Episode 5: The Dragon Rage SAGA: Part 2 of 4: Descending Flame
Everyone in the room looked at spyro in surprise including flame as spyro offered flame his paw. flame looked at spyro's paw and at spyro and then grabbed his paw. to everyone's surprise there was no burning this time.
Spyro and Cynder, chapter 18
Nina flew around spyro and stopped with a slow gasp when she saw... "oh spyro, why didn't you tell us?"
Chapter 1 -- Time Has Passed (revising)
"spyro, cynder, this is my mate, flare. flare, this is spyro and cynder." flare looked at spyro with a warm grin. "i've already known these two for a while," she said, and cynder and spyro were a bit confused.
Legend of Spyro: A Retelling Book 1: Two Purple Dragons? Chapter 3
This was the largest ape spyro had seen so far.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 9 informing Warfang
"i see and spyro how well went that speech of yours?" she asked turning back to spyro. "i think rather well cynder" spyro said turning to look at her.
TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 1)
spyro turned away from ember. "one day she is goi-" spyro saw cynder staring at him. "cynder... it's so great that i found you." "but i was looking for you spyro." cynder turned her head away for a second.
cynder x spyro love and lies chapter 5
"oh spyro! more! please!"
Spyro's Affliction Part 1 - A hard choice
spyro turned red and flinched back. "w.. what are you doing?" spyro asked total embarrassed.
Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 16
Nearby spyro yawned and stretched, rolling onto his back with a groan. "spyro?" spyro yawned again. "whu..."
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 25
#25 of spyro origins **author's notes:** here i am! first thing first... i changed the name from 'spyro: origins' to 'the legend of spryo: origins'. this came to me when i learned about spyro skylanders.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 3: 1st Day in mushroom swamp
Not knowing sparx presence cynder crawled front of spyro "spyro? please wake up spyro." cynder whispered to spyro, staring at his closed eyes hoping he would open them for her but spyro remained blind to the world.