Facing Prejudice
His flavor was kind of bitter, but rather than do anything to incite punishments i made sure to swallow it down and started sucking his dick clean. then i noticed he was still firmly holding my head to his cock.
Furry Little Secret (ch.4)
Nullifying the bitter taste?"
A mewtwo Story Chapter 1
A bitter battle was waged in here, but the trainer was gracious enough to not harm the director, only to give him a warning to cease his operations.
Hypnovember 2023 - Sample, Betrayal
Another flavour fizzed on his tongue, something slightly bitter, almost acidic. a dizziness spread through his head, like he had just inhaled ether by accident. he felt his grip start to slip.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 30
She felt the bitter taste of the medicine flow onto her tongue and she swallowed it eagerly, thinking only of herself, thinking only of how much she wanted the pain to go away, just for a little while...
Chapter 49: The Sun of His Heart
It left a bitter taste in her mouth, knowing that every article of clothing was something prince tatuk had provided for her.
Hunted - Part One: The Crash
Some time later, feeling fewer bitter stings to his flesh, hound raises his head to see the edge of the mountain's peak, and just above that a structure.
Chapter 14 Fallen For You
Artesda turned his head, and knowing he shouldn't, he looked at the lovers out of bitter curiosity.
The Weight: Chapter 13
Such bitter thoughts, precipitated by a heart which was plagued by anguish, transformed her into a creature of bitterness and spite and destroyed all of that inside of her which was pure. he never loved her. nobody ever did.
Finding the Wrong Farm
He was happy to find that although bitter, it tasted a lot better than the feral waste he had previously eaten.
Learning Lessons Pt. 4
The taste... was bitter. his juices were already dribbling down his shaft, and they pooled behind his lips, smearing across his tongue.
Chapter 34: The Bright Side
He stared for a moment at their distant figures, then his ears flattened, and he looked bitterly at his paws as he warmed them over the flames. azrian only smiled.