Savers Chapter 2 2/2
She stepped off Yuukan and padded towards Gods Whispering Hill. A place where the pack members can go and talk to there lost ones and also talk to The Land of Spirit. No blood is aloud to be spilled. Yuukan followed her quietly as Sparta climbed to...
The Nightmare
I used up last of eggs and bacon for my breakfast, smiling at thought these may be the last i eat in long, long time, if not ever. i drove to the hospital, registered as a honorable blood donor, successfully passed all the tests and donated blood.
The Digimon Wars Chapter 6 The Battle Begins
Michael and his collected army had arrived at Virusopolis, the huge circle city was surrounded by the Grey army. Michael had digivolved and was now leading his army as a virus MetalGreymon. He could see EmperorGreymon waiting for them, Michael was a...
The Digimon Wars Chapter 16 World War 3
It didnt take long for the digi gate to appear in front of him, he jumped into it and while going trough the gate he digivolved into blackwargreymon. i just hope im not too late.
The Digimon Wars Chapter 14 A New Encounter
It didn't take long for the soldiers to take arms and prepare for an attack. michael raised his arms and stopped. ''i come in peace!'' the soldiers really didn't believe him so they kept aiming at him. ''soldiers! stand down!''
The Digimon Wars Chapter 11 What Just Happened?
long as you don't cause trouble thou!'' he then went in the buiilding with some kids following him.
The Digimon Wars Chapter 10 Reunited
''so how long do you think they are going to keep us here?'' the man answered. ''i have no clue.''
The Digimon Wars Chapter 5 Aftermath
''This is live from the six a clock news, we are at a spot that was only a few hours ago an battlefield. Here something tragic has ahppened, the president of the united States Josh Bush has died.'' ''Survivors say that somekind of dinosaur monsters...
The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 8 Now It's Personal!
She was wearing blue track pants while wearing a pink t-shirt, she had blue eyes and a pretty long brunette hair. michael motioned her to sit down. ''ah! fauna, you're here. take a seat.''
Alone I SIt
My heart aches thinking of what it once had the joy that it had longed to fell only to be used and tossed aside for someone else to pick up to rescue......but that never happens any one ever gets rescued so here i sit abandoned and broke
Long Distance Wish
Flying It seems So easy Such a sweet Dream it must be Being together Loving arms Sweet eyes His graceful touch Oh what a pleasure That would be To be there Although We are separated By time and space We shall...
Brothers of Vash: Chapter 1 - First Heroic Act
He has long silver hair bound up into a pony tail and a slim handsome face any woman would die for.