Secrets of War

Secrets of War The first thing Rasha felt as she woke up was a slight soreness in her ass. Purring and groaning softly she shifted and frowned. Something was in her ass...and she was holding onto something very big and furry. Looking up she almost...

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The Community

The Community It was an old proverb that curiosity killed the cat. Well some proverbs were actually correct Rasha thought. On the way to the bus pick up area she had talked with some of her friends and it was decided. She and a group of her friends...

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School Life

[]( Part 2 The School It all started on Monday when school started that year, a normal seeming day would take a very strange turn into a world of unknown for the...

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Dead World

Dead World The sky was dark and the world was quiet. A soft tapping sound began that of someone or thing walking across concrete. A lone creature, an anthro fox with black fur lay on the floor of what might have been a parking garage at one point,...

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Dead World: Survival, Violence, and Sex

Sorry this took so long but Real Life has been a bitch due to all the stuff I have to deal with. College and work are my main time takers, but still, I will try to work more often on my stories! Hope you enjoy it, this took alot of time and...

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Snake Charm

Born of an Indian mother and a skyrish (Scottish/Irish) father, Amber lived a comfortable life in India from the day she was born till the day she was forced out. But growing up comfortably doesn't mean growing up 'normally'. Amber was a serpent...

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A Maiden's Petals

This is a story based off writing by a character of mine who is much more innocent and idealistic than I am. I was asked to write this/challenged to write this based off of two people's characters, I will not continue it without their permission. A...

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#2 of alien world series captivity by felsune when xotka woke next, it was with surprise. she had expected to awaken in the jungle fields of the great night! instead she woke up in a place that could only be described

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