Wolves in Caps - 1 - Pages Turn

The campus library was the essence of all that was Alma Tech and Parker Thomas' life: lots of promise, little delivery. Not that Parker wasn't fond of libraries. Anyone who knew him, even as "that guy", associated him with stacks of books and a pencil...

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Profiles: Chapter 4, Page 10

![Jessie and Lee try to relax](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/637397/Webcomics/Profiles/profiles4-10-sketch.jpg "Profiles: Chapter 4, Part 10") Lee and Jessie collapsed on the sofa, still laughing. Granted, it was a bit mean of them to laugh at Eddie's...

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 Page 12

-David- I awoke softly cuddled up in his arms, he was already awake, "Well morning sleepy head, how'd you sleep?" He chuckled. I yawned and nuzzled into his chest as he rubbed my ears, "Hehe, I'll that pretty well then" he chuckled. "Yep" I giggled and...

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Raisjinn Pages 1-2 (W.I.P)

It was a snowy night as Raisjinn finally walked out of the bar, stumbling off the patio with a slight buzz into the road try regaining his balance. Looking around as his body recovered from the fall, the town was covered in a blanket of hard snow....

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UOPI. Chapter 3 page 11.

-Later that evening- -Nova Titansteel Blitzer- Me and David were sat on the sofa, He was snuggled into my side hugging my waist and muring with smile on his muzzle. I looked down at him and smiled, I chuckled quietly in my head, Well, when ha acts like...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 2 Page 6

-Nova Titansteel Blitzer- "Come on, Come on! How long do you need?" I said chuckling, as I stood outside the changing rooms waiting for David. "Sorry, I'll be out shortly, I promise" David replied. The curtains open and reviled David warring a gray...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 1 page 4

The next day I woke up and booked a train ticket to London, I felt that it was time for me to start looking into my archive. -Later that day- I arrived at the Ministry of Legal Rights, I walked up to this big wooden desk, there was an old fox sat...

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 Page 9

-Few days latter- -Nova Titansteel Blitzer- I looked at David's silver box, it was so big, why did he have it anyway? "David, What's inside that?" I asked "Well something strong, something sharp, and something mine" he replied with light giggle. I...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 2 page 8

-next morning- -David Blue Smith- I was curled up into Nova's arms, I felt so safe, I felt like there was nothing that could hurt me, I had never slept so well for a over decade now, and finally I was sleeping, still and a sense of Blissful...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 2, Page 7

We arrived a rather small looking houses on the end of Downing Street, He opened the car door and quickly out, I followed close after him, I quickly stood up strait then some how almost instantly lost my balance, Nova quickly court me by placing his...

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U.O.P.I. chapter 1 page 2

I avrived off the plan whith Altie next to me, "so... where do we go now?" he said rasing his eye brow. I picked my bages and started walking, "we go to my home" I said dogging the oncoming traffic of other people trying to make there way to nest plan...


U.O.P.I chapter 1, Page 1

Hello, My name is David Blüé Smith. I'am 5ft6inc tall, 89Kg in wieght, I am very strong despite my size. I am a Border Collie, my fur pation- the black covers most of my body, leaving my mussles, the middle front of neck and the bottom quarter of...
