Of the Collective, Chapter 3

"i see, so the government is necessary to prevent disputes over who has the right to use certain resources or assets?

The Anthrogyne Chronicles: Relentless

We had to make it look like the status papers and applications were mishandled by governance and we had to hope the governance did not try to fix their mistake. we were lucky.


Marla Chapter 6 - Training A Bodyguard

The issue of slavery is driving it, but the massive government corruption being revealed almost daily is inflaming more and more furs against the current government. "in our lifetimes there will be open fighting in the streets.

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Marla Chapter 13 - The Interrogation

"one of the advantages of working for the government is we have access to information from other government agencies. we went back to your academy training records and found so many interesting things there.

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You're welcome to use me as the scapegoat if the government gets upset. as you can see, the aliens went ahead and wrote my name on the wall in there. i'm sure when the government men see that i'll be up the creek anyhow."


A Doctors Crappy day PT3

The government that he was born under no longer holds sway to him except for that they want him back. though the group that now holds a leash to him are kinder. they the alliance of freedom are not exactly going to give dr.

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Into The Breach: Prologue (WIP-Draft 1 Incomplete!!!)

The government bureacracy completely failed the american people, in less than six months martial law was declared in every state. the federal government overstepped their bounds and went from a democracy to a dictatorship.

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Living Suit

The government is despite large disapproval of the military, decided to close the research equipment and all the equipment sent to scrap.

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Azure Phoenix: A Handy Guide

**government** currently, the ruling government is the terran confederation of colonies, also known as the confederation or tcc.

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A Warm Welcome Party

"i know that your government is itching for revenge against al qaeda for the atrocity that they committed against western interests.

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685 Hobbes Stone Farm

Not to mention whatever experimental high-end weirdness the british government might or might not be up to in there.

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Decontamination Day

The government seemed to think so. it was like the old aphorism, one death is a tragedy, a hundred thousand merely a statistic. and so it continued, year after year.

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