Nighttime Naughtiness

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Well, here's another Ruby and Luke story, only things are a bit different this time! ;) Luke has a penis this time, and the roles are reversed - Ruby's the little cub this time! Why? Well, you can go with the 'real' explanation (that Ruby and Luke are based off of human players, who switch roles), or, you can go with a funner one (I prefer to think they're immortal gods outside of these stories, constructing entire 'sexy' lives the way mortals create BDSM scenes).

Obviously, big TW for rape and child abuse.

In the darkness, something was grunting.

Actually, if you looked closer, you could see it wasn't actually quite 'darkness' - the nightlight illuminated the bedroom with a dim glow, and it was possible to make out a pair of human-like figures in the light.

The first, a little girl, a sleeping canine with dark fur, her mouth stoppered up with her own thumb. She was dressed in a powder blue nightdress that looked like it was designed for someone much younger.

In fact... yes. The pup's legs were slightly akimbo, and between her chubby young thighs, one could see the unmistakable bulge of a nighttime diaper. Even the bed the child laid in seemed to be made for a toddler, with bars on the side that had been lowered by the other occupant of the room. Another glance would reveal exactly why said occupant had done this.

If the little girl in the bed was a bit too old for a diaper and a toddler bed, she was much, much too young to be the focus of the other figure's activities. For Luke, the elder, responsible cousin, of little Ruby... was jerking off over her sleeping form.

Luke had his throbbing teenage hard-on in one paw, stroking it, while his other paw rested on the bed. Occasionally, his free paw would trail over Ruby's body, finding someplace new to rub or squeeze. For now, it slid between their legs, pressing against the crinkly softness of her (surprisingly) dry diaper.

If Luke pressed firmly, he could just about make out that tiny bulge, and his movements became more intense as he flattened his paw against Ruby's crotch, rubbing to try and stimulate the sleeping girl. Ruby's body was used to receiving these touches by now, and Luke soon felt her ittybittyclitty firming up under the diaper, pressing against his paw through it.

The older dog moaned, rubbing in firm semi-circles. Since Ruby was such a small girl (in multiple ways), her arousal would never show through the thick diapers she usually wore[1], but Luke could feel it, clear as day, pressed against his palm through her 'protection'. 'Some protection!' thought Luke, but soon his mind was elsewhere.

In a fog of sleep, Ruby's hips twitched, her body naturally seeking out more stimulation. She murmured around her thumb, her lower body rocking slightly as her bad cousin molested her through her padded panties. A small dose of a sleeping pill in Ruby's night-night bottle ensured that there was no way she'd be waking up any time soon, but she gave soft little huffs and squeaks almost as if she were awake.

That got Luke's paw moving. The grunts were getting closer and closer now, and precum was drooling all over Luke's hand. His other hand, of course, was rubbing and fondling between Ruby's legs, her immature hips occasionally squirming or pushing her crotch towards Luke.

Ruby had taken Luke's cock before, many times in fact. She was used to feeling his shaft pressing against the back of her throat, tasting that salty, chemical-like fluid that always squirted out. She would swallow it, getting almost every drop, now that she was old enough to understand how to give a good (if reluctant) blowjob[2]. The pup didn't like to admit it, but Luke was sure she actually liked the taste of his spunk, the naughty little slut. He'd occasionally mix it in with her bottle or her food, and watch her excitedly suckle down his man seed, as if it were the best thing she'd ever tasted.

Ruby was also used to being taken by Luke somewhere else. Luke had to admit, her muzzle was wonderful, and she was very talented with it[3], but... he preferred to leave his 'deposit' deep inside the cub's bowels, when he could. She hadn't taken his knot yet (soon, Luke was sure), but her older cousin had been exploring her rump since she was very small.

The first time, he'd used a finger, drizzled in baby oil, slowly fucking her as she whimpered and teared up, fussing and mumbling 'nuuu!' and 'owwiie...' as her cousin took complete advantage of his babysitter privileges. Luke had been barely a teenager then, his cock far smaller. He'd gasped and cum on his paw that time, wiping it off on Ruby's old used diaper.

The next time he was changing her, he decided to go a little further... He rolled the pup onto her tummy, quickly (and quietly) clambering up on the sturdy table behind her. A generous amount of baby oil was drizzled between her rump cheeks, and Luke slid his length between them, grinding against her cute little bottom with enthusiastic little yips while Ruby fussed ineffectively, not happy about being pressed into the changing mat while her cousin did... whatever weird thing he was doing.

Ruby's protests had become more focused when Luke neared his climax - feeling emboldened by his latest activity, the boy had pulled back and then pushed his fat red shaft against Ruby's tightly crinkled pucker. She whimpered and cried as she felt her sphincter stretch slightly around the sloping tip of Luke's cock. It was only the very tip, but it was enough - Luke gasped again a few moments later, his hips pressing forwards into Ruby as he shot his wad again, this time a few inches into her tight rump.

The boy had found a much more enjoyable way to get off, and he did it every chance he could (when he knew he wouldn't be caught). Ruby learned to anticipate a session of puppyhumping, and would pout when she was picked up and carried off to be changed, her sensitive hole usually still sore from another recent tryst.

It wasn't until Ruby was a few years older that Luke made her really take his cock - squeezing the very tip in to empty his balls was one thing, he wanted to actually /fuck her/ under her tail. He'd seen porn films online of adults going at it, and he'd read that anal sex felt amazing.

Luke had picked a weekend where he and Ruby were going to be all alone for a couple of days, and even bought real lube[4]. He'd made her get on all fours (naked), like doggies did, and mounted her, holding her tiny hips in place. By the time she felt the slimy member nudging against her tailhole, and realised something 'bad' was going to happen, Luke had had her more or less trapped.

She cried out and yelped as her cousin pressed in that familiar half inch - and her mouth continued to drop as she felt him pushing harder, going further inside, stretching her seemingly impossibly. She protested, trying to squirm away from the teenage boy, but Luke would not be dissuaded, murmuring soft 'it's okay's and 'be a good girl for me' as he plodded onwards, slowly but determinedly stuffing every inch of himself into the too-tight cub.

Ruby had felt Luke's tip jabbing uncomfortably into the depths of her bowels, and she whined, tears forming in her eyes as her cousin did the hurty-naughty-stuff, only worse this time. She'd thought it was over when Luke slid back, a gasp catching in her throat at the weird sensation of his cock pulling backwards, almost feeling like her insides were being dragged back with it.

She'd given another horrified yelp as Luke's hips smoothly swung forwards, poking deep inside again. And then again. And again. The strange, uncomfortable, painful poking continued, faster and faster, despite Ruby's quiet attempts at persuading her cousin to stop.

For a few minutes, the air was filled with the sound of huffing, moaning, muffled squelches, and two voices - one soft, occasionally softly pleading with her cousin to 'go slower, please!' or 'let's play something else', occasionally gasping or whimpering... and even more occasionally, moaning. The other was Luke's, and he spoke soothing words to Ruby, his speech getting more and more erratic as he neared his peak, mumbles of 'over soon' and 'just relax' lost in a haze of grunts and moans.

Eventually it had gotten too much and he'd slammed himself home, just his knot resting outside of Ruby's battered hole. They'd both howled in unison as each felt Luke's climax from different perspectives - Luke, feeling his baby cousin's hole massaging and squeezing his penis, firing his spunk deeper inside her bowels than he'd ever been, finally completely claiming her - and Ruby, feeling her older cousin pressing himself hard against her most intimate inside parts, that weird, slightly naughty feeling of warm fluid filling her up where nothing should ever go.

Luke had kissed her after, a firm, desperate grown-up kiss, his tongue pressing needily into her mouth, just after he dragged his length out for the final time. He'd told her what a good girl she was, how well she'd taken his cock. The little puppy had blushed at being praised, not quite understanding, but glad she'd done a good job. Later, Luke had 'rewarded' her by letting her grind against his groping paw until she whimpered and had her first orgasm[5].

From then on it had been a semi-regular thing - Luke would take his cousin's rear end whenever he had the chance, and the pup found herself with a very sore tushie more often than not. He didn't always finish inside - instead, he'd sometimes pull out at the last moment and finish on her fur or a tissue, or even use a condom to trap his seed. Usually, that was when he knew he'd be handing her off to someone else for a while, and he couldn't afford to have his illicit activities discovered.

Luke vowed that he would eventually take her tailhole while she was passed out like this - she was so quiet and compliant this way, and it tickled him to know she wouldn't remember what he'd done. He thought, perhaps, the relaxed muscles might even be enough to let him ram his knot home - or at least make an attempt - without hurting her too much.

But he had plans for Ruby tomorrow, and tonight, he wanted to try something else. The fact Ruby was mostly unconscious fuelled his desire. He wanted to finish in her mouth without her ever waking - he was curious - would she swallow his cum even in her sleep, or spit it out automatically?

Luke's hard-working paw and his filthy imagination had brought his climax terribly close already, and he groaned softly, reluctantly moving his groping paw up, to Ruby's face. He slowed his stroking for a moment, trying to hold off, before he gently but firmly pulled Ruby's thumb out of and away from her mouth.

The pup whimpered in her sleep, her head turning in the direction of her thumb, open mouth seeking it out needily. Ruby's mouth was quickly plugged by something else - Luke nudged the tip of his cock against her lips, and felt them part to accept (what she thought was) her thumb.

Luke throbbed, looking with awe down at the innocent puppy, eyes closed tightly, dreaming, as she wrapped her lips around his throbbing, adult shaft. He swallowed, his hand movements slower, almost reverent as his cock pulsed with anticipation.

And then, just as she had been with her thumb, Ruby began to suckle on his tip.

That innocent reflex in such a lewd scenario sent Luke over the edge. His paw swept upwards, and as it did, his length kicked and throbbed, making him moan as he felt his hot semen surging upwards into Ruby's waiting mouth. Ruby kept suckling, right up until that first shot of bitter cum hit her tongue.

Luke felt another little jolt of arousal as he saw her neck flex rhythmically, and heard a quiet gulping noise. She WAS swallowing his cum! He groaned again, a particularly hard shot splattering the back of Ruby's throat, his paw clumsily working out all of his seed.

Ruby coughed and pulled away with a confused-sounding moan, opening her mouth wide briefly and showing her spunk-covered tongue, before closing it again, swallowing once more. With its target gone, Luke's swollen cock fired it's next two loads right across Ruby's muzzle, making the fur sticky.

Ruby huffed and turned back to Luke as she felt the hot cum splattering her, and Luke quickly placed his tip against her lips as he finally finished, his spunk dribbling out onto her adorable pout.

Luke stood, panting in the quiet bedroom for a moment, watching Ruby's tongue instinctively swipe across her lips, clearing them of most of his semen. He felt a twitch at that, but he knew he needed to sleep, and he was exhausted already. Gingerly, he pulled his cock away from the greedy puppy's mouth, leaving her to mouth at the air, seeking something to suckle again.

While replacing his deflating length with her thumb once more, Luke glanced over at Ruby's diaper, pondering for a moment.The little girl didn't really wet the bed as often or as much as her diapered state would suggest. It was convenient (not to mention adorable) to Luke, for people to think she needed such thick diapers, and so he had another routine, after night time fun...

Luke used a finger to pull away the legband of Ruby's diaper, his cock still dangling, flopping about as he guided it through that opening, resting warmly against her crotch. He tensed for a moment, and then sighed, feeling his bladder empty.

Hot urine gushed over Ruby's crotch and rump, soaking into her fur and making it sodden. The rest dribbled off the already wet floof, and soaked into her padding. Luke watched with a smirk as it swelled, turning yellow as he 'helped' Ruby to wet herself. Finally he finished, the scent of his pee all over the little cub's private zone, pressed against her by her own diaper.

He withdrew his length, and gave the now-squishy diaper a pat. Now that playtime was over, his cock began to retreat into its sheath, and Luke gave Ruby a soft kiss on her forehead, before he rearranged the blankets to cover her.

"Goodnight, Ruby... we're going to have lots of fun tomorrow..." he said, with a smirk, as he turned out the nightlight, plunging the room into darkness for real.

[1]Luke used this to his advantage several times. A horny and frustrated cub, with a slender buttplug teasing her walls, was endless fun to take out and tease in public.

[2]When Ruby was younger, her tiny mouth could not even fit the tip of Luke's cock. He would blow his load on her soft pink tongue, and snicker when she fussed and tried to pull away, the volume of Luke's emission leaving her no way to breathe unless she swallowed like a good girl.

[3]It was sometimes amusing to Luke to dangle the threat of anal penetration over Ruby's head. He would coerce her into 'agreeing' to 'just a blowjob' rather than using her sensitive backpassage again.

He would force her to say blush-inducing things such as :'I'm a dirty little whore who loves Daddy's cock' or 'please fill my slutty mouth with your hot cum', in between worshipping Luke's length, until he either came in her warm muzzle... or growled 'I bet you'd like to be filled somewhere else, too!' and took her in the usual way despite her efforts.

[4]Although, diaper changes were still one of his favourite ways to initiate 'naughty' time, and over the years he found himself returning to good old baby oil again and again. He liked to change Ruby's diaper, carefully, using only the softest wipes. He'd pay special attention to her little genitals, stroking them, enough to tease, but not to get her stiff.

Then, as if impatient, he'd lift Ruby's bottom, holding her by her ankles, clumsily lining up his well-oiled cock with a smirk - before he slid easily inside her tightness, her mild resistance doing nothing to stop him from taking what he saw as his. He'd hold her, bottom half dangling off the edge of the changing table, as he pounded away mercilessly for a few minutes, finally finishing with a quiet howl. Ruby would be given some little treat as a reward for being a 'good girl', and he'd slide out, taping her into a new diaper, knowing it would catch any fluids that trickled out of her well-used hole.

[5]Ruby was an innocent puppy, but something about her anatomy meant that any kind of teasing inside her rump seemed to press against her very sensitive prostate. Even when taking Luke's hardness was a very uncomfortable chore for her, he could still reach under her and find her penis (small, even for her age) stiff and needy, bucking against his paw if he played with it. Sometimes he would make her cum, to feel her clench around him - and, of course, so he could tease her for being such a desperately horny little puppyslut.

You are filled with APPREHENSION...

\* You lay in the bed. It seems wrong there's only one... \* Try to sleep? SLEEP \>DON'T SLEEP \* You decided not to sleep. You lay awake in bed for a few hours. ... ...... ......... \*knockknock\* "My Child? Are you awake?" \>YES NO ...

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No Fuss

Cousin Ruby worked a single adult-sized digit back and forth, in and out of the decidedly not adult-sized canal of the little puppy on her lap. She'd turned him around to face her now, his knees on either side of her, and her finger moved lazily in and...

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_Author's Note: I in no way condone the actions of 'Daddy' in this story. This is all purely fantasy, based mostly on my own ageplay relationship, where I (the sub) eroticize this kind of thing happening to me. _ _That said, it's potentially...

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