver hair, dressed in twisted crimson armor. Looking upon the dragon, seeing the glowing red eyes staring up at the severed head that it held, holding the felines head up in the air and letting the blood pour out of it's neck and down onto it's tongue,

drinking down the fresh blood hungrily as it flowed to the back of it's throat.

Standing there, frozen, he watched the female dragoness slowly lower the head as the blood dried on her muzzle and neck, slowly looking over to the human giving a smile that was pure evil, yet loving at the same time.

Eric was stunned as he gazed at Leasherria, who slowly moved toward him. He looked up at the taller dragoness just in time to feel Leasherrias lips press against his. The kiss was coated with the metallic taste of blood, though the deepness of it made Eric press back. Leasherrias paws moved over and ran up the smaller humans chest and shoulders and he was slowly laid back with the larger dragoness straddling his waist.

Erics mind slowly went blank, he had forgotten that he was in the middle of a valley of death with a blood stained dragoness, one of the generals in Basiets unholy army. The human's hands slid up Leasherria's legs to her hips as he felt her forked tongue slip into his mouth and run along his.

Leasherria slowly pulled away, her arm suddenly being pulled into the gauntlet she wore on her right arm, the same gauntlet that he now wore, though as he looked over Leasherrias bloodstained naked body, all thoughts of the gauntlet faded, the crimson blood of freshly fallen enemies coated her beautifull naked body, and upon seeing Eric looking over her body Leasherria turned her head away looking embarassed.

Moving up and cupping her large chest, feeling over her scales and making her tense slightly, before relaxing and letting the smaller human have control, kissing over the top of her chest as his hands squeezed Leasherrias breasts firmly, making her hiss softly in pleasure her large clawed paws resting gently on his bare shoulders.

Eric looked up at her, he had been walking though the valley in his brown pants and nothing else.

Leasherria leaned down, kissing his neck gently and giving her earlobe a small nip as he continued squeezing the dragonesses chest over and over. Finding his arousal nearing the point of intolerable, he emarrassingly enough was a virgin, though in this day and age it was not uncommon.

Leasherria slowly laid Eric back down and leaned down to kiss him once more before stopping and raising herself up, looking around. Eric blinked and propped himself up on his elbows.

"Leasherria, what's wrong?" he said, with a soft pant with lust, though Leasherria smiled down at him, leaning down and kissing him softly.

"It's time to wake up, we will have to enjoy one another tomorrow night" she said, making Eric blink in confusion, but just as he was ready to ask the question everything faded away and his eyes opened.

Looking around he saw that he was in Quests bedroom once again. Sitting up he became aware of Quest sitting on the edge of the bed with some clothing on, though her upper body was bare and she was tying her red bandana around her ears at the moment. Eric looked down at his right arm seeing the gauntlet still there as Quest looked over her shoulder.

"Ah, did I wake ya, sorry but ya'd have to get up some time." Standing herself up and turning around, making Eric turn his head away trying to be a gentleman, even as the racoon giggled before slipping her vest on.

"Your such a good boy, we'll have ta get that out'a ya soon." Turning around and picking up her twin cutlasses before turning back to him. "Hurry up and get dressed, I got ya some clothes more suited ta a thieves life." With that Quest moved to the door and disappeared outside, leaving Eric sitting there half covered.

He looked down at the gauntlet before standing up. "Is there something wrong Eric?" Leasherrias voice came as he started moving around, seeing the clothes Quest picked for him lying on the floor next to his side of the bed.

"I'm not sure Leasherria, I had a strange dream about you." That brought a giggle from Leasherria as Eric held up some black stitched pants with a brown vest, red bandanna with long tails, some fingerless gloves and brown boots.

"It wasn't a dream Eric, that was a projection of me and a memory from my past, you were reliving my memory. It's something that the gauntlet does to strengthen our bond though the last parts where not in my memory, I just wished to feel your touch." That comment made Eric blush as he began to dress himself to look like a theif.

Moving out of Quests room he saw the coon leaning against the wall waiting for him, giving a whistle as she saw him." Don't you just look like a fine peice'a ass?" she teases, before walking over and looking the human over giving a few nods of approval. "Ya dirty up pretty good, let's get goin', we've got alotta things ta plan." With that the coon was off again with the human jogging after her.

"What do you mean, things to plan, Quest?" Eric asked as they moved over one of the rope bridges, much to Erics discomfort.

"We got a job and your comin with, it's a difficult job but I'd figure that a well trained knight like ya should be able to handle it. Pull this off an' your spot in the Three Knives is assured" Quest explained, waiting for the human to step off the rope bridge before walking off again.

Eric quickly moved after the racoon. "You mean me become a theif?" he asked, sounding surprised which made Quest laugh.

"Look around ya boy, ya be standing in the middle of a theives kingdom, ya don't expect me ta just let you live here for

nothin do ya?" With that Eric nodded his head to the side, understanding the logic in that. "But ya should be glad I got this big job for us. If you do your part and we get da job done ya'll immedatly be a welcomed member of the Three Knives, most newbies have ta do at least five lil jobs" Quest explained as she moved into one of the lifts, waiting for Eric before hitting the switch that slowly lowered them to the forest floor.

Stepping from the lift with Quest, only to be immediatly hailed by a group of furs approaching them, there were a total of five in the small group, three females and two males from what Eric could see. The species were a wolf, tiger, cougar, rabbit and bear.

The wolf and bear were the males, and both looked intimidating in their own ways. The wolf being a timber wolf it seemed, with a grey pelt with short black hair. He was dressed in a large black cloak looking like a ranger, the large bow on his back adding to that effect, though Eric was unable to see any quiver of arrows or the like but he figured that they were hidden under his cloak.

The bear stood very tall at the height of seven feet, though was rounded out, looking more like a blacksmith who ate a lot of pies,. His arms were heavily muscled, but his stomach was rather large, though the large battle axes on the bear's back let him know that he was a heavy weilding warrior, though his only clothing were some tight fitting pants with his long light brown hair pulled back into a pony tail.

The next tallest member would have been the large tiger. She was rather unusual, as Eric noticed her extended upper body to fit the extra pair of arms. In truth they weren't very rare, though Eric hadn't seen one before, and stared at her for a bit more than a moment. She was dressed in some tight fitting shorts and a leather vest made for her kind, with four holes for her arms. She also had several gold earrings through her ears and some necklasses, but no visible weapons other than her muscled arms, which were intimidating enough.

The cougar was of smaller stature, about the size of the male wolf, both around Erics height. Her fur was a nice tan, though she looked more like a gyspy with her long sleeved baggy shirt and black pants. Her hair was partially hidden by the white bandana on her head, though unlike a gyspy she held a short sword that was sheathed in her left paw.

The lapin was last, though unlike the traditional grey hair around here, she was completely black with red eyes. She wasn't like a shadow or a dark figure, but rather stood out with her silky black fur. She was dressed in some shorts that showed off her legs and a white shirt that was unbuttoned partially, showing off her cleavage, though the curved blade that rested on her back looked light and quick and was enough to correct any ill mannered male.

Quest smiled, looking over the group as he neared, all of them giving Eric the once over and a few a twice and even a thrid over, before all eyes were on Quest who was talking to the wolf about their next mission. Eric however still had his eyes on the large tiger, though they were mainly on her second pair of arms, but the tiger didn't seem to mind as she smiled down to the small human, who immediatly looked the other way.

"Anyway, this is our new recruit" Quest said, wrapping an arm around Eric pulling him close, forcing him into the spot light .

As he looks over she introduces them. "Eric, this is Fang," the coon said, pointing to the wolf. "The mountain behind him..." Quest teases, as the bear nodded, "Thats Rock, then the beauty beside him is Venus." The tiger smiled at the human, crossing her lower arms as she winked at Eric, making him blush a bit. "The shadow over there is Sash." The lapin smiled and nodded." And finally, the hard tempered one in the middle is Kala, but call her Stone, everyone does." The cougar snarled slightly and crossed her arms.

Quest pushed Eric forward. "This is Eric, he's an ex-knight from Teldon. Far asked us to take him in like family, so any objections?" Quest asked, and the five looked at one another before looking over the human. After a moment of silence Quest wrapped an arm around the humans neck. "Good, now onto buisness."

Moving through the forest quickly on horse back, the five theives and Eric made their way toward the ambush spot. As Quest explained, the king from the kingdom of Fellen would like them to ambush and steal whatever cargo is being transported from the port of Recca to the Holy Order Kingdom of Le'kerra. They don't know what cargo is being transported but they don't really care. Quest was just asked to get in take it and get out

The ride was brisk, two nights travel to get there, since they didn't want to travel during the day lest they get spotted by La'kerra scouts, which was something Eric agreed with. The La'kerra knights were some of the most feared warriors throughout the five kingdoms of Raethivan and even in some areas of the Western continents.

Moving through the forests, staying off the main and even the back roads with Quest leading them, Eric staying in the rear since he was the new one in this little band of theives. Between them were the other five members of the group, though after a few hours of riding the bear slowly dropped back, looking down at Eric giving a smile.

"So I hear that you were a knight of Teldon under Far's command?" Eric nodded in agreement at Rock's statement and the bear nodded back again. "Well then, it should be safe to say that you know how to handle a sword but have you killed anyone yet?" At that Eric shook his head.

"No, I've trained and the like but I've never turned my sword against someone in real combat." Rock nodded once again in understanding.

"Well, I hope when the time comes Eric that you'll not hesitate, this is a big job for someone like you" the bear said, as Eric glanced down to his right arm, looking over the gauntlet that covered his hand.

Rock looked over at the humans gauntlet before suddenly Quest called out "Hey Eric, why don't ya tell all'a us how exactly you got that there gauntlet." This got Eric's attention as everyone looked over their shoulders at him.

Eric was quiet for a few moments before looking down. "I had a choice, either die there lying on the floor with all the other guards...or accept the gauntlet and live on, me being here lets you all know what choice I made," he says, this bringing a few smiles to some of the faces as they turned forward again.

"A strong survival instinct, dat's good Eric" Quest said, licking her muzzle before looking forward.

The night was slowly turning into day and Quest decided it was time to make camp and let the horses rest, since the pace would be much faster tonight. None had any complaints since sitting in a saddle for hours on end did start to cause

some pain. A small fire was made for cooking some of the provisions that they had brought along. The wolf, Fang was the one cooking at the moment, Rock having gathered plenty of wood with his mighty axe and the others setting up a safe primeter before all settling down, mainly resting against the trees around the fire.

Eric was resting against a tree with his right knee pointed toward the sky, his gauntlet resting on top of it. His arm didn't feel heavy like it would if he was wearing a real gauntlet. Soon, Eric looked over to his left, seeing something moving out of the corner of his eye. Seeing the large four armed tigeress Venus sitting next to him giving him a smile though, Eric blushed at her being so close to him.

"Um, is there something I can help you with...Venus?" he said, taking a moment to remember her name, though the large tiger smiled a bit wider.

Looking over, seeing the large tiger moving in on the blushing human and giving a whistle, catching everyones attention before they all looked over at the two.

A few chuckles and giggles formed from a few of the group as Venus lowered her head, leaning down toward Eric, but it only made him lean away and blush harder. The nervous human found himself becoming more and more uncomfortable as the tiger sat next to him.

Fang called out that it was time to eat, and soon everyone crowded around the campfire except for Eric, who just wanted to rest a bit, but Venus insisted on bringing him back a bowl of potatoes and shredded meat.

The conversations around the campfire were happy and full of laughing, though Eric just stayed quiet since they were mostly about travels of the group and adventures that made Eric envious. Just listening to them, he even had to laugh at some of the funnier parts, accompied by Venus sitting next to him all the time, but soon enough he grew used to the large tigeress sitting with him. Sitting there Eric found that the notorious thieves that were a part of the infamous Three Theieves, known across the land as nothing but cut throats and murders, were actually just like everyone else. They laughed and had funny stories and had fun just like everyone else in the world did.

Soon the stories died down and everyone laid back to get some rest, though it was a bit difficult for Eric since it was the middle of the day and the sun was shining down on them, looking around and seeing everyone else either asleep or just resting peacefully there in the sunlight. Leaning his head back against the tree he suddenly felt himself being held from behind. Looking around in a bit of a panic, before he realised that it was Venus wrapping her lower right arm around him and pulling him up against her, her upper right arm petting his head gently. Looking up at the smiling tiger before she closed her eyes and just purred contently. Soon Eric found himself in a light sleep from the constiant petting, but the sleep was quickly interrupted as night soon came and they were once again on their horses and riding away.

The pace was a quick run as they moved to where they were going to ambush the transport heading toward Le'kerra. Everyone was quiet, more or less preparing themselves for what they were going to have to do. Though Eric looked a bit uneasy, he never believed that he would be ambushing a Le'kerra carrage. He had asked Quest what they would be trying to steal before they started on the second half of the ride and found that they were after a Holy Order Amulet that was in the care of several of the Holy Order faction as well as Le'kerra guards.

Thinking over their oposition Eric found himself even more worried, guards were one thing but those that belonged to the Holy Order were blessed with magical abilities and their spells are very dangerous. He was always told to avoid the Holy Order and had to be even more careful now since he wore Leasherria's gauntlet. His thoughts were soon turned to the amulet. Why would someone want to steal a Holy Order item, it wasn't exactly the wisest thing to oppose the Holy Order since they had legions under them and unimaginable Divine power that the gods blessed them with.

Eric was soon broken from his thoughts as Quest called out to stop. Once everyone had stopped they all dismounted, tied their horses to some trees since they didn't want the carriage guards know which way they rode off and continued on foot

The group continued walking in silence 'till they stepped from the large forest onto a very large dirt road that had been compacted down from constant use over the years. A trade path most likely, which would give the carriage some cover as it came from the harbor.

The night was slowly fading as the sun began to peek over the horizon as Quest turned to the group, giving a smile before speaking.

"Alright now, Fang, you find yourself a good vantage point and keep us covered as we take the carrage, lets try to keep the bodies alive. Killing off the La'kerra guards and Holy Order will drop our popularity even more and it'll be harder for us to get jobs." To that everyone nodded, even Eric.

The wolf Fang quickly ran to a large tree and climbed up it as Quest gave out other positions to the rest. Eric was paired with Sash, the black haired lapine, while Rock and Venus were to take the carriage, leaving Quest paired with Kala.

Eric's job was to keep Sash covered as well as help subdue the guards and carriage drivers. With that everyone quickly moved, Eric, Sash and Venus moving to the left side of the road while Quest, Rock and Kala moved to the right and then silence ensued.

Time passed slowly as everyone just sat resting, waiting for the carriage that seemed to be taking it's sweet time to get there. Eric though had slipped behind a tree as soon as he hid, and looked down at the gauntlet to speak with Leasherria who

immediatly spoke to him.

"Mmm, hello Eric, what is it you wish to speak to me about?" Leasherria's voice came in a happy tone which seemed to lift a bit of Eric's mood.

"I wanted to know a bit more about the gauntlet, I figure that you'd know more about it than anyone, right?" that brought a giggle from the dragoness as she agreed.

"Yes, well the gauntlet as you know was made by Baiset and given out to his generals, which gave them immense power. What

you probably don't know about the gauntlet is that they devour the souls of those that are slain by them. They are also powerful weapons that can summon weapons and creatures, as well as powerful spells."

Eric thought over Leasherria's words as she spoke. "So I can summon weapons, creatures and spells?" came his next question, to which Leasherria confirmed with a 'yes.'

"At the moment Eric, you are too weak to do such acts, but later, once you begin to grow acustomed to the gauntlet you will be able to wield extreme power, but what you should know is that using the power will put your life at risk. The spells are a double edged sword which can harm you just as much as they can your opponent."

Eric was about to ask what would happen to him but a paw on his shoulder made him look up to see Sash, who quickly moved away. Slowly crouching up and looking around the tree, he saw a dot in the distance coming toward them. He quickly ducked

back behind the tree. Looking at the gauntlet he sighed and kissed the back of his hand, feeling power fill him before he drew his sword with his left hand, looking across the road seeing Quest nodding to him as she unsheathed both cutlasses from her back before slipping back behind the tree.

Standing there with his back against the tree as he waited for the carriage to come between his and Quests group, the sounds of hooves could be heard as well as metal hitting wood and metal, the carriage was obviously armored and reinforced from what Eric could hear. His heart began to pound as flashes of his first real combat came to him, the black cloaked wolf and cougar, his fellow guards dying and even his friend falling, he felt a chill crawl up his spin as fear began to creep into his mind as he remembered what happened to him when he tried to fight.

Eric closed his eyes as the carriage neared the ambush point, and he felt ready to just curl up and let the others do this job but he suddenly felt something, like two arms wrapping around his chest from behind him comforting him as Leasherria whispered not to be afraid and all his fears were dashed as Quest called from across the road. Everything moved fast as Eric spun around his tree along with everyone else, charging forward to the shocked guards on horses.

There were five guards around the large carriage and two on either side of the carriage driver. Eric charged toward the closest guard to him, the five horseriding guards were riding at all corners of the carriage, with

the fifth at the back of the carriage, all equipped with long swords while the two guards on the carriage held longbows. The carriage itself was made of black metal with large wooden wheels that had metal plating around the wheels. The closest guard to Eric was a feline at the rear right corner of the carriage, the feline was offguard as he looked around quickly at

the sudden attack. He seemed to have been either complete unaware or had little experince outside of a castle wall. Eric had no trouble grabbing the felines arm, pulling him off the horse onto the ground and putting the tip of his sword to the felines throat, making him freeze in fear. Looking up he saw Sash jump onto the rear of the horse, slipping a dagger to the canines throat.

Seeing Sash had done well he looked over his shoulder, seeing that Venus had jumped and smashed her right knee into the guard on the front right side of the carriage knocking him completely off his horse. Venus didn't stop though as she grabbed onto the side of the carriage with her upper left arm, easily pulling herself onto the carriage and ripping the two guards out of their seats and throwing them to the ground.

The carriage driver had been just as surprised as all the guards and quickly gave the reigns a snap, Eric had feared that they would try this, there was no way that they would be able to catch the carriage if the horses took off at full speed since La'kerra horses were some of the fastest in the continent. Only two other breeds could best them, neither of which Eric or any others had access to. As Eric was ready to jump toward the carriage he noticed Rock on the other side. Looking toward the huge bear he saw that he had his massive axe pulled back, ready to hack through a tree.

As the bear roared and swung the massive weapon, the left hind carriage wheel was completely cut in half the carriage horses, whinneying out in protest as they were jerked forward then back roughly.

The carriage dropped down with a loud smash and then everything went quiet, Quest and Kala had taken out the other two guards without trouble and Quest called out to gather the guards up which everyone did quickly. The guards were brought to the the front of the carriage and tied together, along with the carriage driver, by Venus and Sash while Quest demanded that those inside the carriage come out, otherwise they would be pulled out by force.

Eric moved to the back of the carriage, seeing that the large metal door remained closed. Quest gave a small sigh before nodding to Rock, who stepped forward with his hammer. Pulling it back and swinging it smashing it through the door, ripping it completely off the carriage just as Sash and Venus joined him at the back.

As the door was ripped from the carriage a figure draped in white robes that bore several Holy Order symbols. This person's face was covered by the robe's hood and was followed by several other red robed people, some furs, others human. In total there were seven of the Holy order, they grouped around together while Quest moved to the white robed person.

"I take it you're in charge of these people so I'll ask you, where the amulette that we're here for?" The figure remained silent though, and Quest seemed to become angry as she slashed her right blade straight up, cutting the top of the figure's hood, making it fall from it's face showing a female owl.

The owl had an emotionless expression on it's face, to tell it's gender was difficult with the large robe covering it's body, though it seemed to be a female from it's slender head. Eric had never seen an owl before her, so he couldn't tell one way or the other.

Quest laid the side of her left blade on the owls shoulder with the edge resting on the side of it's neck,

"Look here, if you keep quiet I'll have my friend here use his hammer on one of your little friends." Rock stepped forward patting the head of his hammer against his left paw a few times as he glared down at the owl.

The owl blinked and lowered it's head before reaching up with taloned hands and pulled a golden amulet from it's neck, holding it out to Quest who smiled and took it, quickly putting it in the pouch on her right hip.

"Now was that so hard? Alright, lets clear out" she called out, and everyone began to move toward the tree line on the left side of the carriage, Fang jumping from the tree and moving over as well.

Eric was stopped by a paw on his head. Looking up at Venus, who smiled down at him, giving his hair a ruffle making him laugh and knock her paw away with his right arm before he sheathed his sword. Sheathing his sword with his left hand was a little difficult since he wasn't used to it, but he slowly managed with a few swear words. Looking up he saw the owl glaring at him, along with several other of the Holy Order. While the others looked towards each other, the owl stepped forward as she gazed at his right arm.

Eric knew what it was looking at, and smirked before he moved forward, walking right past the owl showing no fear as Venus followed him.

Spinning, the owl glared at Eric. "Ignorant fool, your soul will be lost to such an abomination." The owl's voice was very femenine, which gave away 'her' gender.

Looking over his shoulder at the Holy Order, as did Venus who was right behind the human, he looked at the owl staring at his gauntlet before smiling, giving his palm a kiss and turning to continue back into the forest with Venus right behind, making sure the Holy Order didn't attack him.

Hand of Hell: Chapter 4, Holy Order

It's been a bit since I've posted something else so here's the fourth chapter of Hand of Hell, Lost Soldier and Dragon Hunter should be along when my editor gets a chance to look over them. Vote and comment * * * ...

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Lost Soldier: 1, Rescue

Something that I just started writing and had a friend proof read for me, I made a total of two chapters so far and I don't know if I'll go any further than that, all depends on how the feedback comes in. So far I've been having some mental...

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