Night thoughts - 5. - because why not

My alarm...the day must begin again, in a way i wish it wouldn't for my own sake thought, for others, it couldn't... in another life, in a parallel universe where chance was on my side...

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_and who's to say they're wrong,_ she thought cynically. _maybe i'm the one overreacting..._ lost in gloomy thought she brushed someone big. it took her a moment to recognize him as adam.

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Dragging among the days, i'm falling again, into past mistakes, going out of my concrete ways differences divide my mind as trips i recall guide me to familiar shadows left among the dark deep blue in thought, i bait the moments to wait, like a hungry shark

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Something to consider

I may die tomorrow, but now this thought will last for years, decades, perhaps centuries. i am okay with this. i know what i have broken. i now hand the pieces to those around me. from my experience, i wonder: what will they build? what would you build?

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Kelfasi Nights

So the three goddesses took council of one another, and gave long thought, that lasted three seasons of cold and heat, before they made a decision, and approached the three.

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The Soldier & Daemon

"oh," i respond, "they're just flights of fancy since i had thought of being a bard when growing up." "why didn't you?" she asks. "well you see i-" is all i get out before the alarms were sounded.

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However, the back of his mind gave into thought. what if it wasn't nothing? what if there was something in the house? of course not. it would be perfectly fine. what if it wasn't? don't you feel like there is something watching you?

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The Human Race

I need to write this down, make these thoughts concrete before they disappear. i am sick of all the confusion and turmoil and suffering people have to endure because of the concept of race.

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Getting Better

Nobody ever came to help him during these bouts of severe depression and suicidal thought.

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Night-mirrors... Many a day I stay away, into the depths of my imagination, but never seem to play Shadows dance around me as I struggle to see, it seems even in my dreams I fall asleep & wake somewhere I'd rather not be Often times, I awake...

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Night thoughts - 1. - Because why not

Night thoughts - 1. - because why not - distance has always been mostly time to me, eluding my grasp in everything but my dreams each night i've always been able to hold close those memories i wanted the most, enjoying fictional moments with eyes closed

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