Fox Tears

.: wolf, 04125036, "dexter", condition: heart problems, treatment: heart transplant._ dexter was having a heart transplant? jake thought dexter was healthy and chris got him recently. _what could this mean?

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Chapter Twenty (Wendell)

"it's tom and dexter." "what about them?" "they're gone." the world stops for a minute.

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A Digital Destiny

The third one belonged to our other friend dexter , hes an armadillomon by the way. my names dj, but you can call me dj, and im a darkbearmon. im a very rare type of of digimon that doesnt come a lot.

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Road Crew - Ch. 3 - Looking back Pt. 2

dexter, uh, bryan announced to the other two. it was strange to think of the husky as bryan as his alias dexter was more common with me. of course, as a true fan i knew what his real name was, but still, it was odd to think of him as bryan...

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Mandark changes

#1 of mandark changes mandark kidnaps dexter's mom and changes her into a hybrid in heat and then changes himself and takes her as a slave. this is a request from shadowsnake on fa mandark changes "ever since dexter and dee dee left, it's been so quite

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Black Blood in Darkness 4 Cursed Fate of the Living

Ted backs down and says "dexter is it really you? what happened to you? also why did you attack me? finally if your dexter then wheres the real monster? don't worry i will save you from this horrid fate goodbye my brother."

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Luke vs Tsume. A battle of Speed vs. Dexterity

Luke was sitting cross legged in a metidative state, then slowly opens his eyes and rises to hsi feet, turning to his opponnent. "...Well...shall we begin...?" He gets into a stance, preparing for battle. Tsume steps into the field, brandishing her...

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Discovery - Chapter 4, The Edge of Imagination

[dexter] "no. it's not. some animals are tricky. they play koi. they act innocent, dead, or harmless until ready to strike. then their prey may ciese to exist." [abigail] "so it's just hiding?"


Soren ~ Chapter 05

Would you help me gather together dexters shit and put it infront of the door? shouldn't take long, we don't have an awful lot of stuff." indeed, it only took them about 20 minutes to stuff dexters belongings into a sizable suitcase.

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Apocalypes Turtle

We are small group of four, alex managed to get the radio working in the first place she was the smartest of our bunch, dexter used to be a doctor so he was quite helpful when one of us got injured, and jane had been a farmer she had held onto

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Melvin and Thomas: Chapter 4: The Situation

I'm dexter. you can call me dex.'' he said. ''hi, i'm melvin.'' i said. ''what seems to be the problem here?'' he asked. before i could answer that he opened the hood. ''oh dear, that doesn't look good.'' dexter said. ''i can't fix that here.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixteen

"yes, what is it now, dexter?" he asked, his voice betraying his barely concealed anger. dex cleared his throat, and spoke cautiously. "i, um, was just wondering if you had... well..."

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