There will come soft rains

_As Amy and Aaron's relationship grows stronger, we get a glimpse into their respective lives -- and a shocking revelation threatens the whole affair._ _Part three brings Amy and Aaron closer together, and we creep towards the resolution of the novel....

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Wild Rose Country - Chapter 3

It's funny how some noises around you can intrude on your sleep and be incorporated into your dreams. Just before I woke up the next morning, I remember having this crazy dream about working on the plumbing in the washroom of my old house. I had...

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Wild Rose Country - Chapter 2

I have a fleeting memory of light. It was dim, hazy, ill-defined and laced with intermingled shadows, but nevertheless, it was light. There is a definite memory of pain there as well. It felt like someone was crawling around inside my skull and...

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Wild Rose Country - Chapter 1

There was something different about the stars that night that's one of the few things I can clearly remember about that cold winter evening so many years ago. Everything else about that experience seems so surreal now, so dreamlike, and I often...

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Wild Rose Country - Introduction

I have to let my thoughts drift over thirty years back down memory lane to find the beginning of this story and even then I'm not sure if that is the right place to start. My mind isn't as sharp as it once was and my memories are growing more and more...

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 7 : Recovery

# Chapter 7 - Recovery ## Unknown _Arise young wolf, your time is not yet at an end..._ The voice was dark, ancient, powerful, it reverberated in my very being as my heart thumped to life. Every beat felt like a rush of fire being forced throughout...

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 6 : Repercussions

# Chapter 6 - Repercussions ## 510 A.R. July9,Volkov Household,Morning I thought of Peter, his scent, and the fine fur along his chest. I hugged him and nuzzled his neck in a loving embrace. Something slapped me in the muzzle without warning and...

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 5 : Escape

# Chapter 5 - Escape ## 510 A.R. July6,Road,Night "Vilkas," Father said. I opened my eyes and glanced up to realize that we were still in the car, "Yeah?" "We're almost home." "Uh huh," I said as I raised my head and wiped some bloodstained drool...

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Infection 6

Coauthored & edited by Averis Infection 6 A Death in the Family, Rise of a New Hope Laying in the bad that I will die in, I waited for my last breath to come. I kept replaying the events of the past two weeks in my head. Everyone's last...

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Not So Simple ~Prologue

Comissioned for Kippy ~Part 1~ Hard rounds smacked into the pavement behind me, kicking up small chips of asphalt that smacked the back of my legs. It just urged me to run faster. I weaved around cars, sprinting with every ounce of strength my...

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necronik 1: intro

Silence. Maddening silence. The only sound to be heard is the wind blowing moaning wails into my ears, muffled by the gas mask over my head. Everything is blurry, I blink a couple of times to return my vision to normal. My eyes are met with light...

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Four Days Remain Until The End

~ ~ Four Days Remain Until The End ~ ~ Lionel grumbled loudly as he climbed out of bed, his eyes still closed as he stumbled to the shower, his fluffy husky tail hanging limply and disheveled from sleep as he switched on the bathroom light and...

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