The incredible change part 8

(Author note: this is a story in which I would like to explain how I wanted my life to be so I wish to see your reactions) I wanted to express my feelings, so I did, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Entharion is my...

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Bakora -- Chapter One

Just a note: Escalina Bakora, Hototama Bakora © Katherine Martin, Keleana Watashi © Tamora Carr. Use of these characters without permission is prohibited by copyright law. Please do not redistribute or change without permission. This work is not your...

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Harbingers Ch3: The Apprentice

Joie skipped happily down the street of the village, her tail waving from side to side with each skip. Turning down an alley between two houses, Joie ducked under a line of hanging clothes, sliding forward and kicking off the ground to jump over the...

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Bound - Third Installment

You know what keeps me sane? Telling stories to myself. Like I have a captivated audience sitting right in front of me hanging on every word I say about my life story, like it matters. So, that's what I do. I go over this shit in my head like I am the...

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Eventful Beginnings 1

abduction of the specimen would be much easier when it was unconscious, and would cause fewer problems. * * * pavlor watched the night sky for a long time.

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Chapter 4: A new journey

Don't forget to check the previous chapters to get character description! Please comment as well. Thank you! \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* Right...

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Dragon Maiden

_This story is exactly a decade old. Its been rotting in my hard drive and backup cds since then, and I'm pretty sure it was the first bit of erotic 'furry'-esque literature (I use the word loosely here) that I have written. Enjoy, or laugh, or shake...

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The Chance Chronicles : episode 1

kay everyone this is my first subbmision... So yeah. Tell me what you think. Also I recently told my girlfriend im a furrie and she doesnt care... now how will I tell my dad... This story does contain yiff and so if you like it tell me, and if i'm...

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"why have you abducted me?" he asked truely perplexed by this strange turn of events. for in egypt isis had been his greatest friend and lover. it had broken both thier hearts when he had been forced to leave.

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The Pets Keepers ch2

This was a spinoff of my beloved pet series which I could only complete three parts of before I lost interest. They roughly corespond to the first three chapters of The Beloved Pet. Posted to DA on...

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Turn of Events: Chapter One

Chapter One "So It Begins" February 7th, 1986 was the year that Syrion was born. A beautiful wolf with dark gray fur along his back and softer gray that lay along his...

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Red Moon: Chapter 10

Red Moon: Chapter 10 The following day had one by relatively quietly. For the first time since arriving, Trevor had some time to go out by himself and explore the city. He was still unsure of what exactly was going on between Dmitri and Sergei and he...

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