Whiskey Stones [Sketch]
#126 of story sketches the prompt for this one was "drunkshekh vs. pal's huge horse nuts". so you know i just couldn't pass it up. :3c i'm also proud of that title. also! be sure to sign up for my ss if y'all're interested in fun rewards!
Kissing Practice [Sketch]
#125 of story sketches another combined supporter reward for peegus and dotcom656, featuring these two awd twins getting up to some more nasty fun together!
Holiday Dinner [Sketch]
#61 of story sketches monthly sketch reward for iridiumx, who wanted to get something suitable for the holidays! it's like how folks never have turkey unless it's thanksgiving. except for him, it's reindeer.
Morning Tea [Sketch]
Quick lil story sketch for lightweaver! in this one we've got their lovely gal garnet waking up after a hell of a night, ready to empty out all those drinks she took in before flopping into bed.
Bar Snack [Sketch]
Heeeeere's a fun quick sketch for 1tiamat1!
Wild Tied [Sketch]
If you're interested in getting something like this done, i do story sketches for $35 flat! otherwise i'm always open for full comms too :> and be sure to check out my recently published debut romance novel!
April Patreon Sketches
All of these stories were funded through my patreon, where folks on this tier get a guaranteed story sketch slot at the top of every month; if you're interested, please reach out and let's see if we can chat!
March Patreon Sketches
**LomiDePuzlo** Amanda had told the truth. There was no doubt about that: she had _plenty_ of ideas for what to do with, and _to_, Lolo today. The Locus in front of her still squirmed and twitched beneath her gentle, careful attention, each...
Cave Diving [Sketch]
Matt squirmed where he hung in the huge Pokémon's grasp, breath coming and going in little huffs after a failed retreat following his utter defeat. Blue, his small Buizel, lay on his back on the floor of the cave below, completely drained of energy and...
Oiled Blade [Sketch]
She couldn't believe this was happening. Could not _believe_that this was actually _happening._ Excitement, nervousness, and anxiety all bounced back and forth through her system, causing her paws to tremble when she lifted them at all. One rested...
Morning Ritual [Sketch]
Quick story sketch for soracasus of their hyena-fox character waking up one morning with some... interesting changes! how strange! best investigate those changes, huh?
Washing Off [Sketch]
Quick lil story sketch trade with peegus! i asked him to draw my balls, and wowie, did he do a good job.