It had only happened once before, that feeling of being pulled. I would have never been able to tell you what it was called before it happened, but afterwards, without a doubt, it was like being pulled outside of an hour. It was like being ripped from...
Deliverence. 5
"Was this really what you wanted?" were her thoughts in those final years. As neglect and misuse began to erode her otherwise immortal body. She moved little because she saw no need to, she grew disdainful of her bastard children and disgusted at the...
Rightious. 4
Belrakier. The Saintly one. He saw his mother, he saw her as the cancerous whore she was, the mad bitch who had grew rotten as she fell far from the tree of divinity into the brambles and weeds of damnation. Belrakier and his loyal followers stole...
Agony. 3
Ci'e, the Creator; The Crimson Maiden she became known as such during the years of the War of Lamentation, she was in grieving. Ki'e the Trickster Lord, her brother- and lover, he had been felled, not by the hand of Lamenter alone, but by the hand of...
Hubris. 2
There was a requiem. A mass uprising amongst the mortal populace of their realm. Foulness had seeped through the cracks of heir plane and spawned. What they spawned were pitiful, selfish things that came before them, scions of the old gods, things of...
Khalid and Spiteful-chapter 2 (Spiteful's story)
Kelsey did exactly what I would have expected her to do. She had Carlos put a halter on Kevin and take him out to the pasture with the other four mares while she put a halter on me and brought me to the crossties. Hooking me up, she then got out...
A secret shared, a battle won
before i write this story I would just like to say one thing, it is my first I have ever written and there may be some hints towards homosexual (male/male) relationships even though there is no direct references (I've just been told it has). The reason...
Yo-kai Specs 10: The Working World
I'm not exactly sure where I am right now: Insomni said this was the Yo-kai World, but it looked more like I had entered someone's really, really bad acid trip. Almost every building had a giant, motion-following eyeball under the roof, along with...
Srenna- part 1
What you are about to read is the story of the other soul that inhabits my body. Yes I said it, I have two "souls" within my body well that's the easiest way to explain to somone. The real truth is that my soul is a water dragon and one of my past...
Final Requiem: Chapter 2
This chapter was an intro to the supernatural characters of the story while also developing more purpose for them. as well as the direction i'm taking this story in.
pokemon chapter 1
'oh fuck my life' i thought as i walked to class. Sure the class was my best subject, math, but the other students, oh the other students. I can feel my brain slowly dieing do to their idiocy. Every other question is to ask clarification of the...
The Sorrow of the Mist~
The story starts off like any other. Morgan smiled as her lover softly pressed his lips into her own, and allowed a small sigh of content escape her. She was a happy young woman in her twenties, she'd lived with her husband for eight...