A Nightmare: Chapter 7

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#7 of A Nightmare

Thank you to everyone who supports my stories but most importantly, thank you to my lovely girlfriend. I won't say too much here however it is our 6 months very soon and I just wanted to quickly say that I love her. She means the world to me. I won't say her name for privacy reasons but I love her. A big thank you to her for proofreading this chapter for me. Fun fact: This is the first two thousand word chapter and it is also the one that pushed us past the ten thousand word mark.

A Nightmare: Chapter 7

EDIT 21/SEP/2016: Hey all, guess who finally got onto his butt to write some more of this story? All of this chapter is the same as the last version UNTIL WHERE IT SAYS 'EDITED 21/SEP/2016.

"OVER THERE!" One of the three soldiers calls out to his allies pointing towards Folvos. The three of them take aim and fire at him causing Folvos to dive to his left behind a pile of wood, Aqua letting out a little squeal. When Folvos can no longer hear the bullets he tells Aqua to get down in the bag and zips it up before turning the bag around to his front and bolting for the next pile of collapsed bricks, some with darker shades of black on them that appears to have once been a house. As he dashes he can hear the bullets start again and they get closer to him this time. Folvos slides down onto his side and comes to a stop behind a low wall of bricks but the bullets continue and he just huddles close in on himself as he attempts to protect the bag containing Aqua. Aqua for the least part seems angrier at Folvos for juggling him around like that, not understanding what is going on around him.

"Sorry." Folvos says and Aqua just chirps slightly angry from inside the bag poking his head out to see Folvos. Folvos seems to be looking intently in the direction of the soldiers, his ears working overtime as he listens to the soldiers continuing to get closer and closer judging by the crunching of boots on gravel. Folvos gets into a kneeling position getting ready to make a run to the next house that looks somewhat familiar to him. There is a momentary break in the fire and Folvos runs, faster than he has ever run before, but it wasn't enough. One of the bullets catch Folvos in the thigh, beginning to stumble, yelping in pain as he falls onto his side. The soldiers keep walking towards him slowly as Folvos manages to crawl into the building still whimpering.

"Help, is anyone here?!" Folvos calls out to any occupants, nothing could be worse than his current predicament. Aqua pokes his head out of the bag and looks up at Folvos's grim face. Folvos places the bag down on the floor before attempting to get up, yelping lightly in pain Folvos manages to become standing on his left leg and starts shuffling and limping around the house. Aqua climbs out of the bag and starts waddling behind Folvos as he manages to get into the kitchen and blocks the door using some cupboard he pushes over the door. Aqua begins looking around and manages to find a bowl with some apples in it that he begins to eat while Folvos hobbles over to the phone. He fiddles around in his pocket for a second appearing to be searching for something before going 'ah-ha!' and pulling out a note with a phone number on it. The note appears to be mostly intact with a little amount of blood staining the edge closest to where the bullet wound was. Folvos begins to dial the number listening for the queue to tell Polybius he needs to come here.

Silence, no noise. 'The telephone lines must have been cut,' Folvos thinks before groaning.

"Why is nothing ever straight forwards around here?" Aqua suddenly lets out a chirp in alarm and Folvos sees a purple blur start coming towards him fast. He knows that there's no way he could defend himself with his leg like this so he brings his arms up and braces himself for whatever is coming.

"FOLVOS!!!" the girl screams just about bowling over Folvos as she hugs him tightly. Folvos for his part took it very well and just let out a rush of air before looking over the purple dragon in front of him. This dragon Ninjin appears to have yellow scales along her front and has some impressive purple and yellow wings tucked behind her.

"RJ?" Folvos questions, quizzically looking over his longtime friend before giving out a hearty chuckle, "Long time no see..."

"Where have you been, I've been worried sick!" RJ lets go of Folvos before noticing his weird stance and quickly sees the blood. "Folvos, you're bleeding!"

"No shit Sherlock, I was shot a little bit ago, know how to use a compression bandage?"

"Of course I do, now get on the bench." RJ begins helping Folvos the short way to the bench pulling out a first aid kit and ties up Folvos's leg, shooting occasional glances at Aqua who seems to be watching RJ work intently.

"So who is the cute little fella?" RJ asks apparently getting fed up with the little creature.

"Aqua? I found him one day, looked lost so I took him in and started to look after him, he's grown quite attached to me. No idea what type of Ninjin he is though..." Folvos stands up still wincing at the amount of pain it causes, "RJ we need to go now, I can help us but I need a phone with reception. We could probably get reception if we went to Oka hill..."

"Woah, woah, woah! That's nearby but those things won't hesitate to kill you... I've seen it... If we are seen by them we would be gone for sure..."

"RJ, I know it's scary, I can fix this... I may have accidentally caused this and I need to fix this... three of them chased me to your house... I'm almost certain that they're just waiting us out. My point is you can stay here but they'll grow impatient eventually... I want to protect you. Let me make this up by at least saving you..." Folvos looks sincerely into RJ's eyes and she can tell that he means it. She lets out a soft sigh.

"You say you can make this better?"

"I know I can." RJ still seems apprehensive but nods...

"Ok, I believe you. How do we do this?" Folvos looks at RJ's bag.

"Think you could fly carrying Aqua?"

"I think I could, but what about you?"

"Well... I caused this... I might as well take the most dangerous path..."

"No way, there is no way I am letting you go alone."

"I'm sorry RJ but there is no reason for you too risk yourself for me, take Aqua and get to the hill. Call this number and when Polybius picks up I need you to tell him that the end is here. Tell him Folvos needs him now, Zephilyber is coming. That should convince him..." Folvos places a crunched up piece of paper into her hand before he puts his hands onto RJ's shoulders and looks her in the eyes.

"I may have not always been the best friend you wanted and I may have not been the best person in general but you need to let me make it up to you." Folvos turns around and picks up Aqua, giving him a few pats for comfort before placing him into RJ's bag.

"Please, go to the roof, you'll know when I've started to distract them. Don't look back... you've been the best friend I could ever ask for RJ. Thank you." RJ keeps looking at Folvos, trying to talk, but unable to find the words to say or even the words to use.

"F-Folvos... I can't let you go just like that..."

"RJ," Folvos says slightly agitated before sighing. "RJ, If you don't get that phone call out the entire world will be destroyed... That is more important than me." Folvos leans in and gives RJ a long hug.

"You've always been there to let me talk. Well now I need you to do... This isn't about you or me. This is about our world. RJ, please let me attempt to fix this."

Folvos stands by the door wincing at his leg.

"For Everyone..." Folvos pushes open the door and hobbles out to some cover deliberately making more noise than he needed to. The soldier notices and immediately starts making some noise, probably to alert his comrades and raises his gun to level with Folvos. Folvos replies by grinning and diving to his right as the gun fires letting out a yelp when pain shoots up from the bullet wound in his leg.

----------------------------------------Heavily Edited 21/SEP/2016----------------------------------------

"You're too slow!!!" Folvos calls out to the soldiers before letting out a howl, the signal he had told RJ would mean that she could take off. Slowly he begins limping away from the house, going from cover to cover; he looks back for a second and sees RJ begin to take off. Slowly she begins flying about 10 meters off the ground, not high enough to be unnoticeable but as high as she can go with the added weight of Aqua in her bag. Aqua, for his part, had put his head out of her bag and is looking towards Folvos, watching him get surrounded being surrounded. Folvos smiled softly as he watched the duo continue on their way. Aqua tilted his head as RJ flew over Folvos and began climbing out of his confinement. RJ felt the shuffling in the bag and looked down before her face turned into one of shock and she reached for Aqua trying to stop him from falling. "AQUA!" she yelled as she watched him fall helplessly from her grasp, causing Folvos to look up in her direction. Dread began to spread across his face as he watched the small dot slowly growing and gaining speed as he fell.

Folvos watched on helplessly not noticing the slight glow appearing around Aqua's falling body as he began to slow down. He kept slowing down until it appeared as though he was only floating down towards Folvos. "Aqua!" Folvos exclaimed overjoyed that his friend had not just fallen to his death. Aqua for his part chirped happily not realising where he was floating. Folvos's eyes suddenly grew wide and he looked up panicking to Aqua floating above his head, but it was too late. The soldiers had already taken aim and a few bullets were fired when they regained their composure. Aqua ducked but he let out a loud chirp in pain as he fell into Folvos's hands. "AQUA!" Aqua lets out a sniff before a short, pained chirp and Folvos notices some blood oozing out of a wound in his arm. Folvos looks speechless at it before he shakes his head and starts to rip some of his shorts into a makeshift bandage. "Hold on Aqua, I'll make them pay... don't you worry, just don't give up Aqua, you can't give up!" Folvos begins to tear up as he patches up Aqua. "He's still alive." Folvos's hearing picks up on the soldiers chatter, "Moving up." Folvos grits his teeth and growls a little, placing Aqua against the wall he was using as cover. Shortly after he places aqua down, one of the Soldiers leaps over the barrier, but Folvos had been waiting for him. He dove at the soldier and tore into him, literally. He had barely even touched the ground before he felt the first cut to his body and it was milliseconds before the follow up cut. Folvos growled so loudly even aqua began to shake as he shredded through the soldiers poor armour. His screams could be heard by RJ and Polybius who was on the phone with her about one hundred meters away.

When all that was left of his armour was a pile of red covered metal scraps Folvos grabbed what was left of his body and tossed it back over the wall towards the soldiers. He could imagine their mortified faces at his latest kill and Folvos leapt over the wall the black fur on his skin showing that he had given into the instinct. Aqua needed to be avenged; no one would hurt his child! The soldiers seemed to back up slightly at their targets new appearance and Folvos ran at them faster than he had ever run before. They barely had any time to react before Folvos dove into the first one, tackling him to the ground and ending his life with one slice to the neck leaving only the other one left alive. He wouldn't go down as easily though as he had time to recover from the sight of his allies shredded body. He opened fire towards Folvos but it was in vain, Aqua had been shot by them, there was no way that he was living through the day.

Folvos leapt over the wall again to look over Aqua who tried standing up when he saw Folvos.

"No, sit down, you need to rest Aqua." Folvos walked over to him and sat him down again before pulling away the makeshift bandage on his arm. His arm appeared to still be bleeding and so he placed the bandage back.

"Folvos!" a familiar voice called out behind him. Folvos turned to look at the three approaching people.

"Aqua was shot in the arm, Polybius do you know what to do?"

"I'm a scientist not a vet... I'll take a look." Came his quick reply while Mina gasped and he ran to Folvos's side. "Does it look bad?!?" "I just got here, let me take a look." Aqua looked up at the two before winching and letting out a pained chirp as Polybius took away his makeshift bandage. "Shh, you'll be ok Aqua, just let Polybius take a look, he knows what he's doing. He'll take care of you."

"Chirp?" Aqua looks away from Polybius and Folvos over towards a slight gap between some destroyed buildings.

"Aqua, its ok I'm here." Folvos looks over Aqua but he almost appears to be looking through him. "Chirp!" Aqua calls out excitedly trying to free himself from Polybius's arms.

"Folvos, what is he doing? I need you to stop him from moving around so much."

"Aqua, you need to sit still, please, Polybius needs to look after your arm!"

"Chirp!" Aqua manages to break free from Polybius and walks towards the gap between buildings, stumbling a bit from the blood loss. "Could he be hallucinating?" "It's a possibility, damn he's fast." Polybius, Mina and Folvos chased after Aqua who was surprisingly nimble despite his hurt arm. "CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP!!!" Aqua seems to be growing excited and looks at Folvos pointing to the gap. "Aqua, get back here, your arm is still bleeding!" "CHIRP!" Folvos notices that Aqua's arm has apparently stopped bleeding, "AQUA!?" He calls out to his practically adopted son. Aqua continues ignoring him before looking down at his paws, Folvos managing to catch up to him tries to see why he had been running. "Aqua?!?" Folvos turns Aqua slightly and both Polybius and Mina gasp once they see what was happening to him. From the tips of his fingers to the bottom of his palms his hands appeared to be fading out of existence. "Aqua what's happening?!?" Folvos asks him wide eyed as Mina and Polybius try to comprehend what they're seeing. Aqua looks up into Folvos's eyes, and smiles softly before looking back to the side and giving a soft chirp. "Aqua?" Aqua looked back up to Folvos with wide eyes and Folvos despairingly noticed the fading effect was slowly growing to encompass more of his arms and had also started around his feet. What was left of Aqua's tiny hands grabbed onto Folvos's hands while Aqua looked up into his eyes. "Chirp..." Aqua said slightly reassuringly to Folvos. With his final words Aqua's whole body began to fade, slowly but surely until there was nothing left aside from a tearing up Folvos and a pair of shocked partners.

A Nightmare: Chapter 6

**A Nightmare: Chapter 6** Polybius stares at the little creature in front of him for a second before Aqua sees Folvos and chirps happily walking over to him. Folvos picks him up and looks at Polybius clearly very destressed and worried. "...

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A Nightmare: Chapter 5

**A Nightmare: Chapter 5** About two weeks later... "Chirp?" Folvos awoke suddenly to see Aqua looking into his eyes. "Hello Aqua, How are you?" Folvos asks tiredly before shutting his eyes again smiling. "Chirp chirp chirp..." Aqua starts...

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A Nightmare: Chapter 4

**A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 4** The creature gazed up into Folvos's eyes expectantly. He smiles happily and cuddles the hand that was put around his back before wincing and looking at his leg. Although Folvos had seen many different types of legs...

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