Tails of Power

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Tails of Power Universe

Sometimes the easy path is not always the best path. But the best path can be the most rewarding.

Tails of Power

His life had been uneventful. He had kind of slipped away from the attention of the world in a way. Nobody noticed him throughout school. Nobody ever remembered his name, or who he was, no matter where he went. He found no interest in much of anything. No sports, no pictures, no movies. It made for a hell of a social life - or lack thereof more honestly. And of course a hell of a lack of a love life as well. Last week, his employer actually forgot that he worked there and he got dropped off company records, thus terminating his employment. The only reason he still had a roof over his head at the moment was because his apartment complex forgot that the unit was rented and didn't try to collect on rent.

He had no good idea what he should do now. Guess time to look for another job. Pay rent if they didn't try to move somebody in on top of him or something like that. Keep on going, trying to figure out something, to find some way to be noticed? Or just give up and quit? Well, he really wasn't suicidal, so he would keep going. Maybe find a place he belonged, a place to work, a place to live, and somebody to love. But for now, he needed sleep.

* * *

His eyes blinked open and he was wide awake. He did not know what had caused him to awaken, but something didn't feel right. He felt more detached than ever before. He sat up in bed and realized that he could see himself as if he were fully lit, though the room was still shrouded in gloom.

The room was oddly silent though. He looked at his LCD clock and saw no numbers on the face of it. He could not hear soft hum of the normal household noises. A power outage, perhaps? No... It was even more silent than that. He could not even hear the sounds of the insects or the city outside. All he could hear was the quiet rustle of his own breath and the steady and increasing pounding of his heart.

His gaze shot up as he noticed movement and he stared in surprise. A very homely woman, dressed in just a plain robe - and also lit as if from a universally surrounding light source - was approaching the foot of his bed carrying a large suitcase. He strangely felt no concern as to her presence, nor panic from the ongoing events. He did pull the blankets a bit tighter around himself for modesty since he slept naked.

To call her homely was a compliment as well. She wasn't precisely ugly, but she was so dishwater plain that it would take an average guy several strong drinks before they would consider looking at her. She reached the foot of his bed and placed the suitcase down atop it, then flipped the latches. Though her footsteps had made no sound, the mechanism of the suitcase was surprisingly loud in the silence. She opened the suitcase fully and he gasped. Inside looked to be a combination of both more money than he had ever seen in his life and what looked like a multitude of small gold bars.

He looked at the woman questioningly and she looked back at him for a long while, then she finally spoke. "I am a powerful spirit. I am something that you might equate to a god, if you are of that bent, or a fate, or whatever you desire to think of me as. Your thread in the tapestry of life was already loose. Like many others, you lived the life of the forgotten, the unknown, one of countless anonymous faces in the world.

"Your thread has fallen from the tapestry. You now literally never existed. Nothing you did ever happened. You were never born. Just not there." She looked at him with no expression on her face and he shivered. Somehow he knew the words she spoke to be true.

"I am one of a few who seek those who come to this fate," she said, the first hint of an expression coming to her face in the slightest twitch of the corner of her mouth into a small smile. "I can offer you a second chance. Your thread can go back into the tapestry with a rich history and even brighter future. This," she gestured at the suitcase, "is a small sample of the riches your new life will have."

She sat down on the foot of the bed beside the suitcase. "This offer of course costs me much power. It's not a simple thing to just rearrange threads. But it is what I do. My... job description, you might say. However I like to try to gain something back myself if I may." She looked him square in the eye. "However, being what I am, I have no use for any material objects. So what I ask in return is some energy, if you are willing to provide it, in the form of a small bit of pleasure."

This last statement caused him to gawk. She smiled a bit more obviously now, and continued, "I simply ask, if you are willing, for you to mate with me. Or... 'fornicate'...? 'Have sex' is what I think you call it now. I draw energy from the pleasure, both yours and mine. More from what I get, of course, but yours as well, so no worries about needing to please me. It will be difficult to please me much regardless. This is not my native form, so I gain less pleasure from it."

"Of course if my current appearance turns you off, I can become breathtakingly beautiful, though that would be so far removed from my native form that I would gain no pleasure at all. Sadly, the energy I would need to use to do it would come nearly even with the energy I gain from your pleasure. But it would give you something at least." She turned to sit cross-legged on the bed, facing him, her robe just covering her knees.

He, on the other hand, was working hard to absorb all this information and its implications. He had a gut feeling that she spoke the truth about everything, but this was quite an upheaval for him regardless and now he was being asked to make choices as well. She simply sat there looking at him, waiting patiently.

"Okay, let me make sure I have this straight," he said, taking a deep breath and gathering his thoughts. "My life in the world is gone, as if I was never born, but I am still here, because I WAS there, or some spirit thing like that. So you have found my lost life or spirit and you want to give me a new life in the world, with money and power and stuff, because it's your job to do this. And this takes a bunch of your energy, but you can get energy back if I make love with you, because you get energy from the pleasure, but I don't have to. But this isn't your normal form, so you don't get as much pleasure, and if I think you don't look good enough to make love to, you can become really good-looking. But if you become beautiful, it makes you get no pleasure, and takes up almost as much energy as you get from my pleasure."

He took a deep breath, looking to her for any disagreement, but she simply remained silent, so he guessed he had it right. So he kept on. "So, from the way I see it, you've given me three choices. I can just take the new life and not worry about the pleasure part. Or I can give you some pleasure the way you look now, and then get the new life. Or I can ask you to be beautiful, have great sex, and then get the new life."

She nodded. "That is about the sum of it," she agreed. "I will become beautiful now for you, so you can see." She drew her hand across her face and began to glow slightly.

"No, no, no!" he exclaimed, causing her to pause as the glow faded away. "Don't waste your energy on that!"

"Ahhh," she said. "So you will put up with me looking like this, or just take your new life. Which will it be, then?"

He sat and thought about this for a moment longer, then looked up at her. "You know... In all honesty, if I was not meant to be, then maybe I shouldn't try to be. Especially not that money and power and fame stuff. I really don't want that. It has no value to me. Some people say that money buys happiness, but I don't believe it. I was just looking for someone, not something. I figure if I didn't find that someone the first time go round, being famous and rich and powerful will just get me jumped by every bimbo who wants to share in my money and power, making it even less likely for me to find someone."

His words seemed to catch her attention, but she continued to look at him silently. He swallowed, twiddling his thumbs as he thought some more. Finally he started speaking again, slowly as he thought. "You've probably burned quite a bit of energy just being in this form and coming to try to help me. So I should repay you that with the pleasure you asked for. But I won't ask to be... well... fixed. You can just let my thread vanish if it saves you the energy."

She blinked at him a few times. "You mean that you are selfless enough want to mate with me to give me energy and then be left lost? Not be put back into the world? Do you realize that if you chose this, you will be left here in this pocket of existence, never aging, never dying, trapped for eternity?"

He nodded and smiled. "Your offer sounds grand, but I really can't accept it. I guess I'll get bored, but I'll... well... deal with it. But I do want to repay you for the kind offer, and for the energy you must have spent to present it to me. In fact..." He paused and looked thoughtful. "If it doesn't cost you any extra energy to go back to your normal form and then back to this, instead of staying this way, then perhaps I could see your normal form? Who knows, maybe even if you look less appealing, I'll still share pleasure with you, so you can get more energy out of it. I mean, there's only so bad a woman can look, right?"

She gazed at him for a moment, a wry smile flitting past her face. "As you wish, as it does save me energy when I am in my normal form. But don't believe your words." Her features melted in a soft glow, her face extending and her whole shape changing. Her skin darkened at first, becoming a rich deep red, and then fur sprouted from it. The whole shape of her head changed, her ears moving upwards and elongating. Her legs and feet changed their proportion and thickness, becoming those of an animal.

Soon the glow faded and she held up a single clawed and black-furred finger, which she waggled at him as she took in his surprise from slitted amber eyes. "I am no woman," she murmured. "So this is how bad I can look to you. A mere animal." She halfway spat the last word out. Her head tilted and a smile crept across her muzzle. Her voice softened sympathetically, "But I shall return to human form for you, never fear. I shall not try to entice you to mate with me in this form." Her features began to glow again as she prepared to change back.

"No!" He exclaimed, reaching a hand out to her and leaning across the bed to grab her wrist. She started in surprise, the glow fading. Her ears laid back and she pulled her wrist from his grip.

"What, now that you have seen this, you no longer wish to please me?" she growled menacingly. "Well, that is what would be expected. Fine, then I shall save my energy and leave you be." She batted at the suitcase with a furred hand and it vanished.

"No..." he said again, more softly, and his hand caught her wrist once more. "I meant, you can stay this way and I will still do what I said." She looked at him suddenly, her ears perking forward once more.

He moved further across the bed, bringing a hand up to touch her cheek as he sat cross-legged in front of her. "You are no ... mere animal, as you put it," he said. "A mere animal does not have much to say, or much mind. A mere animal does not take effort at their own expense to help some poor slob like me, who shouldn't even exist. Just your simple presence and actions prove that you are no mere animal."

He smiled warmly. "I'll admit, this is somewhat... well... exotic. But I can see that your human form you showed me was simply as close as a human could get to this form. Humans are not meant to look like this, so when you were wearing a human mask, it looked wrong on you. But you are meant to look like this, and when you do, you look lovely." He curled his fingers against her cheek. "Not to mention very soft and sensual."

She stared at him. The set of her ears showed she was interested, but she was unspeaking for a long while. Her ears tilted back slightly. "And how do I know you speak the truth? How do I know you truly find any value in this form, other than just trying to get some extra time of something happening before nothing will ever happen again?"

His eyes twinkled mischievously and his hand guided her wrist that he was holding to place her hand in his lap. Her eyes suddenly widened and her ears went straight up in surprise at the evidence of his admiration that she found there. She soon relaxed, her fingers curling around his stiffened flesh, and her ears went to the side. "I suppose that is evidence enough," she admitted in a small voice, mollified.

She smiled a bit more. "Well, then I will accept your offer, and thank you. Though I do not have much time, so to speak." She untied the belt of her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders as he watched.

She was indeed very animalistic, though in human shape. Her face was that of a fox, deeper red rather than orange though. It showed intelligence through both expression and her eyes though. Her chest was mostly flat, but apparently the human characteristics went far enough to not be fully animal there, as he thought he could make out the bulge of nipples beneath the fur. So one could say she had breasts, but was more of an athlete's build. With her robe still about her lap, he could not compare beyond that, but her legs, as he had seen from below the robe, were obviously shaped like the hind legs of an animal.

The fur covered her whole body, colored like a fox; deep red across most of her body, creamy off-white on her front. Her hands and forearms deepened to a dark brown, almost black, as did the lower parts of her legs and feet. Her hands looked human enough beneath the fur, however onyx black claws came from the tips of her fingers rather than measly human nails. For some reason, though he would never have expected it, he found her exceptionally attractive.

She pulled her hand back, clawtips tickling past his flesh for a moment and sending a small thrill through him. She noticed this, smiling coyly. She unwrapped the robe fully from her body, and now he could see that the cream-colored fur did indeed continue down between her legs, thinning only slightly and allowing him a view of cleft flesh beneath. The removal of the robe also brought into appearance the tail that had had been tucked along her leg, and it flicked free to flip behind her, around to the other side, and drape across her lap.

"You're very open-minded and accepting," she purred. "I do very much appreciate your willingness to do this for me in this form. Not only will it allow me more pleasure - and more energy from it - but it will also allow me to gain more energy from your pleasure." She leaned forward to his side, lifting herself onto her legs and arms and moving forward on the bed. Her tail slipped back from her lap, brushing past his side before lifting well to the other side to expose her rear to the foot of the bed. "Mate me, then," she murmured, giving his back a lick. "Reach your peak and then we will be done. That will be the most efficient use of the time I have."

He sat gawking at her for only a moment before he shifted to his knees and moved around behind her. Now, though he had had little social life, and no love life, he had at least done his homework. And not just book studies either. A pent up man needed some non-hand release at times, and so he somewhat embarrassedly has paid visit to some of the less-legal paid services for such.

He stroked down her back, feeling her lush fur and eliciting a quiet growl of pleasure from her. "Be swift," she murmured, looking over her shoulder briefly. He nodded and positioned himself more carefully, using a finger to search along her body for his aim. It was definitely not human there by feel. She was wet already, so with a touch to himself to nudge into position, he began to slide into her.

The inhuman nature of her anatomy became much more apparent now. The feel, the heat, the fur brushing against his skin, all was enough to immediately elicit a groan of pleasure from him. Her response was very encouraging as well. She dropped down onto her elbows, a murrrl of delight coming from deep in her throat. All the fur on her back bushed up and she leaned back, pressing her rump against him to engulf his flesh in a sudden fluid motion.

He gasped at the intensity of the feeling, vaguely aware of a faint bluish glow around the two of them, and began to rock his hips in rhythm. If what she wanted was for him to cum, then it would not be too far off. Pressure built quickly in his loins and the squirms and noises she made indicated she was enjoying as well, though obviously not at the level he was.

He felt his peak building, nearing the point of release. There would soon be no going back. He definitely could say that for the last sex he would ever have, this would definitely be the best as well. She was rocking back against him, looking over her shoulder at him, her mouth slightly open as she was breathing more heavily now. Her tail began to flag, flicking against his side, and sometimes up against his chest, only adding to his pleasure from the lush softness.

He leaned forward, thrusting his way now towards the end, when suddenly he was aware of her tail jerking down slightly when he withdrew, then the base of it being squished between her body and his belly when he thrust again, bent at somewhat of an odd angle. She let out a yelp of discomfort and his eyes flew open to see. Her tail was quickly drawn back out of the way and she hissed, "Come to your peak if you desire, worry not about me." But her eyes belied her discomfort. He was sooooo utterly close that just one more thrust and he would be done, but with the utmost effort he tossed baseball, algebra, hockey, and TubGirl into his mind all at once, and held himself completely still. The last thought especially was extremely effective at backing off his peak and he relaxed, looking at her with concern.

"You don't look completely okay... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He felt along the base of her tail gingerly as she relaxed her legs to lower her belly to the bed. "I wouldn't feel right if I just took advantage and kept on after hurting you like that. I will if you really want me to, but I wanted to make sure you are okay first." His fingers continued to work along her tail, trying to help her feel better and it seemed to be helping.

She began to relax and the look of discomfort left her face. "It must have taken a lot of self control to stop. I could feel that you were very close to your peak," she murmured, cocking an ear back in his direction. "Do more of what you're doing. That feels very good. It helps a lot." She laid fully on the bed, her legs up to her sides, making her look much more like an animal, but still beautiful to him.

He dutifully settled back, sitting on his legs, and began to massage along the first half of her tail, fingertips working very carefully to help ease any lingering discomfort. He felt like he was doing it for a long while and was halfway worried that he was taking up too much of her time, but he figured she knew her schedule. He mentioned it after a long while though, just in case. "You said you didn't have much time," he murmured. "This is taking up quite a bit, I hope I am not keeping you too long. I do want to make sure you are feeling better though."

She smiled, not looking at him, and chuckled softly. "I will take as long as I desire. You've shown care in your stopping and in your willingness to help me feel better. I owe you some now and so I shall tell you of some things."

She pushed herself up onto her arms, sitting with her back to him, then turned herself around and sat on his legs, straddling his legs with hers. "Not all was completely revealed," she murmured. "I am a fox spirit. The Japanese called us Kitsune. Others elsewhere have mistaken us for Coyotes. Sensual tricksters of substantial power."

"I thought kitsune had more than one tail," he observed. "You only have one."

She smiled tolerantly, "We can, but that doesn't necessarily mean all of them will always show. There are thousands of one-tailed kitsune out there in fact. You just think they are normal foxes. With only one tail, they have very little power and very little ability to gain more. They generally will spend the rest of their relatively short lives living as normal foxes in your world and you will never notice the difference.

"Some do manage to gain their next tail and that is when they begin to be able to do more things, gather power, and gain further tails. With three, we can change into this kind of form and manipulate things more easily as you humans do. With four we can shift further and take on the human appearance. It all takes energy though and can be somewhat tiring in the long run." She toyed with a strand of his hair.

He smiled and stroked her arm and side as she spoke, then asked, "So, you have at least four tails, then. How many can you get?"

She flicked the strand of hair from her fingers. "We can eventually earn up to nine, the ninth tail a sign of our final level of power."

"Then what?"

"Then we are done gaining power and we use the qualities of our tails in the world and universe at large. Light kitsune have good qualities in their powers, dark kitsune have negative qualities in their powers. But there really isn't any good and evil, just shades of grey and comparisons. And of course, all of us who are able will look for others who may become kitsune. Sadly, most who are following this path would end up becoming dark kitsune. Qualities like greed, hatred, and cruelty would be their powers. There are very few of these, but they are very terrible to encounter."

She perked up happily, "I am a light kitsune of course, though don't make the mistake of thinking that means there is no balance even in us." She tapped his nose with a fingertip.

He nodded, trying to make sense of this. "So, how do you get more tails?"

"There are many ways to earn more tails. Gaining enough energy to combine with a trait and gain power is the general idea though." She looked at him. "The most common for any kitsune is to consume the spirits of others who may become kitsune and take their energy. Of course, light kitsune can only do this to those who would become dark kitsune, while dark kitsune will do it to any, light or dark, though they gain more from consuming one who would become dark. This is why there aren't that many dark kitsune, even though most who could become kitsune would become one. It takes the help of a kitsune to make the transition and it is very rare for a dark kitsune to assist another dark kitsune to come to be."

"I see..." he said, still somewhat confused, but getting less-so. "So, you find spirits who are... eligible?... to become kitsune, and if they would become dark kitsune, you eat them, and take their energy?"

"Precisely," she agreed. "As long as light kitsune get to them before dark kitsune do, there is absolutely no way they can become dark kitsune." She sighed wistfully, settling down on his lap some more, her ears drooping to the sides. "It does get to be a long existence though. The potential kitsune come often and I have consumed thousands, if not millions. I am over two thousand years old, just to let you know." He gasped at this statement.

She suddenly threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, licking and nibbling softly at his throat happily. "You've shown me such kindness in your giving, and listening. For thousands of years, I have been going through and consuming those who would become dark kitsune. Occasionally a bit of a tarry with someone, but almost never before in this form. Some have become light kitsune instead, but almost always only with single tails, destined to roam the world as a fox, hunted by the humans and others. It gets so lonely."

He felt her warmth against himself and felt a strong stirring in his heart for this creature. She had vast power, yes, but obviously felt pain as well as joy. His arms slipped around her and he held her close, stroking her back. "I'm glad I was able to bring you some joy and a change from the monotony."

She nodded, her face burrowed against his chest. "I have a good number of my tails, but the next is the hardest to achieve." She suddenly backed away and looked him in the eye. "If you... If you can mate with me and bring me to a peak... That may be enough energy for me to get that tail!" She looked excited for a moment, but her ears drooped again. "But if I get too much pleasure, I do go somewhat feral, you might say. I lose control of myself and my actions. That is why my tail dipped and got crunched." She cast her gaze downwards.

He dropped his hand to her tail and felt along it carefully. "Is it okay now?" he asked.

"Oh, it's fine now, but if we tried again, that might happen again. Especially if you pleased me more." She slumped more.

He smiled gently and kept his hold around her, leaning forward until he was able to lay her onto her back. His legs were already between hers and her tail flipped neatly to lay beside his legs as he leaned over her. "I can please you this way... We humans do it this way often. Then your tail could not be injured and I can do more things for you."

She looked at him oddly, unsure of the position. He ran his hands down her front, his fingertips delving into the lush fur, and her reluctance vanished as she arched her back in pleasure. His fingertips brushed across her small breasts again and found nipples to tease. She gasped and arched her back further, obviously enjoying this. "These things you do... they feel so wonderful..." she purred. And indeed, her body occasionally writhed as if it were out of her control, her claws ripping through bedsheets quite audibly as he continued to attend to her.

He nuzzled along her neck, down her collar and took the risk of getting a mouthful of loose fur as his lips sought her nipple. Turned out he had nothing to worry about. Her pristine pelt had not a single hair out of place or loose. His fingers roamed her body, feeling the play of the strong muscles beneath her coat. He realized that she was effectively the perfect merge between the strengths and beauty of a fox and the softness and shape of a human woman. Much better than when she was trying to play human.

Her arms wrapped around him as his hand slipped down her belly and followed the curve down her centerline. She may have felt more like an animal there, but he was pretty certain she would appreciate some attention regardless. She hugged his head close as he continued to suckle on her nipple, teasing it with his tongue.

He repositioned his weight somewhat, his hand brushing past the tears her claws made through the bedsheets - all the way into the mattress he noted distractedly - then his questing fingers found her hot flesh below. A quick curl and he soon discovered that she did indeed have a nub there for him to please. Her response was immediate and strong, but caused him to suddenly stiffen in alarm. With her arms around him, her hands were against his back. His touch had caused her fingers to curl in reaction. He figured he could deal with some red scratches from a human woman, but he had just felt the tears that her claws had made in the mattress. They would leave him in bleeding ribbons.

She was already quite aroused though and nibbled at his ear, concerned at his pause. "What is wrong?" she asked huskily, continuing to writhe slowly.

"Your... claws... Would be very bad for my back..." he said slowly, hoping to not offend her.

She whined in disgruntlement and licked at his ear, "I will make them safe for you. They cannot hurt you now. Please don't stop!" she pleaded. She hugged him closer, rubbing her body sensuously against him. He curled his finger again and was given pause once more when her fingers curled in response, her claws still feeling sharp against his back. "Trust me," she whispered burrowing her nose against the crook of his neck.

He nodded, slipping his free arm around behind her to hold her close as his fingers below curled decisively, stroking the full length of her wet slit to end in a strong rubbing of her swollen nub. He felt her claws quickly clench against his back, digging at his skin, but sure enough, there was no slicing of his flesh and no blood flowed. Not even any discomfort.

He treated her body to what must have been a first for her, his fingers playing at her flesh below as his tongue danced against her nipple. Her claws drew along his back repeatedly, but her magics kept him from harm. Every move showed how greatly she enjoyed this and he felt something welling up that he had rarely felt before.

He had amounted to very little in life. The only women he had ever been with wanted nothing more than as little mess as quickly as possible and a good bit of pay. Here was this woman... no, more than a woman... who had been around for thousands of years without ever getting this pleasure. She had been much worse off than him, he realized. His short life was nothing compared to hers. He felt accomplishment, and he felt attachment. He may even be able to give her the tail she desired. The tail that all she could do right now was work to acquire.

"This is wonderful!" she panted, squeezing him tightly enough to strain his back. "It's almost like being loved, so very close!" Her ears wilted again, even through her pleasure.

He released her nipple from his mouth and nibbled up along her throat, then looked at her, noting the sadness on her features. He pressed his cheek against hers and held her tightly, whispering, "I will give you my love, if you will let me. I will love you."

She froze at his words shivering slightly in reaction and drew her head back to look at him. Her eyes were bright and wet and her paw moved from his back to reach down and tug his paw away from her body. He drew in a breath as her fingers curled around his hard shaft and she carefully nudged him into position to enter her. Then her paw slipped away like a lost mist and slipped around his body once again, her arms moving down to encircle his waist.

The world seemed to spin for a moment and all he could see were her glowing eyes, and feel the tip of his shaft so close to her heat. "I will accept your love. So love me," she whispered gently, and gave an encouraging tug with her arms.

He needed no further goading and with a push of his hips, he slipped into her. If he had thought her to be delicious-feeling and hot before, he would have had to say that was mere stale bread compared to the delights he suddenly experienced. If heaven itself didn't include delights like this, he would never want to go there.

"I love you!" he gasped. "I will give you the peak you have so long lacked and hopefully the tail you so desire!" With that, he began the ancient dance that every mammal still knows to this day, the dance of joining, of mating, of sharing the pleasure and energy. She became quite a bit more to hold and he no longer tried, instead trusting her grip on him to keep him close.

He had gotten her so worked up already that he knew he had a chance to make her cum. He could feel his own edge so very close though, he would have to pay extra attention to her. His whole existence became focused on pleasing her, on giving her all of himself that he could, to bring her to the plateau that he knew she deserved. He could feel his attachment to her growing, his need to do this finalizing.

Her legs wrapped up around his bottom, pulling him closer and more powerfully into her, and he fought the edge of his own peak, needing the extra time to please her. He knew if he held fast, he would succeed. He could feel her motions becoming more wild and knew that she was ever so close, and that his perseverance would pay off.

He could feel her hot breath against her neck, her chest heaving as she panted, and he heard her whine out a single word: "Mine!" Her jaws suddenly closed against his throat and with each thrust of his, they jerked tighter. He realized with a small chill that he could feel the sharp points of her teeth very painfully and felt a hot drip of blood from the wound her needle-pointed canines had caused.

It didn't take long for the fact to come to his mind that he may be protected from her claws, but not from her teeth. He never broke beat from this, but in another few thrusts, and her teeth continuing to dig into his throat, he also came to the realization that her peak may very well clench her jaws. That would invariably kill him.

Two more swift strokes into her and the pressure began to impinge on his breathing. He would need to stop now, or die. But within those two strokes, he had already made up his mind. His existence was already lost, there was no use for him to waste away in nothingness for eternity. If his last action were to give her her peak - and her next tail - then he would be satisfied.

His mind made up and never a break in his stride, he held her close as her jaws tightened with each push. The pain was immense, but the pleasure was so much greater that it outshone the pain. He felt his windpipe closing, and with his last breath, gasped out to her, "I... love you!"

His final thrust sealed his sacrifice, knocking her over the edge. He felt her whole body shudder and her limbs held him almost crushingly tight. Her flesh clenched around his in spasms of pleasure, milking him into an instant peak himself.

His gift of his seed and his peak was his last living action as her jaws closed unforgivingly on his throat in her unrestrained pleasure. He felt his consciousness slipping and felt as if he were now in a camera, pulling away and up from himself, looking down on the scene.

From this vantage, he could see the brilliant nimbus of energy surrounding them and the thoroughly streaked fur of her face as tears ran from her eyes. Her muzzle and her entire face were quickly becoming soaked in his blood as his body lay limp atop her, no breath to come from it ever again.

Then he began to sink down beside the bed and his feet stopped near the floor, though he had no feet now. He looked down at the bed as she released his throat from her jaws, sobs wracking her body now. She looked into his lifeless eyes and stroked his tousled hair. He wanted to reach out to her, to comfort her, but he could not.

He heard her speaking through her tears, but it took him a moment to make out her words, as she said over and over, "I am done, I am finished, it is the end."

"What is wrong?" he tried to ask, panic leaping into his voice, but no words came from his lips. She heard him regardless, and answered.

"A Kitsune of Light may never take another good life, or they simply seal their own fate! I have sacrificed myself to be with you and now I will be forever doomed to torment and suffering." She fell limp beneath his lifeless body and wept.

He reached out to her, wanting so greatly to comfort her, but he had no hand to touch with. The energy nimbus flared and vanished and his body - and his blood upon her body - began to slowly dissolve into many dancing points of light.

He watched in amazement as the tiny pinpoints of brightness danced about, gathering up above the bed. The brightness even finally penetrated her clenched eyelids and distraught demeanor and she paused in her crying. She licked a muzzle that was devoid of blood and sat up, gazing in wonder at the forming vortex of brilliant motes above her.

The dancing lights suddenly swarmed around her, lifting her bodily into the air. He could see her scream, though the rush of sound from the vortex drowned it out. He screamed, reaching out to her, but was pushed away. All he could do was watch helplessly.

But she seemed to not be screaming anymore. Where her tail was, there was suddenly a cloud of glow and then seven more tails formed from the luminescent mist. Arcs of power, like lightning gone wild, began to flow across her, and in a brilliant sheen there was suddenly a ninth and final tail swaying beautifully behind her. It was the penultimate paragon of her power and he had helped her achieve it.

He dropped to his knees and wept in joy as the swirling motes slowly dropped her feet to the bed. His hands covering his face, he cried with the happiness that he had accomplished something so substantial. And then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Startled, he looked up to see her gazing down at him, her hand resting on his shoulder. "Why do you cry?" she asked him gently, squatting beside him and wiping away a tear with her thumb.

He was overjoyed that he could interact with her again now and threw his arms around her, holding her close. "I cry because I'm so happy," he exclaimed, his chin resting on her shoulder. "I didn't know it was your ninth tail you were seeking and I am so glad that I helped you get it, even though it cost me my life. I'm sorry that you were so scared that you would be in trouble." He squeezed her tightly, taking comfort in the feel of her body so close and warm against his own.

"Hush, hush," she murmured, giving his cheek a gentle lick. "In gaining my ninth tail, I also gained knowledge, as do we all. I'm just used to getting knowledge like this. You are not. So I will help you by explaining it."

He pulled back and looked at her questioningly. She backed away from him and drew him to stand, then sat down on the bed herself. "You were one who could become a kitsune. That is why I came to you. Those who may become kitsune will have loosely attached threads and then their threads will fall from the tapestry. The money, the offer of a new life... that was a test. The easiest first tail of a Kitsune of the Dark is the Tail of Avarice. Had you accepted the offer, I would have destroyed you and consumed your power."

He looked startled, but couldn't voice his question, but it seemed she read his mind. "No, the offer of mating was part of it too in a way. Yes, I can gain some extra energy, even if I mated with one who I would later destroy. Had you taken the offer and also asked that I became beautiful for a fling, I simply would have had to spend extra energy to destroy you, as that would have indicated you were already ready for your second tail."

She smiled warmly at him. "Instead, you declined the offer to return to wealth and fame. That Selflessness could potentially be the First Tail of Light. Had you taken my offer for mating in the ugly human form, you would have been halfway to your second tail of Acceptance." She grinned with her ears perked cheerily and her tails swishing behind her. "And don't bother to ask what would have happened if you had asked me to be beautiful. In the universal rules of things, that just doesn't happen."

She held up two fingers and touched the tip of one with the other hand. "You earned your second tail though fully by accepting me in my natural form." She ticked off a third finger. "The self control you showed in stopping when I was hurt is a third tail." And she continued ticking off fingers.

"Care to see to the injury to my tail; Kindness that you showed to me to listen to my story; Trust that my claws would not hurt you; Love that you gave freely..." A glistening tear rolled down the fur of her cheek as she remembered that. Her voice cracked somewhat as she continued, "And Perseverance in your set upon selfless task to please me."

He nodded, starting to gain understanding, as if old memories were beginning to surface. She flicked her tails about and flipped eight of them onto her own lap. "All eight of these Tails of Power I knew about. But I could never get anyone, not even the nine tailed kitsune, to tell me of the ninth. And now I know why. The Ninth Tail of Power is Sacrifice. If one knew what they were sacrificing for, then they would not be truly sacrificing. To tell any other who has less than nine what the ninth tail is, is to forever bar them from achieving that ninth tail. And with such a damaging and destructive action, even nine tails would not bar a Kitsune of Light from their own decimation and eternal torment."

She reached out to take his hand. "I knew how much you desired my pleasure. I knew that you were sacrificing yourself to give it to me and to be with me. I could have forced myself to release my jaws, to break the moment and heal you, but I could feel how desperately you wanted to please me and to love me and be with me. So I left my jaws around your throat, crushing the life from you in spasms I could not control, so that you could have your desire. I did this even though I knew that your death would be my destruction."

She flipped her ninth tail around onto her lap, draping it across the rest. "This sacrifice earned me my ninth tail. The Tail of Sacrifice. And I have you to thank for it." She chuckled softly. "After the love I showed for my seventh tail - which was not returned - I thought I would never be able to love again. Thank you, so very much for everything."

He felt his tears welling up through all of this and he nodded slowly, a kind smile on his face. "I am so glad that I was able to love you and you have given me much more now, after my life was ended, than I ever had in life to begin with. I'm sorry that I am dead now, so I probably can't ever see you again soon. But I am glad to have done what I did and I would do it again if I could."

She looked up at him, her tears drying and both ears askance. "Dead? Can't be with me anymore?" She looked at him questioningly.

He nodded. "You killed me and I floated out of my body. I couldn't touch you or speak to you. And I guess I'm only sticking around until you're gone because of your new power."

She stared at him disbelievingly for a long while...

Then she burst out laughing, flopping back onto the bed and rolling about on it, guffawing until tears flowed from her eyes. He watched this, horrendously confused, until she finally got up onto the bed on all four paws and pounced him, knocking him over backwards. She grabbed his wrist in one paw as she pinned him and held it up in front of his eyes.

He gasped at the view of a black-furred and clawed hand in front of his face and she suddenly grabbed for the top of his head. "Ow!!" he exclaimed as she tweaked one of his perked ears. "What the...?"

She grinned down at him, "And just wait until you look behind you, my love." Then her muzzle pressed against his and her warm body close thereafter. And in the swirl of eighteen tails, they began their new lives.

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