A Letter From the Lost

January 3rd, 1135 If you're reading this and your name's not Rainbow Dash, make sure this gets to her. If you don't know who Rainbow Dash is, fuck off. Dash, I don't know how I'm gonna get this to you, but I'm okay for now. The boat back to...

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The Fall 01 - Home Sweet... Gun...

.** **a non-canon my little pony fanfiction...** **the sequel to "[the aeons of equestria](https://www.sofurry.com/view/280401)..."** **written and directed** by sniperspartan-977 **drafting and creative design** by pseudofiction **my little pony** *

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It Was Supposed To Be A Costume Chapter 4

Tom didn't sleep well that night. The bunk she had sucked. She wanted her bed, she wanted her freedom. It's bad enough that she was a female of a formerly fictional species but to be held here with this bed. She had righteous anger and had to keep a...

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07 - Between Heaven and Equestria

The world was on fire. The stone burned like a forest and but instead of ashes and dust it went molten and spread along the ground. Lava pooled in craters only to boil over and rush down the mountains toward a village of uncaring ponies. The grass...

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06 - Observations

The train out of Canterlot chugged quickly through the starlit night with a different type of cargo than typical. A dozen sleepy pony soldiers sat in silence in various stages of unrest, some snoozing, some staring out the window, and all were...

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 4

With nothing left to do, and dying of curiosity, I decide to do as the note instructs. Mane Avenue is a long street, and quite a ways from here, so I only wait a minute before setting off myself; not wanting to miss the meet time. The night air helps...

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I was on the front porch making sure that we have all our nesseccities for the trip. Howl was packing some extra things for the trip in the kitchen. "You got everything Howl!?" I asked "Almost" he replied. Then a wild idea appears. "Hey Howl, what...

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Zecoras mark

We all have sides that we keep secret, but sometimes we have reminders of those times. No matter what we do there is no escaping the horror of forgetting because of that little corner we have in our brains that memories go into. This is the story of...

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Applejack and the Soldier.

**Yeah As you probably all noticed, I've been writing a lot of pony fiction lately and this is another. It's just a little AJ story I worked on enjoy!** "Man today's applebuck's harvest sure was excellent!" Applejack exclaimed with excitement as she...

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A Tale of Lost Souls: Part Three

The young colt blushes deeply as he gently towels himself off with the torn curtain that 'grabbed' him not even a few minutes ago. He squirms slightly, mentally cursing himself out. "I can't believe you got scared over s stupid stuffed bear! And a...

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Band Changelings Part 1

One day, Queen Chrysalis was wondering how to get back into the Crystal Empire. She had been flung out of the place, and almost bled to death. She got better. Suddenly, with a loud BANG!, Doomie came rushing in with his usual asinine blurt. Except this...

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Princess Luna - Chapter 2

A spell from a game book to kill my little ponies?"_** when i nodded wordlessly, scraping a hoof on the floor, she continued, **_"then how is it that he could have made what is supposedly fictional become real?! how?! you will tell me!"

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