The creature let the worn skunk relax and get used to his enormous belly, and a few long minutes passed of the skunk shivering and rubbing his girth in bliss.
Snake Lords of the Desert 45
The skunk in question, a male named konie, apparently was the de facto kgosi of the skunks, holding an unofficial leadership position while the kgosi himself continued a long decline.
The skunk's bound hands frantically shot for his throbbing, glistening cock.
Three Words Away
The dream of being with him, that skunk. his name was tuttle. an odd name, maybe, but ... azure thought it was cute. the cutest name. sounded like a name a turtle would have. but, no, tuttle was a skunk. purebred skunk.
Through his own moans the skunk smiled, eyes closing as he buried his face against his love's neck. squirming up against the skunk's body, kieren ground his malehood up into ian's paw.
The Gross Side of Gaming
She leaned up kiss the skunk's pucker, sliding her tongue over it until it was clean. "hey... you're a skunk right?" the skunk rolled his eyes at the little cutie, "obviously!" "so..." she chuckled, "what else you got in there?"
Growing Pains
With a sniffling nod, the little skunk almost threw himself at his brother, wrapping his surprisingly strong arms around the older skunk.
The Company of Elves - Chapter 1: The More the Merrier
His cousin's face as he manipulated the skunk's body more firmly.
Ever's encounter
Frey interrupted, the skunk looked at him nodding lightly, his hands shaking a bit. the renamon grinned, not giving the skunk a chance before leaning in and kissing him on the lips. holding the skunks head as he worked his lips around the young boys.
Slave Maker 3000
skunks, he had to get more skunks on the books...
A Messy Situation [Comm]
Still rather woozy from whatever the skunk had put in his drink, the fox's head whirled as the skunk strode over to a rather sizable highchair and deposited him in it.
Invitation to a Spitroast
All the middle skunk could feel was the euphoria of pleasure in both filled holes, especially when the rear skunk would shove his cock against that one spot deep within him.