Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120

I was making some progress with zangoose and seviper. trying to erode a barrier of hatred between the two species would likely be impossible. but, i had been making some slow steady progress.

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Works Hard for his Money

Around his back, he could feel the seviper's body writhing against his, that scaly hide kneading his body as the cock was pumped in and out of his rear faster.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goodbye Hoenn, Hello Kanto

Meanwhile seviper slithered on over smelling me, noticing that i had the scent of zangoose all over me, much to his annoyance. as such, seviper slithered all over me covering me in his scent.

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Rewriting Reality (Realization)

Tomorrow i'll try to write and upload one that has a garchomp dojo master and a twink seviper

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A Dangerous Game

"seviper!" with a intimidating hiss, it lashed out with its tail. the blade glowed purple as it sliced through the air, jabbing right at pyro's face.

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I will say the words I could never say.

Lin points angrily at the seviper "she started it. i was playing with dad and she plays her games.." queen hisses a laugh "poor little lin always crying to mommy when you lose. like you always do.." '_enough you two!

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Chapter Five: the Dark Elements of Man

They had been having a pleasant time of it too, until a seviper had slithered across their path, at which point tamash? had screamed. now the seviper at them curiously and tamash? was cowering behind him like a frightened child. "tamash?

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Chapter Six - I Understand Now

Like a seviper or something. as long as it goes down my throat, it's food to me. as long as it's not nasty and stuff of course." she smiled. i just stared at her. "you eat random things off of the floor?" i asked. "and sevipers?"

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A Day Turned Sour

A seviper turned upon its on coils to leave, but the darkness stopped it from leaving. **come here!** the snake did as it was bade to do. **open.** the snake opened it's mouth wishing it had sent the ekans instead.

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Fate , Desteny or strange luck ( Episode 1 of 8. Finding friends in the deepest hour )

The wound was not deep but it was poisoned with seviper gift." " what ? when i found him, he was fighting a rhydon. not a seviper." " maybe he was attacked a bit earlier. anyways. he is safe now.

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The Changing of Dawn: Part 4: Meowth's Laid Plan

Jessie failed to mention that seviper's one attack had failed to do anything of course; her stupid vanity wouldn't let her admit that she was as crummy as james in that battle.

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Quilava Healthcare

Indeed it was an easy answer, it had been a seviper and it had just been its long red fangs snapping off. luckily they were instantly pressed into the following turd, buried among the snake's black and yellow scales, no harm to him done.

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