Saving the ponies Chapter 2: I'm falling for you!

Saving the ponies A series by mavinator5 The next chapter of my new series. I really like this one; the series that is, and I hope you're all liking it too. Enjoy. Chapter 2: I'm falling for you! Maverick could see the shadows of the Pegasi above...

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Complicated love Chapter 4

Complicated love Hey yall. You remember when I said I hadn't planned this story out? Well, I just changed my mind about the vague outline I had. Also, since there was someone who was very adamant about a certain tag, I decided that if I ever add adult...

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Complicated love Chapter 5

Complicated love Hello all you furs who still follow this series. For the few of you who do, I'd like to thank you for your support and patience. The pace and the action of the story are about to pick up big time in the next few chapters, so i hope...

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Complicated love Chapter 2

Complicated Love [](%5C) Not sure how to link ^ this is my previous story (if its working) Quick review: there's a huge ass tiger on my back Okay, quick note. This story was inspired by my other story,...

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Complicated love Chapter 3

Complicated love A series by mavinator5 Okay, quick note, some of the stuff I wrote in the first chapter will change now. It's nothing big, just a few logical changes. Please forgive me, but I hadn't foreseen how the story would play out beyond...

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Feline wars chapter 2

Feline Wars A series by mavinator5 K, long story short, I have a few things to say. 1: sorry for taking so long. This should improve, since I originally envisioned this story's middle, not its start. 2: please tell me about confusion within the...

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No one likes to go first

Once all the tedious announcements about fairness were over, each pony had pledged to follow the rules and regulations associated with such an important event, and the various show-ponies had finished their amazing opening performance, Maverick was led...

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Feline Wars Chapter One: A new begining

Feline wars A series by mavinator5 Take note in advance readers, this is a furry story that takes place at multiple peoples point of view. It will almost always be first person narrative, but the point of view changes between the main characters,...

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Complicated love

Complicated love This is my first ever story posted on sofurry, as well as my first ever story. Any and all criticisms on everything (from character descriptions to spelling errors to the plot) are greatly appreciated. Just please don't bash...

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Saving the ponies Chapter 11: Loss, gain, and uncomfortable discovery

Saving the ponies Chapter 11: Loss, gain, and uncomfortable discovery Maverick awoke feeling more refreshed then he had in days. He smelt a pleasant, fruity scent, which he recognised as Rainbow's shampoo, as well as a muskier, unfamiliar...

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Saving the ponies Chapter 10: Pinkie's input

Saving the ponies Chapter 10: Pinkie's input. Twilight sat in her study, lazily dragging a hoof back and forth across the floor. She had been studying up on Pegasi, but the more she read, the more she realised her mind wasn't absorbing any...

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Saving the ponies Chapter 9: Really? Like, seriously?

Saving the ponies Chapter 9: Really? Like, seriously? "Of course we have work. There are like, a million things that we do here; I'm sure we can find somewhere you fit in." Once Scorched had finished showing Maverick around the...

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