Search for Love (Part 3)
Dozens of high-end sport cars, race cars, drift cars. i can't even comprehend it all. "what in the world?" i stare in awe at this amazing collection. tonve turns to me, his paws outstretched towards the vehicles, "by night, i'm a racer.
Beer Brawl
But i swear that someone's getting thrown off this race train. who will it be? keep watching... the amazing race."
Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry
#18 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, our teams gambles for the win, but some slipped up on the second task. the youtubers took first once again much to donna's dismay. ren confronted chris about zack.
Amazing Race Trial
The signed up to try a trial for amazing race for sofurry. the winning team gets $2000 and a spot in the real race. "i'm so excited we get to try this." todd says. the fox was feeling a bit jittery yet nervous at the same time.
French-Speaking Rollercoasters
#11 of so furry presents: the amazing race on the last leg of the amazing race, the teams traveled to nebraska. there, they had to either pluck or shuck corn for a local farmer. after that, they had to chug almost a gallon of milk.
Fennix race sheet part 3 (reproduction)
Reproduction. Every creature has to reproduce in some way, and unfortunately crew casualties cannot be avoided when working with wild animals... The mating season of the fennix is one which some of the smaller creatures on Gorgon Myriad IV should be...
Ladder Racing, spring 2019 (Chapter 10)
racing atmospheres are so intense. the press, flag girls and teams are clearing the track. the cars bark, and snarl and rumble to life. 11:59. we're on the second row.
Prolougue-Championship race.
To keep the population happy, they form a new idea of racing. all the dangers of combat rolled into a fast paced racing scenario made for an enticing deal to stay on planet and calm.
"you ruin a race, you clip me, you get what you deserve!"
Some Odd Idaho Visit
#12 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, some of our contestants got "steaming" mad with the first challenge, although some of them used it to their advantage. after that, it was a hands-down talent contest for first place.
A cocky young leopard came up to me during one of the more interesting matchups and wanted me to race him. i laughed, "i'm on a bike man, there's no way you could beat me on this short of a strip dude. you're nuts."
The Miami Episode
#13 of so furry presents: the amazing race on the last leg of the amazing race, the remaining teams traveled to tennessee. once there, they rode a train forwards then back.