The Risk is the Reward

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#1 of The Risk is the Reward

The Risk is the Reward

by Duffin Caprous

Jayson smiled and waved as his parents made their way out of the driveway on their way to visit his father's mother. The rabbit had not wanted to go with his parents, knowing he had a lot to do before summer vacation was over. Being that he was 18, they had decided to let him stay home alone. Once they had driven away, he leaped in excitement and ran into the house. The bunny had just turned 18 and he intended to enjoy his week without parental supervision.

He tossed off his clothes as he walked into his bedroom and headed for the shower. Glancing in the mirror, the bunny saw his short, slim body. His fur was tan with darker tanned spots dotting his body along with one large splotch on his left pectoral. He looked more like he was 15 or 16, but knew that eventually he would hit his growth spurt. Or, rather, he'd hoped he would. The youth quickly showered, cleaning himself off and resisting the urge to touch himself in ways other than cleaning. He had other plans for that.

It didn't take long for him to feel a bit hungry. Being that his parents had left him a hundred dollars for the week, he decided to make his way to a local fast food burger place. He made his way into his car and relished in the freedom of driving somewhere without his parents asking him where he was going. He also felt his heart flutter as an idea came to his head. Within about ten minutes, the bunny made his way to the restaurant and walked in, smiling a little to the fellow lapine behind the counter. The worker looked less than happy.

"Welcome to Bucky Burger, how can I help you?" he asked as if he'd spoken the words at least three hundred times already that day.

"Um…a number one, please," he replied softly and paid for his food. It was brought out quickly, which obviously meant that it had been sitting under a heat lamp. That was alright, though, he wasn't sure how much he would eat. Taking the tray of food, the bunny made his way furthest from anyone in the restaurant, close to the bathrooms which were around the corner. Across from his table was a row of windows that looked out to the parking lot.

Jayson glanced around and unwrapped his burger before beginning to eat it. His heart started to beat even faster as his free paw began to slip beneath the table. His fingers teased over the fly of his jeans, rubbing there slowly as his eyes darted around. He continued to eat without even realizing. His mind was focused on his excitement and fear as he started to pull the zipper down.


Jayson nearly jumped out of his seat. He did, indeed, drop his burger onto the tray as he looked quickly to the bathrooms. In his excitement, he had failed to notice the yellow bathroom cart sitting in front of the female's bathroom. A Bucky Burger employee had let the door slam behind him as he left, making his way back to the front of the restaurant.

His heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest. The bunny chickened out and quickly began to eat his burger and fries. His paw didn't go back down. Indeed, he made a show to no one in particular that both hands were well above his waist by holding onto the burger with both paws.

Once finished, he walked back to his car and got in, his heart still pounding. He felt disappointed in himself for not going through with his plan and even felt embarrassed for not noticing the obvious yellow cart. He then realized that he was very hard in his jeans and it was starting to get a bit uncomfortable.

The excitement was getting to him and Jayson knew that Bucky Burger wasn't enough. He needed something else. Turning the key in the ignition, an idea came to him and he drove off home to get a few things. Soon, Jayson had returned to the car with a blue duffle bag. The bunny set it on the passenger seat and swallowed at what he was planning, hoping he wouldn't chicken out again. He drove to the mall and pulled into the parking lot, taking the duffle bag with him as he made his way inside.

Being that it was Sunday, the mall was pretty busy. That fact made Jayson very nervous, but it thrilled him even more. Nevertheless, he wandered around the mall, scoping the place out before passing a certain bathroom a few times. He noticed that not as many went into that one as went into the others. With a quick glance around, he walked in, quickly going into the handicap stall and locking the door. His chest was pounding so hard, he almost felt sick, but he was resolved to do what he had planned to do. His paw crept down to rub at his obvious arousal, the bunny shivering a little. His long tan ears were perked high to listen for the slightest noise as he pulled the zipper down, tugging out his hard pink erection. His shaft was a modest size at about five and a half inches long, not exactly the biggest of bunny-kind. His soft paw stroked himself in the stall, feeling very nervous. He let out a soft moan and felt himself getting bolder. He quickly pulled his shirt off and put it in the duffle bag, letting his free paw rub over his slim chest and stomach as his paw slid up and down his slick arousal.

Jayson bit his bottom lip and whimpered softly, letting out a surprised gasp as the door opened, doing his best not to jump or feel paranoid. There was no reason for the fur that had just entered to suspect what he was doing. The bunny shivered and listened as the male stood before a urinal and relieved himself. His paw began to slide up and down again, the bunny feeling quite a thrill at masturbating while someone else was in the room.

Once the male walked out, Jayson swallowed hard and used his free paw to pop the button on his jeans. They immediately fell to the ground and he stepped out of them. Without thinking, he kicked the lumped denim under the stall and across the bathroom floor to rest underneath the row of sinks. Now he would need to walk all the way over there with no pants on to get re-dressed. The lapine blushed deeply at that thought and hoped that if anyone else came in, that they wouldn't notice them.

Feeling his excitement grow, the boy's paw jerked at his cock harder, pre leaking from the tip now that he was completely naked in a public bathroom. His paw rested on the door of the stall as he jerked off, letting out quiet noises as he tried to remain silent. Without realizing it, he soon felt his fingers turning the latch on the handicap stall. It swung open of its own volition and while no one would see him in there if they simply walked in, he would need to reach pretty far out to pull the big door closed again and someone would surely notice a shirtless bunny frantically reaching for the door.

Another nauseating thrill entered his stomach as he bit his lip hard. First, he stuck a foot out of the stall hesitantly as if something would come and chop off whatever came out of the stall. In reality, he had this fear that as soon as he left the stall, someone would walk in. The whole time, the bunny's paw slid up and down on his stiff bunnycock, pre slickening his shaft. His other footpaw stepped out of the stall, bringing the rest of his body with it. He was in full view of the door now. There would be no time to react if someone threw the door open. They would see him jerking off naked in the middle of the bathroom.

He walked further out into the bathroom itself, letting out quiet moans as his paw slide over his throbbing cock. He felt exposed and vulnerable in the middle of the room. Any moment someone could come barging in. It started to become more apparent by every passing second. His paw sped up and he let out a whimper as he felt himself tipping over the edge. He jerked his hips into his paw as streams of bunny cum shot out and splattered onto the sink counter, leaving him panting heavily.

All too soon, he regained his senses and quickly ducked down to grab his jeans and rush back into the stall. Just as the latch locked, the bathroom door opened. Jayson nearly felt himself pass out at how close he came to being caught. This time, the person who walked in entered the stall right beside him. He quickly pulled his pants on and heard a shrill whistle and then three taps of a foot. The bunny blinked a little and heard it again.

He realized that the sound was coming from the male in the next stall over. He heard the foot tap three more times and without thinking, the bunny returned the three taps. Soon, there was some rustling and he saw the male's knees come into view under the stall as well as his opened fly. All the bunny saw was a dark brown-furred sheath to match the rest of the brown body.

Jayson's eyes went wide as he realized what the male had been doing. He heard a grunt come from behind the stall which made him swallow. He wasn't gay, but he was still feeling extremely horny and…he'd never had sex, so…how would he know for sure, unless…

The young bunny slowly went to his knees with quite a blush on his face. His small, soft paw slide out to grasp the thickening sheath tentatively. He knew what felt good on him, so he figured that he would do the same for the gentleman in the other stall. His eyes widened as the shaft grew to nearly twice the size of his, which made him blush a little in shame.

His paw began to slide up and down the hard black cock. He started to get that excited feeling in the pit of his stomach again as his paw worked over the male quickly, trying to help him before someone else came in. The male apparently had a hair trigger and soon the dick twitched in Jayson's paw. Cum spurted across the floor, landing in the bunny's lap. He gasped softly as he saw the cum land across his pant leg.

Without a word, the male pulled back, zipped up, and walked out leaving Jayson with a messy paw and cum on his pants. Through all of that, he noticed that he was hard once again. It wasn't so much the male's cock, but the thrill of doing it in such a public place. This wasn't enough either…he needed something else; something even more thrilling.

After cleaning off his paw and trying to clean as much of the cum from his pants as he could, Jayson grabbed his duffle bag and left the mall. He could swear that everyone was looking at him, knowing what he had just done. No police came to arrest him and no mothers hit him with handbags screaming about how he corrupted their children, so he was safe as he made his way to his car.

The bunny felt exhilaration like he'd never felt before. He knew what he needed to do, where he needed to go…he started the car and drove out of the parking lot. He felt his cock throbbing in his pants as he drove, feeling excitement like he'd never felt before. He drove the car up a long wooded drive. A sign was posted at the entrance naming the place as Oak Wood Park. He loved this park. It was secluded and very wooded. The bunny left the car and took his duffle bag with him, starting to walk down a particular trail., noting a few cars parked in the same lot as him.

He was instantly surrounded by trees, but the trail was clearly marked. The incline slowly increased and he was soon sweating on the warm summer day. Jayson felt the rocks and twigs under his bare feet as he made his way along the trail, enjoying the sights and sounds even as his excitement grew. He could see the flowing creek a few hundred feet down from the side of the hill he stood on and started to make his way down a slightly grown-over trail. He had found the trail a few years ago. He hadn't taken into account that it had recently rained, however, and lost his footing. The bunny yelped out as he slipped in a muddy patch, sliding all the way down the inclined trail. Once he reached the bottom, he had reaches a meadow of grass.

Jayson slowly got up. He wasn't hurt, but his back and butt were slicked with mud. Oddly, though, he didn't mind. It was kind of exciting to be dirty in that way. He felt that odd flutter in his stomach and walked toward the creek. He had planned for a naked swim in the creek, but he gasped as his foot sunk up to his knees in mud.

The bunny felt the wet mud ooze between his toes as he stepped down and easily lost his balance. Falling forward, he instinctively put his paws out to catch himself. This was futile, of course, as his paws sunk completely into the soft mud and he ended up falling on his face anyway, his front completely mucky now. Jayson gasped and quickly wiped the mud from his eyes and mouth, looking down at himself.

Shit, now what was he going to do? It was just then that he felt an odd pleasure from being completely covered in mud. Without thinking, he tugged his shirt off and tossed it off into the woods willy-nilly. He dug his paws down into the mud and brought it up toward his chest, smearing it over. A shivery moan left his lips at how amazingly kinky and dirty he was being. He unbuttoned his jeans and tugged his legs out of the mud, tossing the jeans without thinking. Quickly, the bunny sunk his legs back in the mud and pushed his hips against it. The boy's shaft sank into the soft mud, making him moan out suddenly. He bit his lip hard and shuddered as he started to hump into the mud.

It didn't take long for the over-excited bunny to shoot his load into the mud, his eyes fluttering a little. He felt the mud beginning to dry on his body and pushed himself out of the mud-bank. He looked around, realizing that he hadn't even bothered to make sure no one was around before his little dirty foray. Satisfied that he wasn't being watched, the lapine jumped into the water. It was a little cold, but he needed to wash the mud off. He cleaned the mud off as he best could and got out of the water, looking to his duffle bag. It was either now or never, so he walked over to the bag and swallowed. Grabbing it, the bunny walked up to a large tree with many overhanging branches. He swallowed nervously and bent down to look into the bag.

Inside the bag were some of the bondage supplies he had managed to buy with his part time job and sneak past his parents. Included were some cuffs, rope, what looked like a pulley system, and some electronic devices. It took a little prep work, but he soon had a rope tied around a thick low-hanging branch about ten feet off of the ground. The pulley was tied to the rope just beneath the branch and a strong leather strap with metal eyeholes every couple inches was slipped through, allowing him to do what he planned.

First, he pulled out what appeared to be a box. It was, in actuality, a small electronic safe. The bunny swallowed nervously and began to buckle the ankle cuffs designed for prolonged suspension. He closed both padlocks, locking the cuffs to his ankles and set the keys in the open box. He went to work on his wrist cuffs as well. Soon they were locked on, the keys added to the box. The box had a hole through the top where he could tie a piece of rope. That rope was then tied around the ankle cuff to ensure he would not lose the box and that it wouldn't be in the way. Biting his lower lip nervously, the bunny wrapped the leather strap around the middle of the ankle cuff and locked it in place through two eyeholes. Again, the key went into the safe. To make things easier, he put the last key into the safe as well and closed it.

The bunny's stomach fluttered again, knowing he would soon have no escape. Luckily this part of the park was rarely visited. He gripped the end of the leather strap and began to pull. He felt his feet rising into the air. Using all of his strength, he pulled, feeling everything slide smoothly through the pulley. His naked butt left the ground and soon his shoulders left the ground. He pulled until he was about a foot from the ground. It was pretty difficult pulling his own dead weight up off of the ground, but he finally managed it. Holding onto the strap, he used his free paw to close the lock into two eyeholes, locking him up in the air.

The safe dangled against his knee. He'd need to work a little to get at it. The safe worked by remaining locked until the specified time had passed. It was possible to set a maximum amount of time and have the safe randomly set a time for you within that maximum timeframe. This is the setting Jayson chose. He hit the green start button, enabling the system. He was shivering. This was it, he was stuck. There was only one thing left…he brought his paws back behind his back. It took a little work, but he soon heard a click as the wrist cuffs locked together, enabling the second of his electronic devices.

The cuffs worked in much the same manner as the safe. Once locked, they would remain that way until the randomly selected time was reached. Jayson had set the maximum time to twenty minutes. He would be locked in place for at most that long, unable to play with himself as he so desperately wanted to. Looking up at the safe's LCD screen, he gasped. It was blank, only a power light to indicate that it was still on. He then realized that he'd accidentally chosen to not be told how much time was left. True, he had chosen only an hour as the maximum, but…there was no way for him to know when he would be released.

The bunny struggled a little and blushed deeply. Everything was strong and firmly in place. He wasn't going anywhere. All the while, the male's cock was almost painfully hard and drooling precum onto his chin. Jayson tugged at his paws and suddenly found himself wondering how he could have possibly done this.

He couldn't even imagine the humiliation of being found in this situation. The blood began to rush to his head slowly as he hung upside down from the tree. He squirmed in his bonds and felt a thrill at being so utterly exposed with no way to stop it. He let out a whimper of frustration as he waited for the wrist cuffs to release him, then gasped suddenly as he heard leaves rustling. Maybe it was a feral animal. Someone began to whistle as well and he bit his lip hard. It was no feral. The bunny tugged hard at his bands, but it was no use. There was no way he would be able to get down, get his clothes back on, and escape before whoever it was saw him.

His heart was fluttering and nearly beating out of his chest before he heard a voice of surprise say, "Well…what have we here?"


This is a little something that popped into my head last night that I wrote in two hours. I am planning on a second chapter to this, but it likely won't turn into a series. I want to apologize to everyone who's been waiting for the next chapter of Pizza Party (if anyone even remembers it), but life has been keeping me unmotivated. I hope that with me cranking this story out so quickly that I can get back in my groove. As always, let me know what you think!