Willow's end

Story by Tidal_husky on SoFurry

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#1 of Vore stuff

It's been awhile since I've posted anything which I apologize for but I've been stuck in a slump for awhile. This story is a little different than my others and the first one of its kind that I've ever done so I hope it's good

It was late afternoon on a calm and cool day in the small town of Willows End, as the sun began its slow decent. Willows End was a cute little town with a lot of old world charm, it's cobble stone streets were lined with shops and houses straight out of a long forgotten era. One would find it hard to believe that the residents here had all the modern luxuries of a bigger citys, just wrapped in a more traditional manor. Isa a twenty one year old jackal taur was walking down the beautifully laid brick sidewalks of one of the smaller side streets. Her outfit was quite simple her upper body had a light purple t-shirt that was more or less form fitting clearly showing off her B-cup breast. All the while her feral half was left bare showing off everything to the world, from her most secret of woman parts down to the rather heavy looking pair of balls that hung between her back legs but most notably was her large belly that swayed heavily under her. Every so often the outline of a paw or face of the two felines trapped inside could be seen through Isa's chocolate brown and tan fur as they fought desperately to escape they're fleshy prison.

Isa took a long deep breath "it's such a beautiful day today." She winced as a powerful kick came from her lower belly "ouch! Would you two please calm down people are staring, just except it your nothing but food now." She reached back giving her wiggling stomach a playful pat as she continued down the street, causing everyone she passed to take a double take before trying they're best to stay as far away as possible from her. She came to a somewhat busy street lined with small shops and restaurants, as she made her way down it looked as if she was parting the seas as everyone made sure to keep they're distance from the young jackal taur. Isa's advance stopped when someone coming out of one of the shops caught her eye. He was a rather young looking red fox no more than eighteen years old, his body was thin and feminine and his fur almost looked like a slightly burnt orange like that of Autumn leaves that had just fallen from the trees which really complimented his short brown hair and dark pine green eyes. His clothing like Isa's where simple but looked absolutely perfect on him, consisting of a tight dark barn red t-shirt with an old school Dr pepper logo on its front and a pair of light tan skinny jeans the showed all his flawless curves.

Isa stared for a little watching the red fox check the contents of the shopping bags he was holding "he looks delicious, I must have him all to myself." She paused and looked at her lower stomach which was starting to round "good looks like the brother and sister finally excepted they're fate, a large belly is much easier to explain than a wiggling one." She looks back over to see him start walking away down the crowded sidewalk and quickly followed so she wouldn't lose him. She brought herself to a steady trot causing her belly to slosh and jiggle as she tried to catch up to the little fox "hey! Fox boy wait up a sec." He stopped and turned to face Isa as she tripped over her own forelegs slamming into him. The little fox soon found himself pinned under Isa's large underbelly "oops I'm so sorry hun these four legs sometimes have a mind of they're own." She got up off of him and pulled him to his feet, now standing face to face it was clear to see how tall Isa was compared to the two legged furs. "I didn't hurt you did I? It's not hard to see I've got some weight to me, I'm quite a fan of food. The names Isa by the way." The fox stood silently for a little still in shock from the impact "I'm fine you didn't hurt me. It's nice to meet you Isa, my name's Willow."

They both brushed themselves off "so how did you get the name Willow?" Willow chuckled "I was born here in Willows End, so I guess my parents thought it would be fitting." Isa began to walk and motioned Willow to follow "I'm actually fairly new here, you see I just moved from Russia and I was hoping to find someone who could show me around." Willow smiled and picked his bags back up "I'd happily show you around if you'd like." Isa's tail wagged happily as she nods "I just gotta run these bags home first." Isa stepped in front of him "if I may make a suggestion, my home is right down this street. If you like you can keep them there for a little." Willow smiled and nodded as the proceeded down the sidewalk to Isa's home. They finally came to a very charming old two story brick and stone building, the bottom floor was a very traditional Irish tavern and the second floor was clearly used as an apartment. Willow stopped and admired the old building "do you live here, doesn't living above a tavern get noisy?" Isa shook her head "not at all its actually a very laidback place, and they're food is absolutely amazing." She smiled as she waved to a panther sweeping the sidewalk outside the tavern, wearing a blue button up shirt and black pants with a white apron thrown over top. He happily waved back at Isa then looked over at Willow with a rather devious grin.

Isa lead Willow to an old wood door off to the left side of the front of the building, she opened it and revealed a narrow staircase leading to another wooden door. Isa started up the stairs with Willow close behind her, as he looked ahead it was hard for him to miss Isa's large sac swaying in front of his face. Willow's cheeks started to turn red as he found it impossible to look away, almost like he was hypnotized by they're movement. Isa grinned seeing Willow's fascination with her special body knowing she had him right where she wanted. They reached the top of the stairs and Isa unlocked the door, opening it to reveal her small but charming apartment. The front door lead into a large room that was half kitchen and half living room, divided by a bar height island. Sitting at the island where three bar stools with one extra space since Isa clearly didn't need one. Moving onto the living room a brown leather sectional sat in the center with its back to the island, between it and the wall mounted TV sat a rather large dark wood coffee table. Directly across from the front door on the other side of the apartment were two doors that Willow assumed lead to a bedroom and bathroom.

Isa pointed to a spot next to the front door "you can put your stuff there for now if you want hun." Willow nodded and bent down to gently placed his bags on the floor "thank you so much Isa this will save a lot of..." He face got red when he picked up his head to now find Isa's balls resting on his snout. A slight grin appeared on Isa's face as she bent her hind legs slightly to put the full weight of her sac on Willow's snout "you seemed so interested in them while we were coming up the stairs, I thought you might like a closer look." Willow brought his hands up to gently grope her balls which caused her to let out a little moan "I think the tour can wait, right now I think mister tour guide should help me relieve all this pent up pressure." She walked over to the sectional and flopped onto her back, leaving her four legs dangling in the air and her large belly sagging over the sides of her lower body as she motioned Willow to come "lose the clothes and get that cute little ass over here." Willow nodded with his cheeks burning red as he stumbled around trying to take off his clothes, he finally succeeded leaving everything thrown across the floor as he approached the couch where Isa waited.

Willow kneeled down in front of Isa groping her large sac with both his hand as he nuzzled her sheath watching her tip begin to peek out. After a few playful licks she was as full mast with all twenty inches throbbing in front of Willow's face. He continued to lick her cock, making sure every inch was good and slick. Willow then climbed up on top of Isa lining her thick tip with his tight pucker, he slowly began to lower himself and moaned as he felt the massive piece of meat stretch his tail hole. Soon Isa's knot bumped against his anus as her cock made a cute little bulge in his stomach, Willow started to move himself up and down causing them both to moan with bliss. He began to pick up his pace as Isa started to buck against him ramming her cock deep into him repeatedly, not long after she was pounding Willow's ass like a jackhammer making his own member slap against his belly. Isa felt the pressure begin to build as it became harder and harder to hold it in, with a final thrust she released jet after jet of her hot seed into Willow's ass causing cum to shoot out from around her cock. Willow fell limp against Isa's lower belly as they both panted heavily.

Isa's cock popped out of Willow's ass followed by a torrent of cum "holy fuck your ass is amazing, it's almost a shame." Willow looked up at her confused "what is?" She smiled and motioned for him to come closer, which he did without question "this..." Before Willow could even react Isa grabbed his arms and forced his head and shoulders past her maw and into her tight throat. He tried desperately to fight but it did little to stop Isa as she swallowed bringing his upper body deeper into her throat causing a visible bulge, as his hips began to enter her maw she tilted her head back so his body wasn't bent in half and to make swallowing easier. Isa struggled a little with Willow's wide hips, but with another powerful swallow sent them into her throat as Willow began to enter her upper stomach. She started to greedily swallow his legs as more and more of Willow's body was pushed into the tight confines of her upper stomach, forcing him to curl up into a ball. Finally his feet entered her maw with her jaw snapping shut behind them and with a final swallow sent them down her throat to join the rest of him. Isa let out a loud belch as she patted her large belly while Willow struggled hard to get free "well I guess your somewhat lucky my upper stomach is unable to digest and those annoying cats are still taking up too much room to move you down." She teasingly gave him a squeeze enjoying the feeling of him fighting with everything he has. Isa stretched and set her hands on her wiggling stomach, she rubbed it softly as she slowly started to drift to sleep.

An hour and a half passed when a hard punch from inside her stomach snapped Isa up from her sleep "how are you still fighting, you shouldn't have any energy left after everything tonight." She patted her stomach "just give up it won't be much longer and you'll be moved to the lower stomach and broken down just like the two cats before you, for what it's worth I'm truly sorry for this." Isa looked down and her stomach as it's suddenly stopped moving to then hear Willow's muffled voice "no your not, that's another lie just like everything else you told me tonight. Here I thought I might have found someone who actually wanted to be my friend." He curled up into a ball and began to cry, completely giving up on getting out of Isa's stomach. Willow felt Isa begin to move soon followed by her muscles contracting around his body, but to his surprise they were pushing him up. He found his head in the familiar tightness of Isa's hot throat as her powerful muscles continued to push more of his body out of her stomach. A rush of cool air hit Willow in the face causing him to take a deep breath, he was certain he would never taste the fresh air again only now finding more and more of his body feeling it's cold touch. After what felt like a lifetime of Isa's muscles contracting around him, Willow's drenched naked body was finally free shivering on the floor.

Isa wiped her mouth and looked at the little fox "well you should feel proud your the first meal to ever be allowed out of my stomach." She reached down to help Willow up, but he pulled himself away. Isa's eyes filled with sorrow "your afraid of me, it's not like I can blame you." She picked his clothes up off the floor and laid them next to him "I'd offer my shower but you probably want out of here as soon as possible, right?" Willow pulled his clothes close to him and slowly nodded, Isa could feel tears forming in her eyes "I guess it's too late to be friends and I highly doubt I could convince you to stay the night. If you must leave please be careful, there are monsters far worse than me wondering the streets at this hour." Refusing to make eye contact with Isa Willow just silently got dressed, his fur still completely drenched from Isa's stomach fluids. Once fully dressed Willow went to the door not even stopping to grab his bags, Isa could do nothing but watch in silence as he left closing the door quickly behind him.

Willow walked the dark streets shivering, the normally crowded streets now remained completely empty. Tears ran down his already drenched face as Willow wondered the road almost aimlessly, his sobbes were the only thing the broke the nights eerie silence. Willow stopped in his tracks when a raspy male voice came from behind him "what's the matter kid, you lost?" Willow turned around to see a tall figure emerge from the darkness. He was a lion with dark gray fur and black hair slicked back into a messy ponytail, he wore a tattered jean jacket with rips and faded markings all over it, under that was a simple white tank top paired with a worn out pair of black jeans "didn't mommy and daddy ever tell you not to go out after dark?" Willow found himself to scared to move as the lion moved closer with a devilish smile on his face "I'm glad you didn't listen to them though, I was hoping to run into my next meal." Suddenly the lion was pushed from behind followed by a swift pull on the collar of his jacket, which caused him to slip out of it as he fell. The lion rolled himself over to see Isa's large form standing over him "that's so funny, it looks like I just ran into my next meal." She threw the jacket aside and picked the lion up pinning his arms to his side, before he could even make a sound he found his head forced into Isa's throat. Isa swallowed aggressively forcing the lion's upper body into her throat making it bulge out. Willow fell to the ground and watched in a mix of horror and amazement as more and more of the lion disappeared into Isa's body, his figure making a perfect bulge as he traveled downward bypassing Isa's upper stomach going directly to her lower stomach. The lions form finally vanished filling out Isa's already bloated underbelly, her belly sloshed and squirmed as he fought desperately to escape which caused Isa to let out a small belch.

Willow was still unable to move, sitting silently on the ground just staring at Isa's giant under belly. Isa picked the lions jacket off the ground and approached Willow, she wrapped the jacket around him and gently pulled him to his feet holding him in a tight hug "I'm so sorry Willow I should have never hurt you, please I'm begging you come back with me so your safe." Willow hugged Isa tightly and nodded, they released each other and began the fairly short walk back to Isa's apartment. Once inside the apartment Isa flopped down on the couch and rubbed her noisy stomach with her large forepaws as her latest meal continued to fight inside "maybe I should have kept him in the upper stomach, I'm way too full and he won't stop moving." Willow just kinda stood next to the door silently watching Isa, he took a deep breath and approach the couch. Isa was surprised when Willow climbed up onto her and wrapped his arms around her large belly, he then gave her a tight squeeze making her let loose a loud belch as all the air was forced from her stomachs. With no air or space left inside the lions thrashing was reduced to slight squirms as Isa's stomach acid began to do its work. Slowly Isa's stomach began to round as her and Willow slowly drifted to sleep to the sounds of the gurgling from what remained of the lion in Isa's stomach.