Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.5 - The Deadliest Game
The beetle shrugged his many hairs. "yeah, sorry i'm just gettin' in the zone."
The Meerkat and the Meteorite
beetles, snails, slugs, caterpillars, worms, etc. just about many tropical bugs she had eaten before yet possibly bigger especially in comparison to her previous small male form.
Meerkat Marking
Posted using postybirb timon was humming to himself as he was deep in a thick clump of bushes, hunting for beetles. they were thick-shelled, crunchy kind that he really liked.
Fennix race sheet part 5 (sub species)
Somehow this fennix had ended up in a beetle as it was being developed as a parasite. this is most likely because of the beetle swallowing the fennix from their previous dead host only moments after the host had been infected.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.6 - Red Eye
"but if you do a crime," the beetle stopped tapping his chin, "and it gets on the news, that means you got found out, right?"
Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.2 - The Spider's Web
Said the beetle walking to the office. "wha-d-dude! you don't take them off the fucking street!" "what, why?!"
The Camera Eye: New York
A car coming from 9th street ran a red light and nearly t-boned the vw beetle. "i can't wait to get a roof over my head tonight," olivia said.
The Adventure Begins
The beetle never stood a chance. jutan ripped some moss off of the cavern wall and wiped his paws clean of the bloody mess he created, the carnage having stained all the nearby moss on the floor with bits of the beetle's carapace.
The Day Rock and Air Met
"a beetle? why would you waste such a treat on them? they don't even know to appreciate it, given that they must be enjoying fresh meat all day long," arriak muttered, while eyeing the beetle with hunger in her eyes. she almost drooled.
A New Queen
._ cyr looked at the beetle and repressed her feelings of revulsion towards it. after all, if she was going to be the new queen then she'd better get used to her subjects. she climbed upon the beetle's flat back and lay down.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.1 - The City That Never Sleeps
Kiryu slowly twisted the scissors five degrees further as the beetle's eyes bulged.
Stories from New Friends - Epilogue
The driver aids her and the beetle boy, and soon, they are out of the cart and into the twilight open.