A Fox Behind Bars: Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae Elliot Regal - Small Gray Fox. Our protagonist. Sentenced to 6-12 years for second degree murder (says it was an accident). Styles himself a "Street Artist." Cellmate to Dimitri. Struggling to survive in the hellish Calidonia...
The Kovarudia
# The Kovarudia The Kovarudia [_kou-ah-reu-dee-ah_] are a species created by Teradyne "Author" Ezeri, within the Delta Worlds multiverse. Originally created as a testbed for a new "exotic transformational costume" line, Author was given free reign to...
Bar Jocks: Story One, Part Four
They were back at the main office. Mike was also there, nursing a Jersey Lightning. Joe had a small medicinal tot of brandy and soda in his hands. Billy, the rhino bouncer, was there also, along with a police officer, who was scribbling on a...
Bar Jocks: Story One, Part Two
I can barely believe my luck, Joe thought to himself as he pedaled back home. He cast a quick glace over his shoulder at the building before focusing on the traffic. Soon, he was at home, and, after placing the bike in the rack near the door, walked in...
The Human Species Ch.105 - Bedridden Spouse Rukario
Rukario heard someone coming up the stairs and hastily pulled the bedsheets up to her neck. Not because she was cold, in fact adding cotton to fur would soon make it quite unbearably hot for her, especially now that winter had departed. Instead it was...
"Family Tails" - Epilogue
# Epilogue The legacy of the love between Ron, Lupina, and Rosie--human and first generation G.E.L.F.--proved to be the inspiration for many others in the years to come. The G.E.L.F.s eventually took their place in the world, living in harmony as...
The Audition
Disclaimer: The following story contains explicit acts of sex between consenting, anthropomorphic adults. If you are too young to legally view such content, or if such content does not appeal to you, leave now. \*\*\* The Audition \* \*...
Erika - Out of Nothing
Prologue Commander Stefano Valentine, had said his goodbyes and finally left, he had kissed Lin, expressed his final love for her. But as the battlestar rose into space, he could feel his death becoming more obvious. This was one mission he...
Chapter 2: Last of the Happy memories
First off I don't own any Star Fox char, yata-yata-yata (We all know the drills). I woke up in a small room which is quite familiar to me since it was my room. I was thinking through about the incident whether it was a dream or not, when...
Intro to Love.
**_Intro to Love._** A human man stood upon a stage. At first glance, he looked neither old or young. When someone tried to categorize his age, they would eventually give up because they kept changing their minds. His stance...
Dijirin (pronuced DEE-jee-RIN) are a posthuman race composed of DNA strands of the Ancients (stargate builders), elementals, jinns, and shapeshifters. This race has a unusual genetic code that when exposed to an element, they can combine with that...
Savannah Blues part 16
Savannah Blues (16) By Roofles Jack scratched the back of the head between his legs. Playing with the ears as his cloudy eyes stared off. His tongue was lolled out of his muzzle and he was panting slowly, heavily with sharp moans every couple of...