The Draconian Viking (Part 1.6)

He felt his heart race as he felt his body pressed against her warm furry body. kiriad could smell his scent as it was a unusual but pleasant smell emitting from him.

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.5)

## Becoming One of the Tribe Finding a large river just two miles away from where they were, Ketilbjörn and the tigers were able to take it over to said river and travel all the way back in his knarr as a few...

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.4)

## Convinced? After being freed from his bound legs, Ketilbjörn and the princess went outside to meet with the group that would be accompanying them; after breakfast of course. He was surprised to see the same group...

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.3)

## Borders of Understanding Slowly coming to, Ketilbjörn was slowly coming around as his vision went from hazy and blurry to clear. He soon found himself awake in some kind of hut as he looked around. He felt...

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.2)

## 'Fur'st Contact In the course of two weeks he's first arrived upon this strange land, Ketilbjörn had been making use of his surroundings and spending most of his time scouring through the forest; seeking any ...

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1)

## Upon Unknown Shores The sea had been rugged and rough over the last few days for Ketilbjörn, son of Dufniall. The young future Viking lord had set himself upon a great quest to seek new...

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Charlotte Elmer

Name: Charlotte Elmer Species: Fox (or Fe) Sexuality: Bisexual Age: 21 Height: 5'5" Alchemical ability: "Natures song." She's can learn the songs of animals, given enough time, and can communicated back to them once she has learned it. Plants are...

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Raven's Orphanage

"universe doors may be used by anyone as long as the owner of the mansion permits them to live at the mansion, every person, animal or creature, or furry must have a special mark on their hand for the door from that world to enter the mansion" bedrooms and

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humanity living in a not so furry world

This year i decided to come out as a furry (no not as a gay furry) just a furry looking for a friend and looking for someone that truly could understand what i have been going through i decided to look for a suit and found one that fit me that was cheap and

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Bad Day, Good Night

The bear turned to the door as he heard it open, eager to greet his boyfriend on his return from work. His smile faltered slightly as the dog walked in, ears drooped, face sullen and heavy bags under his eyes. "How was work?" The bear asked. The dog...

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Chapter 2: the awakening of the Nekoken

A New Life and Love Chapter 2: the awakening of the Nekoken Yuji smiled when he awoke the next morning as he met Starsha outside with a hug before then began sparing quite heavy. Using Ki and martial arts in combination looking like they...

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A Sign?

.** _ * * * once upon a time in a village of grandious, a young furry named max freeman was working on some drawing on a desk "hmm, what's a good idea?

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