A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 13

Toothless glanced over to burrows. "no, it's just another sea... they are the worst to fly over." burrows and toothless chuckled together. silence followed and burrows was the one to break it. "there is something else isn't there?"

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 8

burrows said yawning. "you have to tell me more about it sometime.

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 12

"burrows" a slick voice came from the entry way. burrows stood still. "areo" areo let out a sly smile. "you remember me?" "how could i ever forget, traitor." burrows spat at the floor in disgust. "why are you hear areo!"

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An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 10.

I took him into my burrow for safety. now that he has returned to his own burrow.. burrow treyen i release all promises, obligations, or binding to him. he is free."

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 12

Blueberry hopped about looking at the burrow for a moment as he heard a noise behind him and turned around to see woundwort had entered the burrow silently. "well," he said as he moved into the burrow and settled down at his place.

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 9

Verius then walked off before burrows could answer him. "that...that...damn bastard!" burrows angrily said while walking up to a free spot. "is the staff really that important to you?" hiccup asked. "important? it's fatal!" burrows exclaimed.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 25

Inside the burrow, birch was talking to straw as they were putting the finishing touches to the burrow, they had heard what inlo had said and straw was looking worried. "they're bringing a doe down here now?"


Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 23

Outside of the burrows, big rabbits stood guard silently just outside of each burrow, each of them twisted their ears in case they would hear anything differently.


Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 15

Blueberry laid down on the other side of the burrow, watching carbi slowly eat the blades of grass quietly. after a short while hawk slipped into the burrow, blueberry nodded his head. "oh, you're back."

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Kingdom Come: Bull Milking

Kingdom come chapter 2 bull milking warden burrows looked out at the horizon as dust drifted deafly out in the distance. he was expecting a special delivery today.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 17

It was much later that vervain frowned as he turned to leave the burrow. "right, time for us to have a rest. he's not to leave this burrow at all, understood."

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 14

He didn't go far without passing another officer or sentry as he paused to remember which way his burrow was before he turned down the familiar run as he heard some well known voices in the burrow.

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