Danyel's Story Ch.3 Sarah

Sarah The cool night air was a welcome reprieve from the heat of the day as it caressed the long black fur of Danyel's face. The scents of the city a blur of sex, filth, exhaust and rot: that's what the city had become, a rotting corpse of what had...

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Watcher of Arceus chapter 8

Watcher of Arceus Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. Only the idea and OC's. Author Notes: - This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has...

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My family...

I don't like to put age(I.e restricting access to what you can't read) into the contents I may or may not post or publish but if you are under ....10 then don't read but you are welcome to do so it's just that I am not responsible this is your decision...

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Harpoon Fishing:1

Close your eyes and imagine waking up on the beach, sunrise creeping in above the horizon, your partner resting quietly beside you. A smell of smoke reminds you of the campfire last night where you had some delicious fish, and made love for the first...

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As Glen stepped back with his body shuddering to breathe evenly, Ceres approached the loosely-packed soil by the banks of the river. Her pendulum hung heavy from her hand and seemed crushed by the weight of gravity as its thread coiled on the ground....

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The Story of a found Myth

My whole life I lived in seclusion. Only ever knew one other wolf I could trust. Wasn't even my own parents, I practically raised Myself. The other wolf I knew never told me his name and he never knew mine. In fact I never had a name. The wolf that...

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A simple story II part 3

The old and beige Lincoln gently travelled the last streets of the estate before arriving at its destination. Behind the wheel, Daisy tried vainly to curb a yawn by turning into the alley of her house. She mentally noted the height of the grass to...

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Fatherhood, Interrupted

"No!" Roger groaned. So far, today had been a complete disaster. He was trying to have a fun day with his girlfriend's daughter, Olivia, but the kitten was determined to hate everything about it. The new dress he'd bought her, which Cindy insisted...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 8

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 8: Spring Breaking. June, 3, 2021 Alex had never felt so warm in all his life. He nuzzled closer to the warmth enveloping him and yawned, but soon found himself coughing as he inhaled a stray hair. Blinking away the sleep...

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Demon willing to kill

Joshua D Williams 4 Mr. Carver Technical Writing Willing killer Our story starts and ends in a city called....Mirelurk. Rated A and !7+ Mirelurk is a calm and quiet city were rarely anything happens ever since the killing.... In the month of...

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Rightful Love

Nashoba is a typical male timber wolf, he is alone without a pack but has found the wolfess he believes should be his mate. He is very protective, and will defend what he sees as his to the death. WaterSinger is a female timber wolf, but looks more...

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