in a wolf's body: chpt 7: bathtime
My favourite! tony laughed "you know how to work a cd player do you? rammstein's my favourite band ever. when we get back, i'll show you some videos from one of their recent tours."
As the favorite
The slave moves close and looks the tinny leopard dead in the eye," i don't like you and i will be his favorite. you think your so special with your purple and blue splatter spots? or your mat gray base?
Jon Mahon Chronicles
- to be continued - useless info: hobby: being annoying wants to be a: purple gangster can't stand: people saying his name all the time favorite color: orange (suggested by e.t., by the way) favorite food: mold favorite school subject:
How many people would pass him up because he didn't list their favorite tv show as one of his favorites, too, or their favorite movie, book, or songwriter?
07 - Kit Kat Jam
Yet it remains my favorite. but i must excuse myself; here you are having a fun night and i am spoiling it with threats of reports. it is a pleasure to see you all."
Fine Tuning Friendship
"that sounds really neat," moivi continued, "is that your brother's favourite too?"
Realisation - Chapter 12
, unfortunately, if he didn't do well enough he wouldn't be allowed to take drama next year, his favourite subject.
Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 6
"it's one of my personal favorites of the daring do series." i answer. "oh sweet, i love daring do! which ones your' favorite?" he questions, his voice muffling a little as he reaches behind a desk to plug in the record player.
Love and Burdens - Commission for Foster the Fox
Usually he had to make do with his second favourite, warmed cranberry juice mixed with others, as a fallback. it was good but no substitute for the real thing.
Mooing Over Spilled Milk.
How would you like it if i took all your favourite sweaters and ripped them up?" rebecca gasped, just the thought of her favourite clothes being ripped, almost made her shed a tear. "n-no! not my sweaters!"
Striped and Spotted
"that's our favourite position, isn't it?" wesley grinned. "definitely. how about we bring that picture to life right now?" "well, i was actually going to finish it tomorrow-" "that's not what i meant."
First official character
In all their forms might have to save up and make a commission my official fursona if used in dnd alignment: chaotic nutrual name: raitharok grimlace niteblode or in dragon translation(my own translation) odarkad enerkad eyalkay theme and favorite