Cinnamon Buns

"Hello!" says the blue- and white-colored kangaroo cheerily as I invite him inside my house. We shake paws and exchange a few words of greeting, and I offer him a drink, which he accepts. I grab a can of soda from the fridge and a bag of chips for...

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Nature's Call

The sun shone brightly in the empty blue sky, not a cloud in sight. A calming wind blew through the air, just enough to add life to the scenery but not enough to disturb the peaceful woods below. A single, small bird flew by, stick lodged between its...

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Movie Night

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Jei urged. Pat looked at the bottle in his flipper and tried to think of a reason why he shouldn't drink from it. He couldn't, and so he raised the bottle to his beak and took a swig. There were no immediate reaction, but he...

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Red's Adventure (8) - Bugs

Red sighed. "Well, this should be the last time we'll have to come through here. At least, I hope. But just in case . . ." He pulled out a pad of paper. "Since there's no map of this forest, I'll make my own. This way we won't get lost again." ...

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Three Bears

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Goldypadlocks. She was very unlike the character we know today; cruel and unkind, Goldypadlocks, or Lockpic as she preferred to be called, was a thief. Lockpic loved to collect shiny things. She would...

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Red's Adventure (7) - Mankey

What was he going to do? How was he supposed to even compare to this Pokemon? A giant snake, made entirely of rock, loomed menacingly over Charmander. When it moved, the building seemed to rumble. It hade a large spike on the top of its head that...

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Red's Adventure (6) - Brock's Challenge

A flame whizzed right by his left ear! Sparky jumped to avoid it and shot a jolt of electricity at Charmander. It hit him square between the eyes, but with a shake of his head, his opponent recovered quickly. Charmander retaliated with a scratch,...

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Red's Adventure (5) - Charmander's Escort

What was that? A rustle in the grass! Charmander's ears perked up, but only for a moment. It was just a Caterpie. They had made it to Viridian Forest, and there was a lot to see. There were wild Pokemon everywhere! Charmander had never seen so...

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Red's Adventure (4) - A Journey Begins

Red stood in front of the door to the lab, bracing himself. It had only been a few days, but it seemed like forever since Red had been here, because in that time he had made a true friend. He looked down at his Charmander, which stood beside him. It...

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Red's Adventure (3) - Viridian City

Viridian City could be seen just through the trees ahead, and Red felt a sense of accomplishment as he realized he'd made the first step on his Pokémon journey. At the moment, he was particularly taken by the prospect of food at the Pokémon Center....

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Red's Adventure (2) - Route 1

Red walked slowly down Route 1, lost in thought, the images of what had occurred playing themselves over and over in his head, like a nightmare he couldn't escape. After the disastrous battle between him and Blue, Professor Oak had come back in a...

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Red's Adventure (1) - Pallet Town

" . . . Red! Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go!" Red woke with a start. He sat up and looked around his room. His untidy traveling bag was slumped in a corner, and the...

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