Safe No more

Haven once, but now no more...This place you once would have adored...Sadness is too small a word...Laughter now cannot be heard...I hate for all that has been done...We fought this war we never won...The rage so red just grew inside...I cried the red,...

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Walking in Paws Ch2

**A Sterile Grave** I heard the noises of doctors scrambling around me trying to get my attention and asking me questions. All I did was look in the mirror... that fox blinking at me, yet that fox was still me. That fox would just keep reflecting...

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Walking in Paws Ch1

#### An End of Humanity Some people ask me what happened to the world today, why did to change in such a short time. I know why they ask me, as it seems they think I would be the only one to know; yet I honestly don't know. I can only tell how it...

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A Story of Light and Dark

Prolog Long ago, before the great death, there were two forces, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, fighting to control the world. I will tell of the great battle, and of the great death. For they come hand in hand, one soon after the other. ...

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Dream long, Dream Lost

Dream Long, Dream Lost I dreamed of a tree And the tree was good And the sky was red With all the things that should. You turn around and go the Other way To the forlorn place where The dead ones lay. For the truth of the world Is repeated...

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North The gas lamps they flicker, While fur men drink liquor All colour gone All life stays still as a blizzard draws near. The wind whispers lies A low piercing cry Cold men by the fire Their need is dire Dead man smiles a chill, frozen...

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The White Room

Nobody could understand it. Every person has said that at some point in their life, and Rex, was no different. But that was where the simularities between his problems and other's problems end. For most of his problems were not caused by random...

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The dreams are frightening You lay awake for hours Praying for the peace of slumber That will not come When you close your heavy eyes finally The dreams are waiting As they always are The shadow of a man The glint of a blade's edge The...

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Only One

My heart is torn and bleeding My soul is dead and gone How could you do this to me You were my only one Copy-written to Xander Bradeshaw

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Sacred, Porcelain desire, Throbbing in want and need. Deep, velvet breath, warm and perfect. I devour your lips with my own. Tasting of delicious honey nectar, Whispering like rain; amazing. Falling swiftly into shadows, Tainted in sweetly...

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Silence Sickening and vile Cruel, tainted bile rising Vomiting frailty Insulting with hatred Ecstasy Sensual fantasia of the mind Pitiless and savage Frightening porcelain souls Spiraling into madness Bringing delicate euthanasia ...

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.... LYCONS\> © A. L. Kelthian Dedicated to Ethan; my love, the soldier that fought for and won my heart in the battle of love. CHAPTER ONE » Jace When I saw her, I suddenly remembered who I was. She didn't \*_look_\* like much; copper colored...

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