Big Blue Feet

Story by Dreamous on SoFurry

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#1 of Big Blue Feet

This is a yaoi (m/m) foot fetish lemon between Davis and Xveemon/Flamedramon. If you said "eww" or are under 18 then don't read it. If you're ok, then read. Enjoy. ;) (Old work!!! At least a year or two.)

Big Blue Feet

Davis slowly laid down on the soft, deep green grass. The group was staying the night in the digital world, and Davis had decided to sleep away from everyone else. He was at a particular angle so he could see Xveemon perfectly. Xveemon had stayed in that form jut in case any evil digimon attacked. Davis really wished he hadn't. Davis, however much he didn't want to be, was sweet for Xveemon. Well... not only Xveemon, but his feet.

Davis slowly studied the big, beautiful form. Xveemon was lying against a rock face, his legs strait out in front of him, his head leaning to his right in his sleep. Davis studied the beautiful form. He looked to the gray X across his chest, the beautiful cream and blue skin tightly covering his powerful muscles. Davis looked to the beautiful curves and contours of Xveemon's body, how the seamless skin of his chest moved slowly with his breathing. He looked between the large, muscular legs of Xveemon, where he would have loved to play with something special. Davis blushed severely, and quickly looked away from that area. He looked to Xveemon's beautiful feet. The soles were facing Davis, the bright blue skin slightly grayed by the dirt on them. Xveemon's toes were all strait up, the large gray/white claws on the ends showing well against the beautiful bright blue skin.

Davis practically drowned in his own drool. To see Xveemon's beautiful... no, godly body was too much for him. He felt a strange feeling in his tummy, a tingly feel. He had to do something. He slowly got to his feet, his legs feeling like jelly. He slowly walked to Xveemon, and sat in front of the huge digimon within arms reach. He sat therefor awhile, just absorbing the sights of Xveemon. The light breeze changed direction and Davis could smell Xveemon. It was a strong, powerful scent, but didn't overcome his senses. It just kind of... he just would never forget the smell. It was imprinted in his mind forever. Not that he minded. He loved it.

Davis built up some courage. He slowly reached out with a shaking arm and lightly touched the sole of the foot. It was slightly harder than the rest of Xveemon's skin, but still very warm. Davis slowly moved his hand over the large foot, and then he felt a slightly softer spot. He rubbed over it again, and Xveemon winced. Xveemon's head slowly raised, and his large red eyes slowly opened.

Davis watched this with a small bit of wonder, seeing Xveemon's features contour in his awakening, his big, beautiful eyes... and because of this he forgot to take his hand off. Xveemon looked down at Davis and gave a large yawn, showing his incredible teeth. "What are you doing, Davis?" Davis paused for a moment, thinking. "Well... ummm... I was trying to wake you up. I've wanted to ask you something for awhile." Xveemon gave him a questioning look. "Why haven't you asked me before?" good question thought Davis. "Well, in your Xveemon form you seem a lot older and mature than you Demiveemon or Veemon form." *sweat drop* Xveemon paused, then replied, "Well, that is true. Digimon do mature as they evolve." He though of digimon that were megas and still jackasses. "Well, usually anyway. What's your question?"

Davis looked to the handsome digimon. "Well, I was wondering if digimon got into relationships, like we do in the real world." Xveemon was kind of startled by this question. Good thing he was in a more mature form. He might have done or said something really stupid in another form. "Well, most digimon do, if we find someone. Some digimon types don't. Relationships are rare though because of constant fighting. Also, there are few digiwomen so...ugh..." Xveemon's face turned a little purple as he blushed lightly. "Well, many digimon are homosexual. If it wasn't for our data being recycled, we would be wiped out." Xveemon winced again. "Could you take your hand off my foot. I stepped on a boulder today, and it's a bit sore." Davis got a thoughtful look in his eyes, then a light flush crossed his face. "Can I try to help?" Xveemon gave a questioning look again. "Sure." Davis started to massage the tender part of Xveemon's foot with both hands, causing Xveemon to sigh in pleasure.

They stayed like that for a while, Davis rubbing the pain away. Then he asked another question. "How many relationships have you had, Xveemon?" Xveemon looked a bit stunned. "Well, between all my forms I have had four relationships." He thought back to these. It still hurt when he thought about them. "In this form I haven't had any." "Ummm... were they male or female digimon?" Davis's face went scarlet red with this question. Xveemon smiled to him. "Don't be so embarrassed about it. I'm not, so you shouldn't. Yes, they were all guys." Davis's heart leapt with joy, then he looked in Xveemon's eyes, and saw the hurt there. "I'm so sorry Xveemon. I didn't mean to hurt you." A bit of a sparkle returned to Xveemon's eyes. "It's okay. Why do you want to know?" Davis looked to Xveemon. Yes, he could trust Xveemon. "Well, I like a guy and I want your advice on what to do."

Davis blushed, and Xveemon was taken back. Davis was gay, or bi, also. He had never thought Davis was, the way he went for Kari. Then Xveemon came back to the reality. "Well, why don't you just tell him?" Davis thought this over. "You know, your right, why shouldn't I tell him?" Davis paused for a moment and finally said, "Um, Xveemon, I kind of... like you." Xveemon was a bit taken back again. He had suspected it, but Davis had actually confirmed it! He liked him! Xveemon realized that Davis was looking at the ground. Davis thought that Xveemon was mad at him for Davis liking him. Xveemon picked Davis up and set Davis in his lap, then used his pointer finger to gently move Davis's head so they were looking into each other's eyes. "It's okay Davis. I like you too." A large smile spread across Davis's face. Their heads slowly edged towards one another's, till their lips softly met, or as good as they could between such different sizes. Xveemon's lips covered a lot of Davis's face, but they managed. More than managed, they both enjoyed it very much. They continued to kiss softly, and Davis felt something press against his lips. He slowly opened his mouth, and felt Xveemon's large tongue enter his mouth.

Davis had to open his mouth about a little over halfway to its limit. Davis gladly rubbed Xveemon's tongue with his own, the two salvias blending. Xveemon's tongue slid further and further into Davis's mouth, slowly leading down Davis's throat. Davis had taken four or five inches of tongue into his throat, and he gagged. Xveemon quickly pulled his tongue out. Davis gave a sheepish smile and looked down. Then he noticed a slit in Xveemon's groin, and the tip of a blue penis starting to show. Davis looked up to Xveemon with a sarcastic grin on. "Looks like you like me a whole lot." Xveemon gave the same grin back and used a single large finger to rub Davis's groin, causing Davis to moan as something hard there was touched. Xveemon laughed. "You too."

They both kind of froze, and Davis was again the one to break the silence. "Xveemon, have you ever had gay sex before?" Xveemon smiled to him. "only a few times. That was one of the reasons that I broke up with Agumon. All he wanted was sex." Xveemon looked at the expression on Davis's face. "Oops. Probably shouldn't have mentioned that." Davis chose to ignore that comment. "Well, Xveemon, since you've had sex before... will you show me how to?" Davis's face was bright red at asking, and his prick at full attention.

Xveemon smiled to Davis again, and pulled him into a tight hug. "Of course, little one. I'll be happy to show you." Davis smiled to him. "I already know basic gay sex. I've seen it online before, so I was wondering if we could try some other things." Xveemon asked, "Like what?" Davis gave another sheepish look and glanced at Xveemon's feet. Xveemon gave a huge grin and set Davis in front of him, crossing his legs together so his feet were stacked in front of Davis. "How about you get out of those uncomfortable clothes and give our body a breath of fresh air. After, my feet are hurting a bit. Could you rub them?" Davis flew out of his clothes. He stood there in front of the large blue feet, his six-inch erection standing strait up.

Davis slowly walked over to the feet. He reached his hand out, and touched it. *I can't believe I get to actually do this!* He slowly hugged the feet, taking in the deep smell. Then his hands started to roam over the feet, over the hard soles, the sharp claws, the beautiful toes. Then he took the next step. He rubbed his whole body against the feet, especially his face. As he rubbed his face on the feet, he let his tongue out, tasting the delicious flesh. It was salty and had the slight taste of dirt, but there was another taste. An incredible taste. As he tasted the flesh, he slowly started to move towards the toes. Davis slowed, licking gently between the toes. At occasions Xveemon would squirm or giggle, especially when Davis would suck on one of his toes. Davis finally climbed up onto Xveemon's legs, resting his back against Xveemon's feet.

"Thank you so much Xveemon. Before I continue I want to thank you." As Davis said this, he stood up. Davis walked over to Xveemon's crotch. The tip of the blue head was still showing. Davis got on his knees and licked the tip, causing Xveemon to shiver and sigh in pleasure. Davis took the head into his mouth- stretching it to it's limits- and moved down the head, till the inch showing was in his mouth. Xveemon's member started to slide further out of its slit till all three feet were showing, four inches of which were in Davis's mouth. Davis's hands started to rub Xveemon's large, bright-blue balls. As his hands roamed, Davis bobbed his head up and down on Xveemon's large member, his tongue tracing patterns along the tender underside. Davis could hear and feel the moans going through Xveemon's body. Davis's hand roamed down the side of Xveemon's balls, between the sack and the side of his leg. It was moist and hot.

Davis slowly took his mouth off the meat, his hands replacing it. His hands stroked all over the thick meat, while Davis put his head near the moist abyss. He sniffed, and a strong musk entered his nose. Davis put his face to the point where the leg touched balls, and pushed it between them. His face was instantly covered with the musk-laced sweat. Davis started to lick across the hot flesh, a strong flavor entering his mouth with the sweat. He started to feel giddy, the overpowering smell getting to him. Davis pulled his face out and leaned against Xveemon's large cock, a bit tipsy. It was hard to get off a cock half as big as you.

Xveemon looked down to the tired body of Davis and smiled. "Why don't I help you?" He picked Davis up and carried him over to soft grass. Xveemon laid Davis in a kind of ditch. The ground was about two feet shorter, like a small crater. Xveemon asked, "Comfy?" Davis smiled to him and nodded. He knew what Xveemon was thinking. Xveemon laid belly down over the hole, resting his precum-soaked member against Davis. Davis hugged the large member and started to lick it, tasting the wonderful precum.

Xveemon started to hump slowly. He felt his member slide across Davis, feeling every detail of Davis's body, from the soft skin with occasional hair to the hot and hard member between his legs. Xveemon started to hump faster, his climax nearing from the constant attention of Davis. Xveemon started to moan and dig his claws into the ground.

He closed his eyes tightly, trying to hang on, but at alas, his orgasm tore through him as it had never before. His cum spurted out as if it had never before, seeming to go on forever. Davis felt the warm seed flow over him, causing him to cum at the same time. The ditch filled with the lightly blue tinted cum, making a sort of bath for Davis. They both moaned each other's names in pleasure as the electricity flowed through them. The flow finally abated, Xveemon sitting back and letting Davis free. All of Davis's body was covered in the pool but his face, which had a coat over it anyways.

Xveemon smiled and dipped his foot in the cum, and offered it to Davis. "Your thanks this time." Davis smiled and started to lick the foot, getting a lot of cum with each stroke. When he had his fill of the blue treat, he signaled for Xveemon to come in. Xveemon walked over and lifted Davis up. Then Xveemon sat in the pool, causing it to overflow a bit, and then set Davis on his chest. Davis held to the chest tightly, rubbing against it, feeling the soft flesh. Davis licked one of Xveemon's nipples, causing it to harden. Xveemon felt his member start to harden already. He looked down to Davis.

"Do you think we could do something else?" Davis looked up to the blue dragon and smiled. "Of course." Xveemon wrapped his arms around Davis and flew into the air, going to the top of the cliff he was leaning against earlier. Once up there he set Davis down. He jumped into the air, half way through de-digivolving to Veemon. Veemon landed all clean, a pile of spoog landing behind him from midair, then Veemon digivolved to Flamedramon. Flamedramon turned around to face Davis, his now white member at full attention. Davis gasped softly. Flamedramon's member was now eight inches and thick. He was still huge, even in this smaller form. Flamedramon walked around the puddle of cream and hugged Davis, his groin rubbing against Davis's. Davis's member soon responded, gaining it's full length. Flamedramon released Davis, then scooped some warm cum into his paw.

Flamedramon walked back and slowly rubbed the cream over Davis's length, eliciting a moan from Davis. Flamedramon leaned close and licked Davis's ear, then whispered, "I want you to penetrate me." Flamedramon got on his hands and knees and raised his tail, then looked needingly back at Davis. Davis stood dumbfounded. He had just let out his passion for Flamedramon and now he was going to be able to do something he had dreamed of sense Veemon's first evolution. Flamedramon whimpered a little, bringing Davis back to the here and now. Davis smiled to Flamedramon. He walked up behind the blue dragon, and placed the head of his member against Flamedramon's tight tail hole. Davis started to push in and Flamedramon moaned loudly at this.

Davis had never felt something so good before. It was as if his cock was surrounded by a thousand hot tongues, all licking and smothering the meat. Davis started to hump away furiously. Flamedramon let out a hiss, glad that this form's passage was already stretched. He felt Davis hump harder and harder, and all the sudden Davis toppled onto him. A warmth spreading through his innards. Flamedramon let out a soft mrring sound, but didn't come. It had been too fast. It wasn't surprising, Davis being a virgin. Davis slowly pulled out of Flamedramon, letting out a moan of his own. Davis laid back on the ground, reveling in afterglow. Then he saw that Flamedramon was still very erect. Davis regained his strength and walked over to Flamedramon. He went to his knees in front of Flamedramon. Davis let out his tongue, then lightly licked Flamedramon's white member; he then slowly took the member into his mouth, torturing Flamedramon, who was lightly petting Davis's head. Davis started to lavish Flamedramon's dick with hot saliva, causing Flamedramon to moan in ecstasy. Davis slowed to a stop, then stood up and hugged Flamedramon, looking at him in the eyes. "Now it's your turn."

Flamedramon looked back into Davis's eyes, and licked his face. Then he murmured, "I don't want to. It will hurt you a lot. I'm a digimon, and I still cried my first time. I don't' want you to feel that pain." Davis kissed him softly on the lips. "I don't care if it hurts. I want you to penetrate me. And besides, the pleasure you give me will more than compensate." Flamedramon smiled to him. "Well, if you insist, but I'm going to go slow and really prep you." It's ok, I'll do anything for you, my love." At hearing this, Flamedramon's heart felt warmed. "Ok, get on all fours." Davis did as instructed. Flamedramon came up behind Davis and kneeled down. He took Davis's firm cheeks and spread them, then let his tongue snake out and the small tip rub against Davis's pucker. Davis started to giggle and moan, then Flamedramon started to slowly press his tongue deep into Davis's eager hole. Davis liked the feeling, until about four inches in when Flamedramon's tongue began to get too thick. Davis clutched the ground tightly, his ring starting to hurt. Flamedramon noticed this, and started to slow down. He would only push a little in, then lick and rub the sides to counter the pain. Davis's own prick started to grow uncertainly, the pleasure helping it but the pain preventing it. Flamedramon finally got ten inches in, which he thought would be thick enough. Then Flamedramon tasted a small amount of blood. He started to pull out but Davis said, "NO! I need to be able to take it. Don't worry, the pain is already lessening." Flamedramon thought for a moment. "Oshay." He slowly started to tongue-fuck Davis again, and Davis started to moan. Flamedramon continued the treatment until Davis's tight ring relaxed and wasn't over-stretched. Flamedramon pulled his tongue out, then listened to Davis pant. Flamedramon reached under Davis's legs and dragged his claw along Davis's tender heat, causing Davis to gasp. "Looks like you did like that. Now it's my turn to have fun." With that, Flamedramon slid his eight inches of white glory into Davis.

Davis gritted his teeth slightly, Flamedramon's member being thicker that his tongue. He could feel every little vein of Flamedramon's member, and the heat it put off. Davis was instantly in heaven. As Flamedramon started to hump, Davis started to push back into the rhythm. They both sated to moan and cry out, Davis being so tight and hot. Within a few minutes both came, Davis having only a little dribble while Flamedramon over-filled Davis with seed. Once they both finished, they collapsed onto the ground, exhausted by their exertions. Flamedramon licked the back of Davis's neck and moaned, "I love you too." They fell asleep with Flamedramon still in Davis, dreaming of loving each other.

So, here's the first of the foot fetishes. Hope you liked it. Comments go to [email protected] Thanks ?