New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 12 - "Memory"

12 _One week prior..._ Detective Brady Falken, his only assignment completed for the day, pulled his unmarked cruiser into the spot beside his truck at the Bellemont Police Department and parked. He switched off the car and looked at the radio for...

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1 Aiden My jaw and paws are clenched. I watch as Luther maneuvers his titanic mecha, Bastille, around the epicenter: a swirling, primordial pit of purple light that connects our world to an alternate. We, to all purposes, consider that place Hell....

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Track and Field: Part 18 - Black Magic Woman

Lee My arm hurts. It always hurts. The pain's like an itch--like the kind you get in your throat. You can't really do anything to be rid of it. It's always just there. The pain in my heart's the same way. "Come on, son," Uncle Arthur sighed as he...

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Track and Field: Part 17 - Dust In The Wind

Red Once upon a time I believed the world was beautiful and kind. Once upon a time I believed that I could have my cake and eat it too. I thought that--no matter who I was--I'd be dealt a fair hand, and even after the tragedies that my family and I...

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LOS: "Turning Into You."

Rain cascaded cold and biting down before Axis as he tried to push himself as far beneath the skyscraper's overhang as he could. It was just one of many jutting portions that adorned the building he'd been scaling just an hour earlier, but - when the...

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Track and Field: The Haunt - Part 4

Sasha _Oh, God, where did they go!? What the hell have I done!? What's going to happen!?_ "RED!? LEE!?" I bellowed, their names seeming to scrape my throat as I yelled with such force. "WHERE ARE YOU!?" This wasn't good. My worst nightmare had...

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Track and Field: The Haunt - Part 3

Conall _What the hell?_ I thought as in awe I watched Lee traipse quickly off stage. That song - good God - I wish he would've told me about it sooner. I'd never seen that side of Lee: bare, open, turmoil. He'd left the audience...

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Track and Field: The Haunt - Part 1

13 "Ouch, Claire!" "Will you quit whining, you undead baby!" my sister said snarkily while dabbing around my bruised eye with powder makeup. "You're only making it worse." I grunted as each pat of that infernal powder-puff sent pain coursing into my...

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Track and Field: Part 12 - Conall

Conall "Mindy!" I bellowed, doing my best to keep from yanking down the orange, party lights I'd just strung. They'd gotten wrapped around my antlers somehow, and now, if I moved in the slightest, a good four yards of the bastards were going to be on...

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Track and Field: Part 7

"Sasha, please stop crying," my sister whined. Her eyes were beginning to tear up, too. "You know what'll happen, and I'd rather cut the sobbing out altogether than start myself." My reply was a wet sniff and a whimper. I couldn't help it; honestly I...

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Track and Field: Part 4

I hate to say it, but I was about as equally captivated by the interior of that car as I was by the driver. My brain was going haywire over deciding where my attentions should lie: the pretty flashing lights, high-tech gadgets, and rumbling engine that...

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Track and Field: Part 3

After hanging up the phone I hopped off of my bed and padded softy across the carpet to my bathroom. Excitement had banished any thoughts of sleep from my mind, but I was starting to feel that thick, hazy state of weariness creep in behind my eyes. I...

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