_Shadows of the Past Hear My Call,_ _May My Voice Reach Past My Blackened Soul,_ _Let the Light within Burst in a Burning Light,_ _Let My Eyes See the Light of Day Once Again,_ _Let My Skin Feel the Warmth of the Sun Once Again,_ _May I Be Able To...
Shadow Soul
_Shadow Soul,_ _Only a Few Know What This Means,_ _Let Those That Know This Title Know,_ _That The Time Has Come,_ _The Time Has Come To Let the Shadows,_ _To Surround Us and Let Us Hear The Sounds...,_ _The Silence at Last,_ _The Sound Of...
_I Shall Bring Live Into This World,_ _If Life Brings the Darkness,_ _Then I Shall Bring the Light,_ _If Life brings The Sword,_ _I Shall Bring the Shield,_ _If Life Brings Despair,_ _Then I Shall Bring Hope,_ _If Life Brings War,_ _Then I...
What the hell: Uneventful events (Part 2)
"i don't want to mess up my sexy hair" she said jokingly before she commenced spreading jelly on some bread. "...whatever" jen said out of a lack of something better to say. that morning went smoothly.
Master's Picnic
Haylee laid down on her stomach, the air thick with her scent as Elijah slipped his pants down to the ground. Her eyes anxiously roamed over his body, lingering on the thick manhood that hung before her. Her heart beat faster as she anticipated the...
Did I... Want This? (Rape Fantasy (FINAL COPY))
I padded into 8th period slowly, with a half smile creeping up my face. I loved _his_ class... Almost as much as I liked him. I took my normal seat by the door, between a young male panther and a female coyote - an odd place for a rabbit to...
Dancing Contest#2
Still slightly lost for words nikkah managed to say, in his most 'sexy' voice, ''you look amazing, i never knew how... well... you know...'' bellany giggled at nikkah's obvious shock and quickly took charge of the situation herself.
Wolf Trouble
Wolf explained, before asking for permission to wash him while also granting the young pup permission to wash his sexy body. amaroq blushed and nodded, "sure i'd like that a lot wolf, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"
Summer Beach Days
Totally owe my cute lil cub acele []( for this sweet lil piece. Everything about it is exactly the kind of art I love to be apart of. Gonna have to find a way to thank her for...
Dream of Snow
One of the nurses was a tall, slender and very sophisticated fox with sleek, shiny red fur and the second nurse, a light brown, sexy looking bunny rabbit with oversized ears and long dark eyelashes.
Sarah and Josh 3
 I cracked the eggs on the pan and while they started to turn solid I stretched my arms up, popping my shoulders. Behind me Josh put his hands on my hips and put his bare chest to...
Sarah and Josh (2 *part two*)
"Sarah, I'm home!" This voice wiggles in through my dream and I shift slightly. "Sarah?" It comes again, this time a bit more clear, my dream slipping away into black. I move again but a little more this time, slowly waking. "Sar- oh.." the voice comes...