Migratory Birds- Chapter 6- Nightforest

Carefully took the puma girl in her arms.

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Recovery Efforts Series Appendix

Cairds (Rabbit family based in the northwestern part of the Perth & Kinross region of Scotland) 60 (f) Fenella (Fennie) [Bothain] {Caird Estate, west-northwest of Crieff, Scotland} **white** _homemaker/psychiatrist _ 58 (m) Bothain [Fenella]...

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The Best Job in the World

It also includes a little shout-out to my editor, "pappy puma." a middle-aged man wearing black slacks and a white button-down shirt stood in front of a row of vending machines.

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Growvember Day 17

I sighed and immediately began to head over to the puma as he laid on his side, looking at the city. "chris?" i said lowly, thinking he was napping. a twitch of the tail as i said his name said otherwise. "chris, i'm sorry.

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Deserted pt 4

Yet again, playing with tenses, trying to be first person Deserted Pt. 4 Where am I? I woke up in a daze strapped to a table in a what looked like a medical experimentation lab. "Hey, where am I, Why am I tied up, let me go!!" I yelled out to...

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Deserted Part 3

Deserted Part 3 Jon slept like a dream that day. The sleep he received that night was the most revitalizing sleep he had gotten in what felt like forever. A complete day and a half passed before the tired being woke up. He stood up and faltered for...

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Post-Holiday Blues II

The buff, black puma was suddenly standing behind me and starting to work the cream into a lather before taking hold of my shoulders.

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Kerr 7: The thrill of the hunt.

The puma exclaims. "i'll give you a few minutes head start before i try to track you down." "is that all?" he asks, "i run and you try to catch me?"

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Kerr 6: In sickness and?

"afraid not," the puma responds. "we've been looking for evidence about them for the last ten years.

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Kerr 3: Bath time.

The puma exclaims, slapping him on the back and making him yelp. "i thought so," the panther states, getting up and walking over to stand beside the puma.

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Kerr 1: See no evil, hear no evil...

"we're predators," the puma responds, grinning evilly, "we _take_ what we want!" "and the only thing we want is you!"

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As Thomas tossed and turned in an effort to fall into a deep sleep he found he could not. He kept hearing voices, more accurately conversations between two males he couldn't make the identities of. "I thought you loved me!." One voice would say in a...

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