HoA Ch. 14: Out of the Shade...

Morning light poured through the pane glass windows of the tavern's second floor, the illuminating rays glaring onto the side of Kaille's furry face. Warmth from the direct sun slowly stirred the softly snoring Sen from his stupor. Groaning loudly with...

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HoA Ch. 10: Chasing Shadows (Now complete)

Silence slowly broke by gently rolling waves as they washed their white foams across the pale sands of the rocky shoreline. Numbness gave way to small sensations, first the coolness of the ocean wind, then the slowly returning pain throughout his body...

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Levi's Disappearance

Rose replaced the bookmark in her novel and set it carefully on the thick branch to her right. If the wind blew just right it would fall to the ground 30 feet below her. After the events of tonight's pack meeting, she was having a difficult time...

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Bane. Chapter 1: Aftermath

'Uuuh...Where am I?' I questioned myself as I gained consciousness. Everything was still mostly pitch black with 'fringes' of grey--after effect of asphyxiation, I guess. There's a throbbing headache stuck deep inside my forehead numbing my thought...

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 16

Author's Notes: _A wild chapter appears!? Yeah, I'm surprised as well. My friend has been swamped with college work, so anyone won't hear from him for quite some time. Unless he bugs me enough to know the status of this whole experiment. So yes,...

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Chapter 1

No one ever wants to clean up the mess that they made. It's always someone else that is stuck cleaning it up and it's usually a shitty job. Sadly that person is me most days. It's not all bad it has good pay and very good benefits. It also has free...


Chapter 20 preview

Ace ground in pain looking up, alarms blared in his ears as rescue crews worked to save people from the debris from fallen building. Luna stood over him with toothy smirk. Ace growls and tried to get up but he was trapped under rubble completely at the...


My life with blaziken chapter 20

My life with blaziken chapter 20 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ -This chapter should prove...

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Happy Birthday

Hey guys thanks so much for the support on the "Locker Buds" series thus far. This is the beginning of a new series, I hope you enjoy it. Remember to vote, favorite, critique, everything and anything is appreciated! 18+ story so shoo kids. Otherwise,...

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In the Enemy's Territory 8

Her own bark startled her awake. Snapping up, Nova glanced around with a growl quickly dying in her throat since there was no one to be growling at. The room was empty. With a big breath, she lay back down, curling into a ball. Anubis must have left...

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Sylvie: Chapter Four

Sylvie woke to a pounding on the door. A look at the clock beside the bed showed it to be 8 AM on the dot. Growling, she pulled herself up, wiping the drool from the side of her mouth as she stumbled down the hallway, trying to pull a t-shirt over her...

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The Black Road, Chapter 2 - Dust

Chapter 2 - Dust Where was I? I had no idea and the light was intense around me. My body was numb, it had been like this for... I don't even recall how long. Suddenly I felt my feet, I was walking, to where I don't know. Then suddenly a...

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