Experiment 214 (Chapter 1)

Experiment 214 By 3669AD and [bogm0nst3r](http://bogm0nst3r.deviantart.com/) He sat up. Wait, sat up? What was that? How did he know what it was called? He looked around, but instead of his right eye swiveling in the direction he wanted, his head...

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Sixth Experiment

It had been like a nightmare from the start, finding out that zippy was in some kind of mad scientist school, and that legally there was nothing they could do about.

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Experiment 261 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 :Unscientific methods After a few moments Jana slowly woke up, reluctantly returning to reality and the nightmare she had found herself in. She could tell she had been gagged and blindfolded, and that she had been tied up with cable ties or...

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Eighth Experiment

Certainly, she was beneath charity's own station: zipperdale did not come from money, she came from an average middle class family, and she did not come from a family of unrestrained scientists. not even regular scientists for that matter.

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist-The Twelfth Experiment

But hey, if people would wait for almost a century for the red socks to win a world series, i guess people can wait for this # zippy zipperdale: **moderately mad scientist**** --** # the 12th experiment **by hardcover** ** **  

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The Inside Theory

A scientist must prove that his latest theory is true by using an untested formula on himself.

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Gravity chapter 1

Black hat stroked the scientists chin under the bag with a clawed hand. "there are no excuses for being lazy, doctor. i have no tolerance for it." he said, in a growl.

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Space Scientist Bu'Tay

I'm a scientist that's taking in odd jobs for credits. please don't write me a ticket. i can barely afford to keep this ship in working order. i really really can't afford it. can't you let me off with a warning?"

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The scientist’s new clothes

"yes, do it," dragone agreed, trying to think as a scientist for a moment. "besides our personal interests, there are multiple uses we could give to a living suit like this one. it might revolutionize society."

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Seventh Experiment

**zippy zipperdale:** **moderately mad** **scientist:** **the seventh experiment** ** ** **by hardcover** the soft but intrusive sound of the alarm clock beeping woke up krystal bell from her fitful sleep.

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The Human Species Ch. 88 - Condemned Human Race

"no need," the scientist replied bluntly with a sneer, "it is not finished yet."

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A Date With a Scientist (Anthro Cat TF)

A date with a scientist (anthro cat tf) by crola\_the\_snake mike sighed as he checked his phone. a few minutes ago, someone texted him that she will be a little bit late. there's five minutes before their date started, so mike waited.

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