Voice Mail

Story by Horndog D on SoFurry

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An overcrowded schedule hasn't allowed me to spend much time writing lately--not creatively, at least--but I did manage to finish a couple of (very) short stories. This one began as an exercise to see if I could build a coherent narrative using only dialogue. Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with how it turned out. In the short time I got to spend with him, I really came to like the foul-mouthed, oversexed protagonist of this piece. XD Maybe we'll see him again someday. For now, though, please enjoy this cautionary tale about the dangers of drunk dialing.

_You have six new messages.

First new message, sent Friday, April 22nd at 6:05 PM:_

"Hey. Hi there. This is Alden, the otter from the other night. I... You remember, I'm sure. We had a couple drinks and... Yeah. You remember. Listen, I had a really good time and I'd like to see you again. If you want to, I mean. I don't know if you're a regular at Studz or if you'd rather meet someplace else or whatever, but I'd really enjoy getting together sometime. The other night was incredible. I can't stop thinking about it. And every time I do... Damn, I'm getting hard again. I haven't been this horny since high school. Sorry if that's a little forward or whatever, but I've never been one for beating around the bush. And you're obviously the kind of guy who goes after what he wants, so I'm hoping we're on the same page here. Anyway, yeah. You've got my number now, so feel free to give me a call whenever. Talk to you later."


Second new message, sent Tuesday, April 26th at 5:24 PM:_

"Hey, Gerard. See? I remembered. Heh. So I was thinking some more about this, and I just wanted to make sure we both understood the situation. You said you weren't looking for a relationship right now. I'm in the same boat. I actually just got out of something sorta-serious at the beginning of the year, and I'm really not interested in signing up for a whole thing this soon. No-strings-attached is exactly what I'm looking for. I mean, if you ever feel like grabbing a beer and hanging out, that'd be cool. But I'm totally fine with something that's just physical and fun. Because I think we could have a lot of fun together. I promise I'd make it fun for you.

"When I said I don't usually bottom, that wasn't a line. My partners have mostly been subs. Just seems to work out that way, you know? I'd really like to do that again, though. It felt... It felt right. Hell, it felt amazing. If you want to, you know, take command, that's fine by me. God. I'd bend over for you right now if you were here. We don't need to do dinner and drinks or any of that. If you ever just feel like meeting up at a motel and getting nasty, I'm there. My number is 555-9433. Gimme a call."


Third new message, sent Saturday, April 30th at 2:27 AM:_

"So... I know it's late. You're probably asleep. I bet you sleep like a log. Just a big, huge ol' log of fur and muscle and tight ass and bear musk. Mm... I wonder if you're at home right now or in some lucky guy's bed. My bed is big and huuuuge and empty. Big enough for two--at least. I'd let you get your beauty rest and wake you up with a wet tongue sliding down the underside of your cock. Would'ja like that? Not a good-morning kiss kinda thing, but a rise-and-shine, hump-my-mouth-'til-you-cum-down-my-throat thing. Breakfast in bed.

"So listen. I wanted you to know something. I appreciate you using rubbers and everything, but if you wanna go bareback, I'm totally up for it. I mean it. I'm literally up just thinking about it. I want to know what it feels like to be filled. Mmmm, yeah. You said it yourself: I'm a good fuck. Was that a line? Didn't sound like it, the way you were panting every word in my ear. Well I'm even better when you go in raw. I can take every inch, every pound of weight. All that heavy fucking muscle. I know you've probably got your own little harem of bitch-boys ready to take a load or five whenever you're in the mood. But ask yourself this: How many of them really get into it? How many of those trained pillow-biters know how to hump back into that fat cock of yours? How many of them make you feel it? I know the difference between being ridden and getting fucked. I'm not, y'know, super experienced at this sort of thing yet. 'Tightest fucking ass' you've had in years, remember? But I know what I can--"


Fourth new message, sent Saturday, April 30th at 2:31 AM:_

"Your answering thing is, like, majorly fucking impatient. I barely had time to say anything. Okay, so here's the deal. Here it is: I made a promise to myself that I was going to man up and go after what I want. And I'm not gonna lose something amazing because of some stupid ego game. So here's the deal: That was one of the best nights of my life. And you can play like 'oh yeah whatever' all you want, but I know you enjoyed it too. You didn't pump three rubbers so full they looked like water balloons filled with pudding to spare my feelings. And I'm new at this, okay? I don't-- Give me a break here. I'm still figuring this out. All I know is I can't stop thinking about you. And I'm not interested in meeting your folks. You just want something to hit, I'll make it worth the drive. Hell, text me your address. I'll show up in a miniskirt so we can skip taking off pants and jump right to you pounding my tight ass full of cock cream. Do a real proper job. Fuck me like your own private bitch and I'll say thank you for every drop you fire up my tailhole. And that's not me being desperate--that is honestly what I want. Well, maybe not the miniskirt... But I want everything else. I know that much. If you want that too, then knock off this high school bullshit and call me. If you don't, then you don't deserve what you're missing."


Fifth new message, sent Saturday, April 30th at 3:40 AM:_

"Ger-Bear! Ooo-oooh. You miss me? Just calling to let-- Ah! Let you know I don't need your ass. Oh yeah, that's right. Aaah! I got the party riiight here, big guy! Wish you could see it. Wish you could watch me fuck this dick like it was yours. This coulda been you. This--right--here--fuck! This really is for the best. Rubber cocks don't go soft on you, and I'm not sure you could keep up with me. Size ain't everyth-- AH! Oh my god... Size isn't everything. You need stamina tooooohhhh...!

"Yeah, that's it! Fuck me deeper! Plow my fucking slutty ass! C'mon, Gerard! Ahhh! Harder! H-Hardeeeerr! Slam those fat, jumbo bear balls against my ass! Ah yeah! I'm gonna...! Oh, fuuuuck! Aaaaaahhhhh!

"Oh... Ah. Haaahh... Holy shit. I think I hit the ceiling."


Sixth new message, sent Saturday, April 30th at 4:11 PM:_

"Heeey, Gareth. It's Alden. Hope the vacation's been going alright. Listen, I was just organizing my contacts, and it looks like I might've called your number a few times by mistake. Sorry about that. These new phones, man. If you, uh, have any other messages from me that were left in the last week or so, just go ahead and delete those. Sorry again. Okay, so... See you on Monday."


End of new messages._

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