Bunny Beta Testing
A bunny finds himself being tested by his two new owners.
There is a lot to this story to me personally. This is likely the most personal thing I have written since "Coming Out". This story covers probably my deepest sexual fantasy of all time.
Still working out the details, but this will most likely become a permanent thing, with more stories to follow.
"Slut Bun? Can you hear me?"
Slut Bun. That was important. It was important to him. Why was it important him? Slut Bun. That was it, it was his name!
Slut Bun came to full awareness. Everything was still dark. He felt himself lying on his back, with the soft carpet holding him warmly. He couldn't feel the pressure of any clothes. That was good, he knew. Slut Bun was always supposed to be nude. He wiggled his rear and his fingers.
"Everything's so dark," Slut Bun finally whimpered.
"Yes," the deep voice replied with a clicking sound that Slut Bun identified as a chuckle. "You're wearing a blindfold, Slut Bun."
"Okay," Slut Bun said quietly.
"I hope he has Jay Dee's memories," another, less deep voice said. "Otherwise this could take longer than we had planned."
At the words, Slut Bun gasped as a flood of images filled his head. They were memories, but not his, not Slut Bun's memories- they were like lessons learned at school, that he had seen but not himself experienced. Jay Dee. That was the name of his Other Side- the part of him that wasn't Slut Bun, the part that couldn't just be a horny, slutty, bunny pet all the time. The thought made Slut Bun sad, but then he remembered that Jay Dee would remember everything that happened to Slut Bun, and he shuddered at the thought of bringing the other pleasure.
But more importantly, Jay Dee's memories allowed Slut Bun to identify the two very important voices. The deeper one was Master Trystram: who, judging by the chirping and clicking laughter was in his stunningly handsome muscular orca form. The other voice, the less deep one, was Master RJ- though the attractive lithe white tiger often just went by Master Tiger or Master Tigre. They were Slut Bun's... owners. The bunny felt a stirring in his exposed loins at the thought of being the property of two such handsome and loving masters.
"How are you feeling bun bun?" Master Tryst asked. His smell, a musk with a hint of salt air, grew stronger- which gave Slut Bun the impression that Master Tryst had leaned over him.
"I feel... empty," Slut Bun replied. He started to lift his paw to point. "Her..."
A big powerful paw suddenly took hold of Slut Bun's wrist. The bunny let out a squeak of surprise. The pressure on Slut Bun's wrist eased.
"I'm sorry bun," Master Tryst said.
"Yeah," Master Tigre put in. "But you're not quite finished yet."
Slut Bun frowned. "What do you mean Master?"
"It's part of the process," Master Tryst said as he nuzzled Slut Bun's cheek with his snout and chattered reassuringly. "What you look like isn't finished yet. We're just testing out the transformation, some of the triggers, and if you are a good bun we will have some fun. But, we don't want you to get a false image of what you are going to be- that's why the blindfold. And that's why no pointing, and no touching yourself, okay?"
"Okay," Slut Bun agreed. Any desire he might have felt to touch himself or take off his blindfold was instantly gone.
"So," Master Tigre continued, and now his scent of woods with a hint of spice became stronger. "Use your words. Where do you feel empty?"
"My head, Master Tiger," the bunny replied. "And under my tail."
Master Tigre giggled and leaned in and gave Slut Bun a lick on the cheek.
"So, the emptiness in your head is because we haven't filled you with how to Slut Bun properly," Master Tryst said. "We will fill it in time. Is it uncomfortable, or scary?"
"No, Master Tryst," Slut Bun replied. Master's words made perfect sense- he would be told how to be a proper pet in time. "It just feels weird."
"Okay," Master Tryst said quietly. He took a gentle hold of Slut Bun's wrists and pulled the bun into a sitting position. Master Tigre leaned in and gave the base of his ear a gentle lick. "Why don't we quickly test out the triggers we have put in so far, and then we'll see about getting that rear of yours full."
Slut Bun nodded as Master Tigre massaged his shoulders.
"Alright, what happens when you hear 'Slut Bun'?"
"That only effects Slut Bun's Other Side," the bunny recited with pride. "It wakes up Slut Bun, the Other's deepest sexual fantasy- to be a slutty, horny, hypnotized bunny pet for his wonderful owners."
"And 'tail lifter' does what?"
The bunny instinctively rolled over on to his paws and knees and lifted his rear (and hopefully his tail) into the air. "Slut Bun or the other will both be filled with the desire to present their rears for Masters' use. If they have not prepared, they will be filled with the desire to do so and then present." He wiggled his rear. "The other prepared, so Slut Bun can present."
"Very good," Master Tryst said with a kiss that made Slut Bun tingle throughout his body. The sea breeze smell of the orca was so exotic compared to the woodsy (but amazing) smell of Master Tigre or most other furs. "And finally, without saying it, do you know the command that lets Slut Bun go to sleep and get his rest while the other wakes up?"
"What is that command to the other?" Slut Bun hesitated. The other had been slightly worried about using this as a command, since to him it was too common. But the Masters had insisted, saying that they rarely used it, so there was no real danger of it being used accidentally.
"It is the Other's proper first name," the bunny said finally.
"Very good, Slut Bun," Master Tryst said with a kiss that Master Tigre mirrored on Slut Bun's other cheek. Both Masters each put a paw on one of his rump cheeks.
Slut Bun moaned loudly as a warm feeling spread through his body from where the paws rested on his rump. While he might not know what he what he looked like, he knew that he would have two paw prints on his ass- one declaring him to be the property of Master Tryst, the other declaring him the property of Master Tigre. The rabbit felt his shaft harden and throb as he thought about how erotic and wonderful it was to be the property of his two wonderful owners.
"So," Master Tigre purred with a chuckle as he rubbed the bunny's rear. "Shall we deal with that empty tail hole of yours, Slut Bun?"
"Please, Masters," Slut Bun moaned and lifted his tail higher.
"Well, how can I deny a bun bun when he asks so nicely?" Master Tryst asked, his voice sounding a little distant. "And how could anyone resist that wonderful bunny butt?"
"I know I can't," Master Tigre replied. Slut Bun felt the tiger's paws spread his cheeks wide, exposing his tail hole.
Slut Bun gasped as a cool sensation spread across his tail hole, and his tail hole was massaged for a moment. Then he gasped again as the pressure suddenly pushed into his tail hole. Slut Bun groaned as the thick finger worked the lube into his tail hole. Master Tiger purred into Slut Bun's ears as he held the rabbit's rear apart, while Master Tryst chattered and clicked while he fingered the bun. Finally, the orca pulled his finger from Slut Bun's tail hole. Slut Bun felt the weight of the orca settle against him and felt the tip of the orca's warm, thick shaft settle on his tail hole. Then, Master Tryst seemed to change his mind and put his large paws on the bunny's hips and pulled the bun to his hind paws. Then the orca resettled himself, gently pushing the bunny down so that he was bent over. Slut Bun's nose settled into a furry, purring wall.
"Why don't you try a little lower?" Master Tigre asked with a chuckle. He took hold of Slut Bun's paws and placed them on his hips. Then he gently pushed Slut Bun's head down to the scent of musk and arousal. Slut Bun licked his lips in anticipation.
Master Tryst chose that moment to thrust himself into Slut Bun's tail hole. The rabbit gasped and moaned into Master Tigre's stomach fur as the thick orca shaft stretched the ring of his tail hole and slid into his lubricated insides. Then the orca began to thrust into him in earnest, and Master Tigre pushed down Slut Bun's head until the warm, wet, musky tip of his cock tapped the rabbit's nose.
Slut Bun instinctively opened his muzzle and took the tiger's shaft into his maw. He began to suckle on Master Tigre's cock. The tiger gently began to thrust into Slut Bun's muzzle. Slut Bun was in heaven as both his masters thrust into both ends of him. Between his legs, his bunny cock throbbed and he could feel it leaking. Master Tryst's weight settled against him, and the orca whispered things that the bun didn't hear. But as the orca clicked at him, he lost all desire to cum- his body wasn't ready, Masters would make the other cum. That was fine with Slut Bun. If Masters thought it was a good idea, it was.
For many moments, Slut Bun was lost in a haze of ecstasy, a thick orca shaft under his tail, and a barbed tiger shaft in his muzzle. The thrust from his masters sent little shocks up and down the bunny and he felt his cock throb and drip an almost constant stream of pre from his own tip. Slut Bun moaned around Master Tigre's shaft each Master Tryst's balls slapped against his rear. Above him, there was an almost constant stream of growls, moans, purrs, and clicks. Then, Master Trystram withdrew, his thick orca cock making the rabbit shudder as its tip slid out of his tail hole.
"Whew," the orca panted. His voice grew distant from the rabbit as Master Tigre also pulled from Slut Bun's muzzle. "I need a bit of break."
"Then, if the bun doesn't mind, I think I'll take over back here," Master Tigre said as he ran a paw down Slut Bun's spine and squeezed the rabbit's rear.
"Bring him over here," Master Tryst called. "He can help me keep ready."
Master Tigre helped Slut Bun stand up straight and then guided him to where the sea breeze scent of orca was stronger. Then he bent the rabbit over until a large orca paw took Slut Bun's. That done, Slut Bun was again reduced to moans as a barbed tiger cock entered his waiting tail hole. But Master Tryst took Slut Bun's paws and placed them on the hard muscles of his thighs. The orca paws disappeared, and Slut Bun heard a crinkling sound.
"Hey little bun bun," Master Tryst whispered. "Why don't you keep me up while I rest?"
Slut Bun hesitated a moment- surely Master Tryst's cock was covered in lube, not to mention whatever was in the bun's tail hole- and Master hadn't put his cock near the blindfolded bunny's muzzle. But if Master needed to be sucked...
"Here bun," Master Tryst cut into the rabbit's thoughts. He placed something warm and slightly wet into Slut Bun's paw. After rolling it around to get the feel of it, he realized it was a condom. "Put it on, and then gently suck me off." With that he pushed Slut Bun's paws back on to his thighs.
Slut Bun began moving his paws along the muscular cetacean thigh. It took him a few tries (distracted as he was by the tiger cock that had begun to pound him in earnest), but eventually he located Master Tryst's well-toned abdominals, and from there to find the hardness between his leg. Slut Bun rolled the condom in his fingers again until he got the tip side up, then slowly unrolled it down Master's thick shaft. Then he began to gently suck on Master's now orange flavored shaft. He followed Master's instructions and did not work hard to try and get Master Tryst off- he only sucked hard enough to keep the orca's wonderful erection up while Master Tigre worked to fill his tail hole.
They stayed like that for a long time- Slut Bun gently suckling on orca cock while Master Tigre's barbed shaft worked the bunny's tail hole. Slut Bun moaned around Master Tryst's shaft as Master Tigre's pace increased and sent shudders of pleasure through the rabbit. Suddenly, the tiger's growls and purrs changed to pants and Master Tigre thrust deep inside Slut Bun. The rabbit groaned as he felt the tiger's shuddering release. He could almost feel himself swelling a little as the tiger's seed filled him. As the panting tiger finally leaned on Slut Bun's rear, completely spent, Master Tryst pulled the rabbit's muzzle off of his cock and chuckled.
"Did you like that, Slut Bun?" the orca asked quietly.
"Mmmhm," Slut Bun replied in imitation of Master Tryst's speaking style.
Then Slut Bun squeaked in surprise as he was lifted off his paws. Master Tigre's softening shaft slid easily from his well-used tail hole, only to be quickly replaced by the smooth thickness of Master Tryst's cock as the bunny was lowered on to it. As soon as his knees touched something firm, Slut Bun instinctively began to bounce, riding Master Tryst's cock. The orca had his paws on Slut Bun's hips, and guided the bunny with his paws and words of encouragement. Soon, Master Tigre leaned in and began to gently lick the base of Slut Bun's ears.
After several pleasurable moments, Master Tryst began to pant and shoved Slut Bun down into his lap. Then he gasped, and the massive orca cock inside Slut Bun throbbed and erupted. This time, Slut Bun was sure he felt his insides swell with the force of the orca's release. Finally, Master Tryst pulled Slut Bun into his muscular arms and held him tight.
"Was that good for you, bun?" Master Tryst finally asked.
"Yes Master Tryst," Slut Bun replied. "I loved it."
"And we love you," the orca replied, with a sound of agreement from Master Tigre. "And that's why we want you to get plenty of rest. Are you ready to sleep and wake up the other?'
"Yes, Master," Slut Bun replied, a feeling of sleepiness already settling over him. He pressed himself against the orca's muscular chest.
"Okay, Jaden."
Jay Dee awoke to darkness and the warm feeling of being pressed into someone else's arms. It took the foxdragon a moment to remember he was wearing a blindfold. With that revelation, he reached up and pulled it off to find himself looking into Tryst's violet eyes.
"Heh. I guess that was a successful test for Slu..."
Jay Dee reached up a red furred paw and planted it on the bigger orca's snout. "You stop that."
When it seemed that Tryst really wasn't going to keep going, Jay released his snout and got up off the orca's lap and the couch. He gave himself a quick assessment (and saw the condom hanging on the side of the trashcan next to the couch), smoothing his fur and rubbing pre from his belly scales. His Other side had mostly left him with emotions and sensations, which had his cock at full attention and his knot beginning to swell. His tail hole had the tenderness he always associated with sex. His long tail flicked at the thought.
"I guess so," he finally agreed.
RJ looked up from where he had been rummaging in the drawer next to the couch and gave a mischievous smile. "Tail lifter."
"What the fuck!" Jay protested as his tail shot into the air. "You just came!"
"Yeah, but you didn't," the tiger replied, fastening the buckles on their strap-on. Sitting in the ring was Jay Dee's gryphon dildo- one of the few creatures Tryst didn't become. RJ slathered some lube on the toy, and then positioned it in the foxdragon's already slick tail hole. Jay turned as if to seek help from Tryst, but the big orca had already slid from the couch and was kneeling before Jay's quivering shaft. Tryst smiled and gave it a few strokes before taking it in his muzzle, while Tiger thrust into Jay's tail hole with the dildo.
Soon, Jay Dee was too busy moaning at the attention to complain any more.