Art Bell Gets His Money's Worth: I

_...yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that_ _are all tripping each other up.

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Two-Step Revival

To defeating a centuries-old conspiracy. can anyone possibly truly succeed in ridding the world of the sheridan conspiracy?" "i don't know," was adelaide's honest response. "but anyone can try.

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Calm Between the Storms (A2,B3,C12)

conspiracies, check. action, coming soon. also, i have officially, pretty much as of today, started working with an editor.

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Behind the editor's desk

It was another day for John Smith, journalist extraordinaire; he wasn't the best reporter nor the worst, but he was always on time when breaking news stories appeared, making him a valuable asset to the team he was working with. It was a well-known...

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Zero Zero One.txt

100110101101001. . .with 2 simple numbers I can make you a king, or ruin your life. . . I could rule the world, but revenge works just as nicely. 10:50 am. . . I break into the wirebox, my laptop is humming away and I have only 10 more minutes to...

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Something To Do With The Telling Of Time

Something To Do With The Telling Of Time By: Kire-Kitsune Day ? Malcolm Rabbit awoke as he always did. In a hazy, dream tinged daily routine, (Though he was not sure if he had dreamed that night or had ever dreamed at all.) he would rise from his...

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Deception (Bread And Circuses)

#9 of poetry a short poem that i wrote about american government (i am an american), and the illuminati/new-world-order conspiracy theory.

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Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly, ch. 1

## Chapter 1 - Target ~Katrina~ The odd hybrid, known only as Katrina, approached her fellow compatriot, her stag beetle-shaped two feet clacking against the gray tiles of the floor, the lights reflecting against her florescent red, carapace like...

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Tomorrow on the Runway

But most of them didn't know the depths of the conspiracy. i mean, this was back before it got too hard-core. but ... i did my best to protect them. from behind the scenes. to put smiles on their faces.

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071 Cythura Dreamings

"something about using it to justify a bunch of weird conspiracy theories." "oh, it was written by a bunch of weird conspiracy theorists so they wouldn't have to do their own research," explains phr^sk.

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Facts About The Anu Elohim

Reason: i don't like reading the bullshit written about us in conspiracy theory and ufo sites.

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An Angel's Laughter

Harding is trying to recruit my dad into the conspiracy." "but why?" i shook my head. "i'm not sure. it would help if we knew what the hell this conspiracy was trying to do." "well, your dad's a businessman.

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