A Simple Dream
A poem i wrote this morning after a dream i had last night, dedicated to my dog patches. last night i dreamed a simple dream, but it still has me crying. that you were laying by my bed, mere hours after dying.
Reoccurring bad dream
#11 of my weird and wild dreams i've had this bad dream at least twice now, and it's really bothering me.
The Daydream Files
Day 1 He wasn't much to stare at, just a typical guy moving through his day, trying to make it to 3:15 like the rest of us. Smooth short fur, a silvery grey like some tabby cat, those green eyes and strong hands, with that forest green apron tied...
The Nightmare of Nightmares
Jade exclaimed, leaking to hug his dream friend. "it's been so long." "yeah, i know. this place is changing, who or whatever is causing these weird dreams obviously got tired of watching you happily live your old life.
I go crazy in a dream!
I don't know why i had this dream, it felt so real too, i woke up and actually thought i killed someone, it was scary, yet... fun...
This is one of the dreams that i had a few months ago. no sexual stuff, just weird dream stuff. i awoke. my lungs cracked and wheezed as air filled them. dark grey ash covered my body, and i hacked up mounds of soot trapped in my chest.
Dreamworlds and their Denizens (I)
Their life is lived to eat and excrete, and mate as wild animals do--but moreover, they live for the sheer spectacle of having an audience: a crowd of wondering, wandering, dreaming souls, to admire the bodies, and the many feats and talents these half-animal
Being a furry is working into my dreams... With funny results
#1 of my weird and wild dreams i'm sure it was bound to happen. another dream of mine, started weird, ended furry and weird. how in gods name does my dreams come up with this?
The Life
_A deep orange is radiated from the candles, the smell of Jasmine and some other unknown scent fills the air, and the smoothest of silk encapsulates me. Wait, it's not only me under the sheets, there is another warm being on top of me. I feel up it's...
Only in your dreams
He groans and stretches some "huh...must have been a dream...a really good dream." he tells himself. with that, he gets up and takes his shirt off. he leaves his room and goes to take a shower.
Journey (The Gate)
An impenetrable barrier to my dreams. oh what anguish. what loss. what failure i would feel. my hopes may be dashed forever, and i'm left a crumpled, useless, broken thing, because of it.
This is a strange one...
My dream ended with me crying in a growing puddle of tears.