As through a glass

"i'm very sorry, major." "there's a saying amongst my people," i drawled, before the major could reply. "'actions speak louder than words.' perhaps you've heard it." "not -- as such," she stammered.

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Triad's Sci-Fi Furry Book Chapter Two (Draft)

Listen, i'm swamped, and there's no one to process that here." the major told larry. "in fact," the major continued, "i can't waste time with this. you're in the ct right?" "yes sir."

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D.E1 Chapter 54: The Third Offense Part IV

Half of zonda's team headed their way thousands of kilometers where those objects were above canis major and r105. the priority was to save the majority, so they flew as fast as their ships could towards the evocani's ship.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 9

"what the 'ell's goin' on, major?" the major turned and glanced at stanno before huffing. "these renegades are tryin' to get us all killed, wot! some of our hares are dead 'cos of this beast an' his murderers!"

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D.E1 Chapter 31 Lone Great Canine

#7 of d.e1 (story part ii) after the incident in the planet that was engulfed by a supernova, not much has been heard from canis major, the d.e team and r105.

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Matthias grievous and the Dinosaurian empire

Obviously majors can fuck other majors and so forth but that's generally how the system works.

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Lions at the Vanishing Point

"now, dog-major, get going." when dog-major erik left governor jolnir's office, he barely spared a glance at the swollen belly of the torkower laying on the floor to the side.

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Orbital - A tale from the time after the events in Saber's War

Leveling his gaze at the major he gives him a sloppy salute, "good day, major." all four suits engage their jump jets and fly into the waiting drop-ship.

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Wolves of Arcanus (Story Arc I: Galactic Intervention)

major wieland could slap him down for that comment alone, but ignored it knowing the reason behind the lieutenant's rather reckless attitude.

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Nation - The Solar Republic

Outside the major systems however, living standards can fluctuate with, in general, the systems closer to the major worlds being better off then the far-flung outposts.

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Project D.E: Chapter 1 Call of Duty

Canis major needs of our help."_he repeated the words once discussed between him, his brother and life giver. "_exactly. i'm still not sure if i will join you two, as i have duties to comply with here in canis major.

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