Becoming the Queen

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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The first completed YCH story, done for Rennec on FA . If you're interested in getting one yourself, all the info is at

The story is meant to be an origin for the lovely Cypherael, depicted here

Becoming the Queen

Commission for Rennec by Solstice

This story is the first of a 'YCH Story' series I'm offering, for the awesome Rennec of Furaffinity. If you like the story and are interested in something similar, or another scenario, please check

When the first droplets of rain spattered onto Cypherael's head, the small brown mouse knew that she had to find shelter. Despite all the signs, and the sunny forecast from the shaman in the town she'd departed from two days previous, the weather was starting to turn, and fast. "Just once. Just once," Cypherael muttered to herself as she pulled her pale yellow headfur up into a high ponytail, leaving her bangs hanging. "I would like to have a trip go as planned."

Crouching down, she began to rummage through her backpack, pulling out a wax-coated map that she'd been given that showed the general lay of the land. "Fuck," she growled as she took note of the landmarks on the large sheet. She'd been traveling east of one of the trail markers that were noted on the paper for almost a day. From the look of it, the nearest settlement was over half a day's journey away.

Getting up from her crouch, she cursed again. She hated traveling in this area of the country. Rolling hills, rocky ridges, and the tallest greenery didn't even come to her waist. There wasn't a tree in sight anywhere. Well, she thought to herself, that's a lie. Far in the distance, she could see the tree-capped peaks of the great Westlyn Range. Not that it would do her much good; that was a good three days walk. The only good thing about the area was there was a lot of safe berry bushes and tubers to be dug up. And, as much as she hated to eat meat, there was game to be caught in the snares she'd brought with her. "Cyphey, you idiot, why didn't you pay for a horse? Nooo, it's too much, you said. You're not expected in Kalest for a month, you said. It's two and a half weeks by foot, you said. Now what the hell are you gonna do? You could have been to the forests by now."

Another drop of rain spattered down onto Cy, this time on her nose, making her sneeze. All she could see all around her were the tiny scrub bushes and grass. Soon, even more rain was pouring down; if she didn't do_something_ soon, she'd be completely soaked to the bone. All the same, the most she could do is keep on her way and hope she found shelter of some sort. Just because there weren't any full settlements, there was a chance she'd at least find a private homestead. It was prime land for it, after all.

She folded up the map and shoved it back into her pack. Not for the first time, she was reminded why she liked working as a courier for Numis back in Kalest. The old rat was always sending her to find the most obscure books. Nothing valuable, so the mouse wasn't ever in danger of being hurt. Unless she ran into Aurelia and Keila, a pair of city cats that loved to pounce her at every possible opportunity. She didn't quite dislike what they did with her, considering it would usually end with sexual gratification. Thing is cats like to play with their toys, and they could get very playful. Sometimes painfully so. Not for the first time, the meek little mouse wished she could just stand up to the two and show them who was boss. "Pfft. Who am I kidding?" Cy muttered to herself, "They're the bosses." She'd once tried to assert herself with the twin cats, but that hadn't exactly ended well for her.

As even more rain began to fall, Cy rummaged through her pack to make sure that the water-tight seal on the book Numis had sent her to retrieve was still intact. Breathing a sigh of relief, she closed her path and began to jog in the same direction she'd been heading, hoping that she'd catch some glimpse of a cave or at the very least a small stand of bushes to take shelter in. "Swear to god, I'm asking Numis for my own horse." As if to accentuate the point, the shower soon turned into an outright downpour.

It was at least an hour in the almost torrential rain before Cypherael found the small cave opening. At first, when she saw the pile of rocks that ringed the entrance, she thought she was just seeing things, but hope drove her to approach the notch of darkness in the side of a larger hill. If she hadn't been desperately searching for some sort of shelter, she might have missed it entirely; it was partially obscured by a few squat, thorny bushes.

"Careful, girl. Could be an animal den," she said, slipping her foot-long hunting knives from their sheaths at her hips. She still had her bow, but in the close quarters it would be useless. Not to mention the increasing winds would give her trouble with aiming anyway.

Fighting the urge to just run for the cave, Cy approached cautiously. By this point, she was soaked clear to the bone and a few more moments wouldn't get her any more wet. She gave a sharp whistle, hoping that the sound would scare anything in the cave out, but there was no reaction. When finally she reached the cave, she was confident that there wasn't anything living there. She sniffed the air, and caught the faintest scent of something sweet. It was almost like strawberries and something she couldn't quite identify. Whatever it was, it wasn't an animal. In fact, there were none of the telltale signs of anything living there, though she couldn't quite see far in.

Letting out a hoot of exultation, the mouse sheathed her knives and got on her hands and knees to clamber into the hole. It was big enough that she could climb into comfortably, and the angle had the packed-dirt floor mostly dry. She hoped that the cave would widen out a bit; from the size of the hill it had the potential to.

About two meters in, Cy felt the floor in front of her dip and fall away. Cursing, she fumbled in the dark for her pack. In the dark it was hard to find what she was looking for, but soon she pulled out a small egg-shaped stone. She pulled it to her face and murmured, "_Eluma."_Immediately, the area around her was bathed in a dim light. It wasn't a strong light; it was barely enough to read by if she were so inclined, but for her purposes it would do.

Looking in front of her, Cy held out the stone. What she saw made her heart leap; the drop-off was only about half a meter, and the cave opened up into a large enough space she could stand in it. It looked almost artificially made, she realized, like it had been dug out of the ground. "Oh thank the goddess," she whispered. She thought to make a note on her map once everything dried, but she realized that the mostly featureless, grassy hills would keep her from land-marking it. The cave was a life-saver, sure, but she'd definitely not be able to find it again.

At the far end of the chamber there was another small opening, large enough for her to climb into if she wanted. It concerned her, but from all she could tell, the cave was uninhabited, though that sweet smell was even stronger in the confined space than it had been at the entrance. The walls were smooth packed-dirt and stone, and the floor itself covered in little roots and vines.

The mouse wasted no time in peeling off her soaking clothes and setting them on the rocky floor, clearing away some of the vines. Her bow and knives were set not far away. They were streaked with mud, but at least they would dry, especially when she got one of the heat-stones from her pack. "You'd think with the damn light and heat stones they'd make a damned dry stone or something. Is that too much to ask? Something that'll keep me dry while I'm out in that stuff?" She muttered to herself. She retrieved the rune-etched obsidian sphere and set it next to her soaking clothes. "Haruus," she said, and the stone began to glow, radiating enough heat that within a few hours her clothes would be dry.

Sitting on the floor of the cave cross-legged, she peeked over at the passage that led deeper in. "I really should check that out," she said to nobody in particular. It was a good idea, really. Even with no indications that there was anything living here, there could be a nest or something deeper in. With the shower just having started, she probably had hours before she could leave.

Picking up the light-stone, she crouched down and crawled into the deeper passage. As she went deeper, the passage got tighter, and soon she was crawling, like she had needed to with the entrance to the caves.

At least thirty meters down the increasingly tight tunnel, Cy realized that not all the light was coming from the stone in her right hand. The sweet scent had grown stronger and stronger as she went deeper. She was just about to turn back, worried that the tunnel was going to get too tight for her, when the tunnel opened up into a mass of roots. With a yell, she felt the loose earth crumble underneath her and spill her out of the tunnel, arms and legs splayed out on the hard-dirt floor of a new chamber.

As she got up and brushed herself off, she got a look at the source of that sweet smell. Pushing aside the roots that hung from the roof, she found herself in a chamber at least twice the size of the one where her clothes lay drying. A soft glow bathed the room, but it wasn't from her stone, which fell from her fingers at the sight.

Cy's mouth dropped open in shock; on the far side of the chamber there was a giant plant that looked like a giant closed tulip. A gentle purple glow came from the petals of the bulb, with pale white 'veins' and green leaves. The roots of the plant were in a pool of water to Cy's right, water that also had its own soft green glow.

"Goddess," Cy breathed. The bulb itself was larger than she was. She'd never even heard of a flower this big, especially one that could grow in a cave like this. She figured that it was the nutrients that the plant got from the pool of water. The odd thing about that pool was that there didn't seem to be a source for the water.

A moment too late, the mouse realized there was something very wrong with this picture. Just as she started to back away into the small tunnel from which she came, the roots above her came alive, flicking downward with lightning speed and wrapping around her arms and yanking upward. With a yell, Cypherael tried to extricate herself, but the roots were strong, and oddly growing very slippery. "What the fuck!" she exclaimed, fighting as her arms were pulled up and wide by the surprisingly resilient vines. She didn't even have the chance to bite at them before she was hanging a foot above the floor of the cave.

It was then that she saw the pool of 'water' start to undulate and ripple... and start to creep toward her. At the center there was a strange darker spot, almost like the center of a cell. It flowed across the floor, coming to rest underneath her. "Oh god... oh god..." Cy whimpered as two pseudopods extended from the pool, each glowing with that faint glow. She tried to kick at them, but all that served to do was get her foot stuck in one, which quickly wrapped around her leg. It was wet and slimy, and she could feel it soaking into her fur. She tried to pull her leg out of its grip, but its grip was even firmer than the vines that held her arms.

When the other pseudopod grabbed her one free limb, Cy knew that she was in a great deal of trouble. There had to be a reason why the prime real estate of the caves had been void of any resident, and there was a good chance that this plant... or plants, or whatever they could be called, were the cause. Feeling tears well up in her eyes, she hoped that whatever was going to happen, it would be quick.

She looked down at the strange pool of slime beneath her, and noticed that whatever it was was still connected to the roots of the bulbed plant on the far side of the cave. She continued to struggle, but all that happened was that both the slimy tentacles and the roots above her tightened, pulling her spread eagle to the point of aching. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that there was no way to escape whatever trap she'd just stepped into.

The roots around her arms crept farther down, soon intertwining themselves around her torso and up around her neck. Every moment she was growing more and more immobile. As if it knew she was going to start screaming soon, she felt the slippery roots wrapping around her muzzle and pulling upward. Her eyes came to rest on a small, oblong shape that looked something like a pine-cone, half buried in the roof of the cave. All the roots were sprouting from it, strangely enough.

There was a strange, sickening slurp beneath her, and soon she felt two new tentacles wrapping around her legs, exploring further. Cy whimpered, trying to look down. Though there was some resistance, she found that the roots would let her move her head, albeit slowly. When she looked down at the green puddle, she half-wished she hadn't. The tips of the two new tentacles were blunt and rounded, dribbling a little green fluid from their tips.

Soon the now exploring tentacles reached the top of her thighs and her whip like tail. One of them began to probe under her tail, the tip leaving slippery, glistening liquid around her anus. The other of the two soon found her sex, the tip pressing between her labia, obviously searching. Before Cy could even process what they were doing, the twin tentacles pushed into her lower holes, their passage assisted by that darker liquid. Each was at least two inches thick, and pressed deep into her in a matter of seconds.

Cypherael screamed, the sound muffled by the roots holding her muzzle shut. Soon, however, they weren't holding her mouth shut. Thin, strong roots were pressing in at her lips, making their way around her teeth and prying her mouth open. Her tears fell freely from her eyes when a third glistening tentacle pushed free of the pool beneath her, lifting up to her face. Despite knowing that it probably couldn't understand the gesture, she shook her head in denial just as the tentacle shoved into her mouth and into her throat, making her gag.

Soon the two in the helpless mouse's lower holes were thrusting into her, in and out, rapidly. Even in her panic, Cy felt herself getting wet. Some of the roughest treatment the two twin cats back in the city had given her had left her damp for hours, and this was making her think of those times. Soon though, as the tentacle in her mouth pushed deeper, Cy began to worry that she would run out of air.

Almost as if it could sense her panic, she felt something wriggling in her chest. Two divots appeared in the tentacle just outside her mouth, turning into tubes that traveled into her mouth and beyond. Soon she felt the lack of air disappear entirely as the tentacle pushed air into her lungs. Somehow, that made Cy even more worried; whatever it was, it was making sure she didn't suffocate. What the hell did it _want,_if it wasn't going to kill her? It obviously wasn't going to make a meal out of her.

Soon she felt a wriggling in her belly, and she knew the tentacle in her mouth had pressed into her stomach. That wasn't the most worrisome sensation, however. The one under her tail just kept pushing into her, deeper and deeper, churning her insides. It was the most bizarre and frightening sensation she'd ever felt. Inch after inch after inch, more of that slime-pool was pushing itself into her.

All the while, the tentacle inside Cypherael's vagina was writhing, generating lewd squelching noises. Not only that, it would change its shape every few seconds, going from bumpy to smooth to ridged to something like a corkscrew. Every once in a while it bumped against the bundle of nerves that made up her g-spot and she'd try to cry out in pleasure, but even those cries were cut off, her vocal cords held still by the tentacle that had pushed into her belly.

Soon, something changed; the strange darker part of that puddle shrank and became an opaque spherical shape. Eyes wide with horror, Cy watched as the golf ball sized sphere travel up the length of the tentacle in her rump. She blinked back more tears as her anus was pushed wide by that shape. She had no idea why it had done that, but she didn't think it was good.

All of a sudden the mouse felt something pressing at her clit. Her eyes flew down and she saw a tiny tentacle massaging and rubbing at the sensitive nub. Without warning, it latched on and she felt a sucking sensation. The tentacle in her cunt change too, and started to deliberately stimulate her g-spot. Cy whimpered and arched her back. Even with how terrified she was, even with the sickening churning sensation in her belly and bowels, she found herself trying to grind against the deliberate fucking. She shouldn't be enjoying this, she knew that, but the puddle-creature was obviously doing its best to get her off. Something that she knew would happen soon.

Suddenly, the whole puddle shuddered and the churning in Cypherael's belly stopped, though she could feel something still moving inside her stomach. All of her questions flew from her mind, though, when she feel the tentacle in her cunt and sucking on her clit redouble its efforts.

Usually the mouse would come loudly and vocally, her whole body quaking and her cunt gushing, something that always gave Aurelia and Keila no small measure of amusement. This time, however, she was utterly silent, and could only shake as she felt herself clenching down on the tentacle inside her. Completely helpless to the pleasure that rocked her body, she barely noticed that none of her juices dribbled to the floor. The puddle was collecting it all, and she watched, uncomprehending, as the puddle delivered the milky-clear juices to the roots of the tulip-bulb.

The bulb's reaction was immediate as soon as Cypherael's pleasure was delivered to the waiting roots. The giant bulb opened wide, revealing a fleshy purple interior to the 'petals'. It really was something like a tulip, but not quite, considering there was just one thick, glistening stamen inside, and a large bundle of writhing vines that surrounded it. Vines that were extending from the plant and making their way toward her.

Cy whined, exhausted. There would be no fighting what the plant wanted of her. All of a sudden she felt a stretching sensation in her throat, her air cutting off again for a few moments. From her mouth, still inside the tentacle, came that golf-ball sized sphere. It had just traveled its way all the way from her rump to her mouth inside the... how had it... she groaned, gagging as the tentacle in her throat yanked itself unceremoniously out of her. Soon she felt the other two pulling out of her as well, though the roots and tentacles that held her still remained.

Soon the purple vines reached the helpless mouse. Where they touched and wrapped around her, they left streaks of purple slime that soaked in to her fur and began to tingle, making her feel warm. Two wrapped around her thighs and probed at her recently abused sex. Where they touched, that same warmness blossomed into an aching pleasure.

A small part of her mind understood. The puddle had 'tasted' her. Whatever was in the slime, it was geared toward her physiology, and now the 'tulip' was using that to make her aroused. She felt a strange calm descending on her, the fear growing dull. Even as she felt the roots that held her being replaced by the vines from the plant, she found herself unable to resist. In fact, she didn't want to; all she wanted now was for that puddle to push into her again.

Almost as if it understood, the puddle extended a tentacle to her sex again. Before it could reach her though, one of the vines from the tulip-plant snapped at it, crackling with electricity. Cypherael could almost hear the thing squeal in pain, and soon it was retreating completely, pulling the two remaining tentacles away from her with a lewd slurp.

Cypherael knew that she should be worried, she should be afraid, but she was growing so aroused that she couldn't form her thoughts properly. She just wanted to be filled, to be fucked and used. When the purple vines began to pull her arms down behind her back, she offered no resistance. Whatever it wanted, it wanted her docile, and some conscious part of her brain tried to tell her that she should just let it happen. The creature obviously wanted her for something, and it wasn't as food. More vines bent her legs at the knee and pulled them wide. More of them wrapped around her torso, and soon she was being pulled toward the plant. Every second more of that mind-numbing aphrodisiac was soaking into her skin, and by the time the plant held her over the thick stamen at the center, she could only gasp out, "Please... yes..."

The plant pulled her down, the thick tip of the stamen pushing into her. It had to be a good two and a half inches wide, but her recently-abused sex stretched easily around it. Even as she felt the tip bumping against that inner gateway, she felt no fear. She knew what was coming, and if she were fully coherent, she'd be struggling and terrified.

When the pain of the stamen's intrusion into her womb blossomed in her belly, Cy only groaned. Soon her thighs were pressed against the center of the bulb. Some part of her mind was aware of the petals of the bulb starting to close in around her. Somewhere deep inside her, a part of her screamed and told her to fight, and her pleasure-clouded eyes grew a bit more keen, but far too late. As the petals closed in around her, she felt a gush of cold in her womb as the bulbous tip of the stamen collapsed, delivering seeds deep inside her.

When the vines started to explore her other holes, all of them, from her ears to her nose to her anus, she felt tears welling up again. She felt a strange pinch at the base of her skull, and suddenly everything was ecstatic bliss... and darkness.

Cypherael woke slowly. Her whole body was sore from head to toe. "W-wha..." she breathed, pushing herself off the floor and shaking her head. She felt a strange pressure at the back of her head, but when she reached her hands back, there was nothing there. "Wha...fuck?" she babbled. It was then that she felt a strange amusement bubble into her head. She knew it wasn't her though, and she wasn't hearing it. So... what?

All of a sudden, memories of her ordeal rushed into her head. Her fear. Her terror. Her struggling in the carefully-laid trap. "Oh my god..." she breathed, and scrambled to her feet. She was still in the same room as the tulip-plant. The bulb had a much fainter glow now. As she thought of what had happened, she realized that the fear was gone. She felt... love? Affection? What had it done to her?

A strange wiggling sensation in her belly made Cypherael look down, and her mouth hung open in shock. Her fur, formerly brown, had turned a dark purple, almost black, though her lighter belly fur was now almost sky-blue. Even her headfur had changed in colour to a deep red. It was obvious that the plant had done something to her beyond leaving seeds in her womb.

Again the amusement in the back of her mind. This time, she could tell the source; she could hear the amusement of the slime-pool. It extended a tentacle toward her, and all of a sudden she saw a completely new glowing-white tentacle extend from behind her to meet it. Instead of alarm at this new creature, she felt utterly calm.

"Ah... pleased to meet you?" she murmured. Amusement was her only response. And then she felt another presence. The roots from the ceiling draped themselves on her shoulder. A little bit of dirt dislodged itself from the roof, and the strange pine-cone dropped from the ceiling, dropping at her feet. She was going to bend to pick it up when three more of the glowing tentacles came from behind her and picked it up.

"Wait..." Cypherael said to herself. She reached out to touch the tentacles that held the strange cone. She gasped when she realized that she could feel the tentacles. With wide eyes, she reached back behind her, following the thick tentacles to where they were sprouting from her back. "What the hell..." she said, still strangely calm, though a little bit of panic was starting to rise.

Spread my seed..._was a thought that came into Cypherael's head, and she mouthed the words as they formed in her mind. _Feed my seeds... Again she found herself mouthing the words. Plant my seeds. The mouse held her hands over her belly. A soft warmth spread in her loins, and she smiled. She knew then what she was supposed to do; carry the seeds to civilization. Plant them in others, and take lovers to feed the seeds inside her.

Cy blinked in surprise. The thought of going among the throngs of Numis' city didn't bring her any fear. Every time before that day, before this plant had taken her, she had seen groups of other furs as something to be afraid of. But now... now Cy wanted to be around others. She knew that the plant had done something to her mind as well as her body. Confidence, curiosity, hunger, they had replaced shyness and submission.

Amusement again blossomed in her brain. The green, glowing slime wriggled around and slithered up Cy's leg. Stopping at her sex, it started to explore a bit, and without even thinking, Cy snapped at the slime with one of the tentacles. There was an audible 'zap' and it recoiled. There was a sullen, reluctant emotion in her mind. "Yeah, don't do that," she said, admonishing the slime. "How am I gonna take you with me, hmm? Want to use you." There was a picture that flashed in her mind, of a jar with the slime in it. "Ooh! Good idea..."

"I think you two need names." She grinned and hefted the pine cone-like creature with two of her tentacles. "Roots. Vines. They wriggle. Oh! Oh! Wriggle! There we go." Grinning, Cy felt 'Wriggle's' approval. Turning her attention to the other one, she tapped her chin for a bit. "You. Wiggle." To this, she felt a strange disapproval. "Oh fine. Too close to Wriggle. Ummmm..."

Thinking of how it had moved, undulating, rippling... writhing. "Writhe!" This name, unlike the first, was met with approval. "Okay. I got a jar for you in my pack. I'll wait out the rain, and then we're going to the city. And the first thing I'm going to do is introduce you to my 'friends'. I can't wait to give back to them all that they've given to me. Maybe I'll even give them seeds. Maybe not."

With a grin, Cypherael considered the gift she'd been given. It had been terrifying to experience, but in the end, she realized that, even knowing what would happen, she'd do it all over if given the chance. "Now, you little minxes, you'll meet the Queen of Tentacles... and you'll regret ever giving me trouble..."

Cypherael couldn't wait until she got back to civilization.

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