The Retreat [Animal Crossing Character TF/TGs]

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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This was something I had on the back burner for the longest time. When inspiration strikes you just go for it. I attempted an AC TF story before, to what I believe wasn't the greatest (though some people had said they liked what they read).

None the less, AC TF and TG fun! Been meaning to re-visit the idea and finally got around to it! Yay!

The group all gathered at the station, ready for this little trip that Jake had thought up. Him along with some friends would travel on the train to visit a nearby town and just have fun exploring it together. It wasn't meant to be any grand destination like say The Grand Cannon or Niagara Falls, but a simple one for the purpose of becoming closer with one another. He invited the couple of Terry and Liz, who had been together for quite some time. Josh came along with his brother Cody. Josh was rather talkative whereas Cody was a bit of a slob. Then there was struggling businesswoman Jessica along with her partner Katrina.

It was a somewhat big group but Jake had hoped that they were all have a great time and make a brand new memory for them all to share. They chatted among each other as they waited for the train to show up.

"So anyways, that's the story about the best soup I've ever had...except I had some pretty amazing soup today...maybe that's a better story!" Josh was telling Katrina and Jessica, who both just gave idle smiles and nods. Truth be told Jessica wasn't paying much attention, and was more keeping eyes on potential new business ventures. Perhaps soup would be something to look into considering how passionate Josh was about it.

"Anyways, I figured I was going to just keep it cas. Why get all done up if were just visiting a town?" Cody said to Liz and Terry, who both gave a nervous and sympathetic smile. None of them commented on Cody's look, who's hair was messy and wearing sweatpants and a tank top, one that was a bit stained at that. The group knew that Josh was messy but didn't want to directly hurt his feelings with their opinions, and often kept their mouth shut.

As the group talking to each other, they could hear a building noise approaching and fast, the train starting to make it's way to the station. "Alright everyone! Let's get ready to have some fun! Maybe we'll learn new things about one another! Let's make a memory!" Jake said grandly to the group as they all crowded into the train, finding seats relatively close to each other.

Terry and Liz sat in their own booth while Josh and Cody sat across from Katrina and Jessica. Meanwhile Jake found a few more people who were a bit quiet and not talking. He went over to introduce himself to them, and get more people in on the adventure! Their names were Jill and John. Jake admitted to himself that he wouldn't want to be alone, and for a moment it seemed like he might. Terry and Liz were a couple and he didn't want to intrude and third wheel, where the other booth his friends sat at was full. In the end everything worked out, especially because how friendly Jill and John were! When Jake explained their plan to them they were on board to join Jake's group.

The train ride went on as the groups chatted with each other. However, the weather was starting to get nasty. Dark clouds rolled in from seemingly out of nowhere and it began to drizzle, before starting to pour down not far after. As if to just stack onto all this lighting starting striking down. All tried to remain calm, however one of the bolts had stricken the train directly. There was a rumble and all looked forward seeing the incredibly odd sight. A kind of transparent blue wall that was approaching them. It grew in speed gradually, before wiping through them all in a flash. For them, everything happened in an instant.

Jake's body became covered with yellow fur, white fur growing on the center part of his face from just above his nose to just before his neck. His hair followed the color chance as it turned the same yellow, going into bangs while some of it became tied up into a bun. His ears became a darker yellow as they became large and floppy. His eyes turned brown as two yellow blush dots formed under them. Jake's nose became small and blue, wet as well while his face pushed out into a slight muzzle. Jake's arms became thinner while his shoulders became less broad. Two small breasts formed as his figure became more that of an hourglass shape underneath his clothes. Jake's manhood vanished from him leaving a only a mere opening there as his insides re-arranged to be much more of a her. A small tail came out from her backside that was yellow with a white tip. Jake's legs became thinner and much shorter, shrinking her down greatly. Lastly a white short sleeve blouse forms along with a long sleeve orange vest, a bow tied at the color. Jake's pant legs fused together to become a skirt, complete with a tail hole to complete his psychical transformation. A brief mental stimuli occurred as new memories came out her in an instant, replacing old ones. Jake was now Isabelle.

Liz's changes were very similar to Jake's. Chocolate brown fur covered her body with a white streak of fur went down the center of her face. Pink freckles had also formed on each cheek. Her ears had become floppy and long, turning a dark brown. Her hair became shorter and messed with her fur, becoming a bit messy. Liz's legs became smaller as her feet turned circular. A tail formed behind her as her childbearing hips became less pronounced and much more fitting proportions for a male. Adding onto that her womanhood was quickly replaced with something foreign now between her legs. Liz's breasts became flat to her chest as his shoulders became broad. His arms gained more mass as well. Liz's shorts grew longer and became a pair of fitting jeans for his new body. A white collared shirt formed as well along with a yellow tie, a red suit forming over that. The mental wave hit and he knew himself as Digby, sister of Isabelle.

Terry's hair became brown and was tied up into a bun with a blue polka dot bow. Pink fur adorned his body save for white around his mouth region. His nose became brown and larger, his face pushing out slightly. Mascara formed, highlighting Terry's new eyebrows. Freckles formed on his cheeks not unlike Liz as his legs became shorter, feet becoming blue. Terry's hips and rear expanded outward to feminine proportions as a flat pink tail formed behind him. Two buds formed at his chest to become breasts and womanhood formed below, forcing Terry's sex to swap. Terry's outfit almost became identical to the new Isabelle's save for a yellow bow and a red suit jacket much like the new Digby's. Mental changes hit as she knew herself as Lottie, hoping the trip would bring her closer to Digby.

Jill's body shrunk down greatly to the size of the others while her feminine figure was quickly lost. A long bushy white, navy, and light blue tail formed behind her. Navy fur grew over most of her body, save for white fur at her front while a certain something found it's way between Jill's legs, signaling a change in gender. His breasts became flat as his hands grew white fur, navy fur down the rest of his arms. Jill's nose became orange and pushed out into a large muzzle. His hair turned light blue and white as a brown flat cap formed to cover most of it up. Along with this, khaki suspenders formed over his body. The mental wave hit as Jill knew himself as the shoe store owner Sticks.

John, Cody, and Josh all went through similar changes. John grew blue quills, Cody lavender, and Josh brown. Their hair became most "sharp" quills as they grew tails that matched their color. Their hips and rears both expanded outward to feminine proportions while they all got rather small mounds on their chests. Their manhood was replace by a flat surface and a rather different reproductive system, making them female. Their noses became much large and turned black and pushed outward. All their ears became circular and moved to the top of their heads. John had visible eyebrows and large orange blush dots on her cheeks while Josh's eyelids drooped halfway and freckles formed in the center of her face. Meanwhile Cody got blue eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. John and Josh's clothing vanished, replaced with mere plaid aprons, John got a green one while Josh got a pink. Cody got a rather snazzy looking dress and bow, giving her a fashionable look. All three soon got their new memories. John was Mabel, Josh Sable, and Cody Labelle, all of them sisters who had recently been making amends and were starting to become a full family again.

Jessica's body grew brown fur all over, a dark brown fur forming on her face to resemble a mask. Her ears became circular and moved to the top of her head while a puffy brown tail come from her backside. Her hips, rear, and chest all flattened, and she also gained a bit of a gut. Manhood formed between her legs as Jessica's gender swapped. His shoulders lost their feminine look as they became much more square and broad. Her body shrunk as her nose became quite long. Her outfit became a pair of black pants along with a long sleeve white shirt with red tie, Lastly a green sweater vest formed over it. The mental changes hit as she remembered herself only as Tom Nook.

Katrina's body shrunk greatly as a thin but pointy blue tail formed from behind her. Her hips and rear were no longer pronounced as her hourglass figure became much more flat with her body, granting her a much more masculine one. As her breasts "deflated" a new organ was finding it's way between her legs, confirming the sex change. White fur formed going down his front while blue fur surrounded it. Whiskers formed on both sides of his face while Katrina's nose became large and brown. His hair became almost non existent, in a small comb over. Katrina's ears became smaller while her eyebrows became thick and brown. Katrina's skirt had became a pair of jeans with brown shoes replacing her old ones. His outfit was identical to Digby's, except Katrina now supported glasses. The memories hit and she knew herself as Lyle, uncle to Lottie.

After all the changes were done, the train had stopped, and at a station no less! Everyone began to exit out of the train orderly. Lottie tried to get next to Digby, but was constantly unintentionally blocked by Tom Nook, her boss. They all gathered and formed a circle, all facing Isabelle.

"Okay everyone, first off thank you for taking time out of your busy days to come on this little retreat. Hopefully we can all form stronger bonds since we are the working force in out fine town! Let's relax and have some fun! You all deserve it!" Isabelle told the crowd, of which all cheered happily. It was about time they could finally get away from their town to just have fun.

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