An Unknown Friend
I pick up my favourite rifle, the lever action marlin .30-30 calibre rifle. i reload it and chamber a round. from my current position in a small alley i had a clear shot at swift. but the best place would be...
A Soldiers Story 2 - Measure of a Man
The wolfs paw quickly working the bolt of his rifle after each crackling shot, firing at soldiers over and over. until his rifle clicked, signaling that it was empty of rounds.
Chapter 33: The Counter Offensive
The normal lakador soldiers took cover along some piles of weapons and rocks, firing their rifles.
Snow Daze part 3
Foxdayle reached into the nearby closet and unlocked a pair of biathlon rifles from the rifle stand on the wall...."here's yours. sorry it's flaming pink." "this is cool."
Twokinds Revolutions ####
Seth leveled his rifle and fired round into the man's chest, undoubtedly destroying his heart. but to seth's amazement, the man rolled over and got on his feet like nothing even happened.
The Devil Dog
There was five sunder blocks that someone had left behind i rested the heavy rifle on a large rock and look down range that when the flash back came to him. it had been the very same rifle scope he was looking through when he killed him.
Stick Together
Viktor motioned gideon forward and swept behind them with his own rifle. gideon raised his pistol and followed alexei, who checked the corners and turned left, moving toward the southern gate.
Fallen Sky Part One
She carried an e-05 long-rifle, the standard sniper rifle for the h.s.a. with practiced grace, her team fanned out into the green paradise.
After the Bombs
Cursing, she reached back and pulled her rifle around under her arm, the weapon much more readily accessible in that position.
Zero Point: Chapter 17- Engagement
As her opponent leveled her own rifle at the cerinian, she fired. the female merc fell back, the rifle she was wielding firing wildly as she hit the ground.
Leaders and Lovers - Chapter 4
The rest of his squad popped up too, raymond with his assault rifle, raul with his shotgun and vaney with her oversized rifle.
Gang revenge.
Duhey, realizing he might not get another opportunity, lunged at the rifle and attempted to pull it away, only to get pinned against the glass case with the rifle digging into his throat.