Dark Side of The Docks: Betrayal
#1 of dark side of the docks: book of secrets this story is a continuation of the dark side of the docks: book of secrets the characters in this story are all mine... except! for niiro, niiro belongs to the furry called well...
dragon at the docks: part 3
Jeff was relaxing in the hotsprings in the jungle around his masters cave, it was strange that there where hotsprings in the jungle but, as his master said, things were different on the isle of dragons. Two weeks ago he had had his stiff collar taken...
dragon at the docks: part 2
Jeff groaned as he opened his eyes, he felt stiff and bruised and his tail-hole ached a bit. He sat up and froze, he was lying in a large bed with sliken sheets and pillows, the bed was in a spacious room in what looked like a marble cave. The bed was...
Meet Me on the Dock (Patreon)
Read the full story here: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-on-dock-17938018](https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-on-dock-17938018)
Hot Day on Termina's Docks
The smell of the salty sea was particularly strong on termina's docks, the alabaster white city's walls encrusted with brine.
Tucking In [Sketch]
"Are you sure about this?" Shekh adjusted where he straddled the leopard's body, deliberately letting his sack swing and brush against the feline's bellyfur. He had to focus down there anyway, though just as soon shifted his thoughts...
Just Another Day In The Pack
########################################################################### ## Just Another Day In The Pack, by Anomalous Smutlord ## ## Written an extremely long time ago. Sorry for horrible formatting. ## ...
Just Another Day In The Pack
########################################################################### ## Just Another Day In The Pack, by Anomalous Smutlord ## ## Written an extremely long time ago. Sorry for horrible formatting....
A Dreary path of A Soviet Dragon (Prelude to Dragon Storm)
"i haven't been on a dock since i was at the battle of drake villa" lazz thought to himself.
% Araiyi % Adult fiction. % M/M % M/M semiNC % M/F NC % Mean stuff. Don't read it if that will disturb you. It's just fiction. % No plot. Just sexor. Wolves are slaves, foxes are the master. % I couldn't decide on a tense. Hope it's not...
Tony woke up and almost immediately rolled over without meaning to. The entire bed sloped toward his mate Marc on the other side. It wasn't difference in body size either, it was entirely just his package. The giant hairless balls were the size of...
Close Match [Patreon Commission]
The striped hyena lounged back in his spot, trying to shift his grip on the controller in his paws so he wouldn't mess things up any further than he already had. Not that he'd _admit_it, of course: he'd continually told the fox behind him, _well, a...