[RP] Clearing The Board
Alice checked her laptop one last time. Another deficit. She folded her laptop screen, bringing the cadre of her board of directors into focus. The behemoth taking up multiple seats in the room was a Tyranitar, his suit barely managed to cover his...
Blitz and the Mischievous Necklace
Blitz and the Mischievous Necklace By Lewdsin Outside the Pride Rock Dungeon On a warm Winter afternoon around the Pride Rock dungeon. Luna, a female Ninetales, sat outside the main entrance while her purple scarf flapped around in the wind as...
Shoplifter Snack
Sly, Sneaky, Smart. The Mightyena using the cover of the falling sun and columns dividing any line of sight skulked into a shop and no later than 5 minutes would he leave regardless of what it sold and continued further up the row of stores a large...
Phox Phat
The sunlight peered through the forest canopy, casting light on the rotten berries on the forest floor, decomposing and giving back to their descendants through their wooded ancestors. More importantly, the shade that the leaves provided gave the...
[CM] The Misadventures of Connor: Explorers of Foxfat
"For a Cinccino, she thickened me up good! Even Em couldn't foresee it, because the next morning she was suffocating between my fattened tits!" Violet concluded to the table, a few eavesdropping Pokémon shot looks to the table of four. Em sat absently...
How Prey Becomes Predator (Male Human Vore Story)
Posted using postybirb \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* please be advised the story contains the following: male pred, male prey, human pred, human prey, unwilling prey, force feeding, belly stuffing, oral vore, safe vore, regurgitation
A willing prey for pretty pred (furry-human vore s
Annie laid on the sofa, gently caressing her little friend and blushing a bit from embarrassment. 'Godlike... Looks like you'd do a lot of things for me...' She cooed, rubbing her belly against Alex. 'And you seemed rather excited while feeding me. So...
Descent Into Dewott
Escaping that Mystery Dungeon was tough. But crossing a river? Really? Well... Joltik screams as he holds on for dear life. " **...Why is everything so hard!?"** Tall grass knits along the side of the soft-soil riverbank. Splishes and splashes...
The Taste of Terror Chapter 6: Part I
**THE TASTE OF TERROR** _Chapter 6: Where The Heart Is_ Part I _Darkness held him._ _Soft and smothering, seeping into every inch of his soul with black tendrils of pure exhaustion until he could not even try to resist the weariness, and slipped...
A Pride Usurped
It was a dark day in the Pridelands. A few weeks ago, Scar and a large pack of hyenas had taken over Pride Rock after Mufasa had been killed in a wildebeest stampede, and though Simba's body never was found the lionesses had no choice but to assume...
Miranda (Mother Vore Story)
Miranda (Mother Vore Story) By RedNastyFox and tylerleached14 Dec 17, 2015 \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* A single mother with ten children despair and eats them, to gain long-awaited freedom. WARNING: This text contains soft...
The Boss
**_'Hhwulp! Hrrrk!'_** Scraps watched the Houndoom work with awe, his body tense to keep his tail from thumping against the dirty alleyway floor. He never got tired of seeing The Boss' well-known and highly feared 'finishing move': The look of...