Furry Fist ch 1 - The Fist is Striking

Story by Shinji-Lee on SoFurry

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#2 of The Furry Fist

Furry Fist - The Fist is Striking

Fauho had just stepped out into the night, but he already had to stop again.

"Where exactly are we going?", he wondered loud as if asking the world itself.

His companions stopped with slightly appalled expressions.

"You mean, you don't have a plan or something? Just go in there and rough up the whole place?"Â The short female mouse didn't even try to hide the sudden rush of anger. "This was a bad idea"

  • "What do you expect? I've been here for maybe one day, which is not much time for strolling around and getting to know the countryside. But you're right. You don't happen to have some sort of map?"

"What is a map?"

  • " A piece of paper with the land..."

"What is paper"

  • "...A thin piece of wood...", the boy looked into curious face. Neither of them knew anything about human culture or technology. He shook his head. "Nevermind. At least you speak the language..."

"Umm...no. Why do you think that?"

  • "Well, I understand you and as far as I know I only understand human...", while he spoke, his mind came up with an explanation. Another change it must be, performed on him by this world.

"If you just need to see their settlement, won't be much of a problem."Â Blue took the boy out of his thoughts. The wolf pointed right into the darkness.

"See those lights?" There really were lights somewhat arranged in a line. "Watching towers. Like the one we live in. Behind them there's a cliff, like the one behind. And there",

he point at the two lights closest together,"Is a path down, but we can't use it unseen. We'll go there and simply hop down"

So the target was the darkness.

"I've tried. They won't see. Now let's go, young one."

The party was about to leave, but was halted by the boy once again.

"It's Fauho", he said, and again had to face marveling facial expression.

  • "What is fauo?", the mouse asked, near the edge of losing her temper.

"My name. Fauho. And this handsome fox by my side is called Renardeau. You don't have names?"

  • "No...humans only have names...", she was quite baffled, now.

"Special indeed. A fox with a name. I look forward to how you surprise us next", the hare smirked and showed eagerness to fight, though without any impatience.

           "...Did he just...SMIRK?", the blue wolf looked at the other two of his kind, who nodded, but couldn't believe it either.

Finally the strange pack of seven set off into the darkness on a good running pace.

Despite all physical enhancements Fauho needed a moment to catch his breath, as all of them stood in a row on the edge, looking down, displaying sadness disgust and anger.

In something that looked like a canyon the buildings were cramped and made of simple architecture. Weak fires guttered in lanterns between them.

Fauho thought about asking for electricity, but thought twice and kept the question unsaid. He was told, the two biggest buildings, round in shape, where the LABs and thus the places of cruelty.

"So this is where our people are...Any other place in this town where some of them could be in?" - Heads were shaken.

The boy sat down and worked out a plan.

"We'll strike from above. From the rooftop. Kill the humans inside, free or folks and sneak out. Everything in stealth and silence."

The plan sounded easy but held obvious effectiveness.

"Oh, and it would certainly help, if one of you could magically make us move faster.", He said this casually, almost in an expecting way.

"Yes it would", the girl agreed. Fauho looked at her, then at his other comrades and waited for one of them to do something.

"Hm? Oh, you think anyone of us...no. Sorry. Nowadays real magic abilities are rare. None of us can do such a thing." She said this with a sigh.

"Well, then we have to go without."

The party jumped down onto the path leading down at the cliff and again onto the level of the houses, merging with the shadows.

In a narrow street they made sure again to be unseen and wall jumped, one after another, up onto the roof level.

Fauho hesitated as it was his turn.

"Whaddaya waiting for?" came a whisper from above.

-"I thought, I...Nevermind."Â He made his way up with ease.

On they went, from roof top to roof top, avoiding the light. Reaching the bigger of the two targets, Renardeau hung down and examined the inside through a window.

"Only few humans. No sign of heavy armory. We're lucky", he reported back on the top. "Now how to get in. Braking the glass would be too noisy..."

  • "Someone needs to hold me by the ears", the hare interrupted the half fox's thinking process.

"What for"

  • "To prevent me from falling. Just do it. Won't hurt."Â He hopped down, getting grip at the roof's edge. "Will you just grab them."

The brothers reached out for the long acoustic organs letting the tall white male hang down at the building.

Four short whirring sounds were to hear, before he wanted to be pulled up again.

Shouldering his sword he put down a window within its frame, which he had just cut out of the building.

"Magnificent", Fauho mentioned and spoke for all of them. He then went on to further detail of the plan.

"We go in, one by one, and immediately hide again until we're all inside. We deploy and kill them one by one. Fast and silent. Check each room and corner. That's it."

Seven furred shadows swung through the hole into the building, sliding down on the inside and were invisible again before they hit the ground.

The hare went last and as he nodded to show he's ready, seven bodies parted from their hideouts.

Necks were snapped and throats ripped open, but all the killed ones were put down slowly to not make a sound until it was sure there wasn't one left.

It took only a few moments to get rid of the humans, though the mouse had stood back for she was lacking physical strength and natural weapons.

She saw Fauho standing over a body. He was trembling so she approached him.

"That was the first time ever that I've killed", he said monotonously.

  • "How did it feel?"


  • "Good. No matter what, killing should never feel good."

The boy smiled thankfully over her sympathy. It had to be done and it certainly would not remain the last time.

Now, after the humans were dealt with, the transparent cages were to be examined. Half a dozen of them were arranged in a row at a wall.

The imprisoned ones have all rosen, all of them weak, injured and hardly alive, crawled towards the end of their ordeal.

Blue felt the sleek surface. He had never seen something like this before. In a first attempt to tackle the problem he punched the see-through wall. Effectless.

"Step aside."

The hare had his sword ready again and gave a hard vertical strike. Equally without success.

"No. There must be some kind of mechanism...", he knew how a humans mind worked, so Fauho concluded.

"Look for something suspicious. A strange looking stick or a small piece you can push down", he commanded and the group spread to closely search the area around the boxes, tugging and pushing on everything.

The half fox himself searched through sheets of paper, hoping to find some instructions or construction plans. He figured that he had actually some trouble reading. Reason or no reason, the necessary information remained hidden.

Frustrated he threw away the paper. Burying his hands in his hair, he watched the whole picture from some distance.

Steel cables were attached at the top of each box, so he noticed. He found them leading along the ceiling and going down again to some crank handles.

"A hoist. Of course. Got no electricity, use simple physics."

He worked one of the cranks and the front wall of one of the boxes moved slowly up, accompanied by a slight creaking sound.

All movement suddenly stopped and all attention went first to the moving peace and then to Fauho, who was constantly cranking.

Opening the box halfway was enough to let the one inside come out easily, who was crying in happiness and aided by the liberators.

Renardeau and the mouse joined Fauho at the cranks to speed things up.

It didn't take long to open up all the boxes, but the hard part was yet to come. Only two of the exempts were able to walk on their own, but not to run.

Fauho already worked on a plan just to get to the cliff and up unseen. The walk through the darkness would be the easy part.

He ran around peering through the slat blinds to check the surroundings for patrols and trying to combine useful information.

Well aware that being discovered would mean death or worse, he was just on the edge of panicking.

In his mind he simulated several options of escaping, but all of them required a huge amount of luck.

He wrecked his brain under the pressure of the self loaded responsibility until he felt his shoulders gently touched.

Immediately his body relaxed and he gave a sigh.

Renardeau had noticed the boy's distress and decided to comfort him.

"Trying too hard will only make you head hurt", he hugged Fauho lovingly. "Think easy. They can't see when there's no light, so..."

  • "...So we have just have to stay away from it", Fauho finished the thinking process. "Thank you"

He placed a kiss on the fox's cheek and went to the group to signal the start.

The back door of the building was slowly pushed open and murine whiskers came into sight, followed by the rest of the girl, who was told to scout and watch out for humans.

In a line the others followed her into a shadowy allay, the weak ones were carried on the back.

As fast and silent as possible they made their way through the darkness, ears twitching at the slightest sound, eyes racing around with the hope not to see a hairless face.

The rows of houses left behind, the group now ascended the path halfway and then they looked up the cliff and at each other. Again one after another climbed up and disappeared into the night.

Hearts beating fast all the time and chests doing so likewise with the heavy breathing. A silent tension was upon the pack, staying even as they walked the way back to their tower until they had descended the cliff behind it.

Muscles finally relaxed accompanied by long sighing and avowals of thankfulness.

"You know, we aren't done, yet", Fauho reminded, "There's still one LAB left. And I still don't have any idea of what to do after. The humans will certainly find out...", he began to worry and to plan again.

  • "Sh. Just rest a little", Renardeau had to slow the boy down again, who closed his eyes and gave a pleasant sigh, as the fox touched his back.

"Whatever you do", he whispered,"Please don't stop..."

Renardeau was irritated.

"What do you mean? I just want you to feel good and recover before we go again."

The mouse looked up.

"interesting", she muttered, and addressed to Renardeau:

"Could you bear the same feelings touching her?", she meant a black panthress, sitting leant against the cliff besides the fox.

"..sure..", he knelt down, "Don't be afraid"

The panthress wasn't afraid a bit. As she looked into the foxes eyes, she could almost feel his rootedly friendly character.

He softly grabbed her by the forearm and her body showed the same reaction like Fauho's before. The feeling even took away her ability to speak.

"How does your hand feel?"

The black feline moved the said part of her body. Surprisingly painless.

"What the...it was broken...as i tried to..."

  • "I know. You couldn't get proper grip during the escape...interesting...", she looked at Renardeau again, "Healing ability of apparently magic nature coming from an unconditional all-embracing love"

Renardeau shrugged. "Well, if you say so...yes. It seems I can do healing magic"

"Ok. Now this can't possibly be accidental", the older of the wolf brothers decided.

All eyes were fixed at Fauho once again.

"Oh, come on. Don't think of me like a chosen one or something alike. Few days ago I was just a human boy..."

  • "A special human boy", the fox added.

The boy sighed.

"What do you want me to do? I already said that I will do my best to free this world from the humans"

  • "We actually don't want you to do anything. Your presence alone accomplished what we weren't able to do ever before. We stroke back."Â The young brothers eyes were glowing bright with hope.

"I see...well, we have just started. Renardeau, could you heal the others?"

  • "Sure", the fox continued healing. While he was at it, time was spent with resting.

Fauho watched the stars.

"Why do you wear human clothes? I mean, I don't think its like you want to be like them?" Indeed the inhabitants of the tower wore pieces of human cloth.

  • "They come in handy at times", the pup sat next to him, looking in the same direction, "and they are neat"

The boy looked at the young wolf. The pieces he wore were rags. Barely.

He rose an eyebrow.

"Seriously? That is your idea of neat?"

  • "Not exactly. They don't fit and our life's rough..."

"So you stole them"

  • "Yeah..."

Renardeau proceeded the healing as good as he could and was much appreciated and thanked upon.

As much as he liked to ease the pain, it exhausted him.

"Give me a moment...", he was breathing rather heavily, "This was kind of..."

Fauho touched his shoulder and smiled.

The fox followed suit.

"I'm fine"

The pack set off for the second destination

"I'll have a little detour", Fauho announced on the way through the darkness. "You go as we did the first time"

  • "Detour? What for?, Blue wondered.

"Going to talk to the major...that is a certain human, who organizes stuff and...", he stopped to explain. It didn't matter. "I need to know some things. You ok with that?"

Actually, he didn't need to hear any affirmation. He felt that he was trusted.

After sneaking down into the town again and jumping on the roofs, Fauho changed direction on the way, heading for another, slightly different building.

He noticed Renardeau behind him.

"You don't think, I would ever let you go alone", he said.

'Not a minute', the boy thought. It was needless to say it for the fox already knew.

The two of them hopped onto a balcony, seeing several men standing around a table.

Renrdeau broke the glass door, which got him full attention.

Without saying a word the men charged at the two intruders with clubs and swords.

None of them was a match for for the fox. He smashed and kicked each of them with immense speed and left them lying motionless.

The only human left stood surprisingly calm for his situation.

Fauho concentrated to remember some human language.

"Why did you come into this world"

  - "What kind of bastard are you supposed to be", the man was surrounded by pure arrogance.

  "Who do you think you are?", the boy trembled in anger, "Do you think, you can do as you please?"

  - "Of course. We are the most superior creatures and deserve the right to do anything we want. We are simply stronger than you"

"WRONG!", the half fox yelled and gave a furious roar as his blood began to boil and his muscles pulsed hard.

He leapt forward and literally wiped the smug grin out of the humans face with sharp claws. More precisely he wiped away the whole face and a big part of the head.

The man was dead even before he started to fall. As he fell, Fauho sliced his body repeatedly.

During his rage, the boy had grown remarkably taller. His features were now completely vulpine and his body covered by fur everywhere.

What once had been the major of this town was now scattered in single parts and blood over the floor with a heavy breathing were fox standing in the middle it.

His mind was flooded with violence until Fauho felt that touch again at his back. That touch, so gently and so warm, it eased his heart in an instant and brought him back to himself.

Muscles shrunk and the smile reappeared in Renardeaus face.

"Please, don't do that ever again", he said, "You are far more handsome the way you are now"

Fauho was still a bit dizzy, but on their way out of the house he saw his reflection in the broken glass of the balcony door and knew what his lover meant. He was a fox, now. It felt great.

Outside again, he wished that all this was over already to enjoy his existence, but that would have to wait.

As he jumped off from the balcony, he thought for a minute that there was someone below, watching him. He decided to ignore it, for time was none of his allies.

Heading for the second LAB, the two foxed soon heard fighting sounds. Coming in sight of it worried them even more. Where a door used to be was now a huge hole in the building.

Inside there was a big human, tall and broad, packed with muscles and black plates attached to his body. He reached out for figures, who were desparetely avoiding to be hit.

All of them looked short and skinny in comparison, though one of them was the tall white hare. He saw the two foxes entering and jumped up to them.

"We have a problem", he said calmly. "He's far stronger than the other humans and the plates protect him. Ideas?"

  • "Hit till it breaks", Fauho explained and went for the enemy.

"Already tried that", the hare held him by his shoulder, preventing him from going and turning him half around.

-"Try harder", Fauho's eyes showed his strong will, which wordlessly told that it would work out.

Behind him the human moved fast for his size and swung his arm for the distracted Fauho.

Renardeau saw the movement like the hare did, but the fox was faster to react. He gave his lover a push to save him and was hit by the giant hand instead of Fauho.

The full body hit sent the fox flying and left him motionless after he had hit the ground.

Fauho stood there, looking down with a shadow on his face. Again the human arm came swinging. He could tell by the whirring sound it made.

Just before he was hit, the fox threw both his fists into the huge palm with such force that it was sent swinging back where it came from fast enough to dislocate the human's shoulder and make him cry out in pain.

Turning around slowly, Fauho's look pierced the human with all the anger and sadness of his soul. All of a sudden he took the distance between them with a single jump, performed too fast to even be recognized by the human's sense and placed a single punch with all of strength he had on the plate before the human's breastbone.

A cracking sound was audible and the plate fell down in pieces while the human held the hurting spot with hate deforming his face. The sheer impact had shoved him against the wall behind him.

Fauho remained unmoved for a moment, then did another far jump. Again the human was too slow the even think of a reaction. This time the vulpine fist landed frontal in the human's face, cracking the skull and pushing the skin inside.

The fox held this position after his opponent's body went limb. A moment later a short gust of wind flew through everyones fur. Fauho pulled his arm back and moved to his lover's body.

His mind was full of thoughts of grief and totally empty at the same time. He wanted to scream out but couldn't. He just stood there, carrying Renardeau on his arms, crying in silence.

Equally wordless the rest of the pack started looking for the cranks to open the cages.

Fauho, however, wasn't there anymore. He alternately begged the fox in his arms to wake up and scolded himself fo being careless. Everything else has simply become of no importance.

In the depth of despair a weak moan reached his ears.

"...Headache...", Renardeau lifted his head and saw Fauho's face wet with tears. "Told you. I would never let you go alone. May I get down on my feet again?"

Before he stood upright again, Renardeau was tightly hugged.

"I totally worried you were...", Fauho sniffed.

  • "Not that easily. Now let us finish here"

Some caught ones were freed already and while the fox started healing them, they pointed at the opposite wall where stairs were leading below ground level.

They knew there had to be someone down there for screams were audible.

Blue and the hare went to examine.

"I know, what you think", the mouse had noticed concerned wonderment in Fauho's still wet face, "You made a good noise, so where are the humans who heard it?"

  • "They're slow at night, but they will come. And then what?"

"Fighting or fleeing. Both will be a struggle, but living humans can pursue us"

"Then we fight!", the wolf brothers decided.

"Look out for approaching groups and alarm immediately, when you see one", Fauho commanded them and the brothers went off eagerly.

Sharp whirring sounds were to hear.

"Fauho, you should see this", Blue called from down the stairs.

The fox hurried to follow the call.

"An underground room", he stated.

  • "Don't tell me you don't smell that", Blue rose an eyebrow. Indeed the fox's lately enhanced olfactory senses detected a variety of strong smells that made him wrinkle his nose.

The most dominant smell was that of blood and something burned. The loads of other smells couldn't be even named.

"...Uuuuhhh...", a groan went through the chamber.

"...You come...to have fun...again, humans?", the voice was weak and full of pain. Its owner was apparently the figure hanging low above the floor in chains, in the middle of tables and shelves full with strange devices and bottles.

The entire room practically yelled out 'torture'.

"We are no humans and we won't do you any harm", Fauho declared slow and load as the group of four stepped closer.

  • "...Sorry...my senses went blunt...would you please kill me?", the voice sounded begging and the wish was totally acceptable. For this creature, anything was better than the pain he was suffering under.

"No", was the fox's simple answer and to the hare: "Please cut the chains"

Fauho and Blue held the feathered body as the metal was removed.

"Do you have...any idea...of the pain I felt...the time I was here? Just end my misery...AND KILL ME!", the creature complained.

  • "You'll be all right", was all Fauho said as they left the room.

The weak light of the LAB shone upon the carried body. It was the one of a gryphon. His wish to die was acutely understandable.

Renardeau got a shock seeing the tortured creature. Half of his feathers were lost, the naked skin either burned or scarred, his wings completely cut off, his limbs deformed.

"Another one...hope at least you're sane...please k - HOA!", the fox has touched the gryphon's neck and worked his healing magic.

The gryphon jerked his head and threw up some black and green fluid.

"...Poison...", he explained, "...Good thing it came out...and whatever you did...do it again..."

Renardeau didn't really needed to be asked to go on. He went on healing.

The gryphon's damaged skin came off and was replaced with healthy skin on which new feathers grew. Also his wings were regenerated and broken bones and muscles fixed.

In a beautiful golden feather coat he stood, still far from completely having his strength back, but at least free of pain and able to move. He nodded down at the fox, who had to be aided standing, with silent admiration.

"This feels so good", he said as he spread his wings. It had been a long time since he had done that last. Then he bowed. "I'm in your debt"

"Great", Fauho said, who supported his lover, "We have the problem of being in the middle of a human settlement and could use every paw to help. You maybe-"

  • "Careful, fox. I'm closer to divinity than you are and I don't know what should keep me from just flying away and enjoying the world"

"For once, my name is Fauho, so please use it to address me", he sure was self confident, "And if we let the humans spread further, there will be not much left of this world to enjoy. You don't do it for anyone but yourself"

The gryphon's beak dropped down to complete his gawp.

"Back in the days, the gods were still alive, they were the only ones who were given names..."

  • "Fine. Consider me being a god. Will the fear of my wrath make you stay?"Â Actually, Fauho was somewhat joking but the gryphon had become quite submissive and seemed impressed.

"But I'm still weak. How could I be of help?"

  • "You can breathe and move, thus you can fight"

"Right. Have any plan?"

  • "I plan to not leave this town before the inhabitants are dead. It will be a struggle, so we have to rest as long as we can...There has to be some food, here...", Fauho looked around told everyone who could move to do the same.

After the food chambers were plundered, silence dropped in and though all of them tried to get some sleep, only few succeeded. At least until two excited wolves stumbled in.

They were given food as they reported.

"They prepare", the older started, "Putting on plates like he wears", he pointed at the big corpse in the wall. "They are many and we are circled"

"What do we do", the young brother's eyes were again full of enthusiasm and trust.

Fauho estimated the number of humans and decided it was far too high for an open battle.

"We'll take stand behind the entrance to avoid being exposed to they full force. Until either they are all dead or we"

  • "And how to overcome their plates?"

"Strike hard", was all the fox could come up with.

He gave short instructions arranging those who were able to fight in a half circle just behind the entrance. The fighting ones turned out to be just a handful after all. It was Fauho himself, the three wolves, the hare and the gryphon. The remaining were told to hide in the underground chamber.

Everyone readied themselves as the humans came into sight, decorated with plates carrying poles and swords. Fauho wondered why he hadn't seen guns in the world like he knew them from the human's. At least a slight advantage.

The troops rolled in, but turned out to be inexperienced and slow so that attacks could easily be dodged and the attackers punched back. Like Fauho had feared, numbers made them strong.

Thus it happened that occasionally a fist or blade found its way to spill non-human blood. From the beginning this fight bore nothing but futility, but each member of the pack refused to give in.

The mouse watched the fighting from the middle of the room. Her fists were clenched and she was furious with herself for being weak. She wanted to fight, too, wanted to be able to protect her home world herself. Pure anger made her muscles twitch and her energies overflow.

She heard a cracking sound from below her and looked down. The area around her feet was kind of pressed down, like something really heavy had stood there. For a test she focused again and the ground was pressed down a bit more.

That was enough of confirmation. The murine girl took a few steps forward, rose an open paw and concentrated on the area near the opening as hard as she could. By closing her paw she released the energy with a boom and every human within a certain area was brutally crushed to instant death like an invisible mountain had been dropped upon them.

She had put great efforts in this newly discovered ability, which came with the prize of stressing her body physically. Over the crushed bodies more humans came running and limited the time to wonder to a minimum.

Ignoring all the pain and fatigue the mouse prepared for another attack, but the gryphon called out to her.

"Converse your strength. I have an idea"

And then to the others fighting beside him.

"Go down into the chamber and stay there until someone gets you"

He received doubtful glances.

"Trust me. It'll work out. And tell that other fox to come out"

The risk of dieing was present everywhere, so they gave it a try. After a final blow to win some time the pack sprinted to the chamber.

The gryphon himself held the troops back a few more moments and started to run himself and picked the girl up on his way. He did the same with Renardeau, who just had emerged from the underground level and told both of them to get hold on his back. Though this back was broad and strong, it was not an easy thing to do.

Two golden wings spread and beat to lift their owner and his passengers in the air flying straight up to a wall and through a hole the gryphon had blown.

"Listen, mouse", he started to explain hastily, "You have the ability to do gravity magic. It is rare and powerful. And with every least bit of energy you have, launch this magic on the town below, as I do the same. Except for the LAB we just came from"

The girl nodded.

"It will be exceedingly exhausting and painful, but we have to endure. Your role, fox, will be to keep us alive after we fall down when I'm too weak to fly"

  • "Understood...and my name is Renardeau"

A grin-like expression appeared around the gryphons beak.

"Another fox with a name. This will be fun...now, girl, focus and attack!"

That instruction was easy to follow.

Many buildings collapsed beneath, turning into rubble and graves for the humans inside them. The mouse's body went gradually weaker with every single strike she release and hence her hold on the gryphon went loose. Renardeau put one arm around her hip to prevent her from falling. She didn't notice in her concentration.

Explosions, caused by the graphon's own magic, joint in the destructive work. Clouds of dust rose from the ground and houses flew around in small pieces.

The humans screams finally stopped, but long before, the gryphon's wing beats had gone slower and weaker. It somehow was luck that he had held out until the humans were done for sure. He tried to maneuver to some open space, but eventually he just fell like he predicted and hit a wall of the LAB, which gave in. A badly aimed explosion had destroyed it halfway.

Renardeau was dazed from the 'landing' and shook his head. He looked about and started the healing treatment for the exhausted pair. Both remained unconscious but were alive.

The world around had turned silent.

In the ruin of the LAB the fox moved fragment from the entrance of the underground chamber.

The metal door was bent so he had to break it out of the hinge. The chamber was still intact and out of the darkness a lupine snout emerged.

"What did you do that made such a deafening noise...?", the pup blinked a few times to accustom his view to the change of lighting conditions, then words failed him.

His brother joined him staring at the remains of the former human town and so did all the others.

The unconscious heroes were carefully picked up and slowly carried through the destruction, up the path, past the also razed observation towers and across the land to the cliff.

The foxes stayed sitting up on the edge of the cliff while the rest of the pack rested at its bottom. They waited for the gryphon and the mouse to wake up. It seemed an unnecessary risk to transport them down while asleep.

So they sat, watching the sun rising, close together.

"You know, I had some time down in that chamber...", Fauho didn't take his view away from the horizon, "...Time, I spent thinking...about stuff..."

  • "Like what?"

"About all of this", he waved his arms in the air. "This world and myself and you...I'm still afraid that I just wake up and all being just a dream..."

  • "Does this feel like a dream?", Renardeau leaned over for a kiss, which Fauho gladly met.

"Right now, I don't really care...", he said after it.

  • "That's what I wanted to hear. You will never know the next moment before it arrives, so enjoy the present one", in his lover's face, Renardeau saw that there was something else. "That is not all you thought about...?"

"...I...thought about my parents..."

  • "You miss them?"

"Actually, no...and that kind of worries me. I mean, they're my parents and...I simply don't care..."

  • "And now I'm supposed to tell you what that means? It could have a reason, or not. You hardly can talk it over with them. I say, think about it, but don't think too hard. It might only confuse you"

Fauho gave an audible sigh to conclude the thought for a task had to be performed and time was a luxury he didn't possess.

Blue came up wall jumping and sat down beside Fauho.

"The next known human town from here lies a two days march in that direction", he got straight to the point lifting his right arm sideways.

The three of them looked at the sleeping mouse and gryphon behind.

"...but i guess, we still have time for some planning..."

Fauho's face was rather stern. He knew, while up here on the edge they sat, there was pain and fear in other places and each moment he did nothing in, his own soul was aching.

He even wanted to go alone, but that would only lead to his death, whidh wouldn't help anyone. Coping with this bad feeling of powerlessness he continued to silently watch the sunrise.

chapter one: done

the next might take a little longer...

i still like comments...

Furry Fist ch 2 - The Fist Gathers Forces

Furry Fist - The Fist Gathers Forces The very moment the mouse girl woke up she jumped onto her feet with a single jerk. Overly excited but completely speechless, she looked everywhere around her until her view reached the...

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Furry Fist - Proloque...or The Fist is Rising

...my first try on an independent story and my biggest idea. doesn't contain yiff but a romantic relationship between two males. just to let you know. ...also, this is a cry for attention... He stood at the window,...

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Light my Heart - part 3

This is the third chapter of \>Light my heart\< by Lord Patamon. I have his permission to continue his story and I'll try my very best to make him proud. I suggest, to read the previous parts before this one which are...

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