Venturing: Fogsnatcher

Venturing: Fogsnatcher Silence fell over our heads as our eyes drifted towards the dark horizon before us. Our ears flickered hearing the faint sounds of footsteps that we were making. The streets were empty. No cars or dragons were walking...

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Identity: Chapter Fifty-Four

CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR NED The fox had gone into a trance or something, muttering incoherent nonsense and whimpering quietly to himself, paws gesturing, so after a moment of that, Ned had started edging himself towards Garrett, who, the silly yote,...

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Identity: Chapter Fifty-Two

CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO NED He'd barely made it out of the building when his voice vibrated_. Gee, that was fast, Arkady_, he thought, but when he extracted the phone, the ID said Garrett. Briefly he considered how he should relate the morning's events....

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Daylight Case Files – Part 5

I start pulling up mundane crime reports from that area. there is always a chance there is a clue amongst those that will lead me to the killer.

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Daylight Case Files – Part 4

"the crime scene clean-up needs to start. we've documented everything and need to have this street open before shift change." i look over and see the forensic workers stripping out of messy clean suits and dumping them into bags for trace analysis.

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep3

**A Tangled Ball of Yarn - A Dafydd Owen story - Ep3** Having agreed that whatever made Kelli vanish wasn't to be found at her office, Sarah was off closing out that side of the investigation. I was back in my usual business suit and was looking...

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Daylight Case Files – Part 3

Orienting myself between it and the crime scene i line up the frozen picture and hit play. unusual does not even begin to cover it. the killer is...blurred. some sort of stealth suit or newtech for foiling info cams? in either case they are big.

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The White Robe Chapter 20

Caitlin laid on the bunk and found herself once again staring at the concrete ceiling of the cell. There wasn't much else to look at and she didn't want to take herself to the window and see that pole in that courtyard any more. Every time she looked...

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The fierce rambling of 32 no. 2 pencils echoed through the classroom, all ears sharply tuned in, waiting for the sound of the bell. \*DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR\* "OK, pencils down everyone, time is up. Hope you all did well!" the...

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Butterflies and Bourbon

He was the detective of the duo; it was him they'd be needing at the other crime scene. he handed cornell the partially completed report on the pad. "i have to take this other call, my partner officer cornell here will finish taking your report.

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Lost Little Kitty Chapter 4

"even if you sequestor the memories of everyone he knows, i sincerely doubt he is guilty of the crimes you imply." "we'll see!"

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crime is high and the streets are old. there's moss hanging from old, decrepit buildings and sirens everyday. many police forces have given up so trouble runs amuck.

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