A Time to Bond

     Summer was always the best time for Kyle and Damian. School was out and they had all the time in the world to do as they pleased when their father, Marcus, went to work. They played outside with their friends during the day time and spent time on...

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Continued Exchange, Part 10 (The End)

The best way to describe Scar on his (self-appointed) mission was eager. All he could think about the whole way the oasis was how nothing would stand in his way, when this was over. His failure would be erased. He would be flawless. The latter of which...

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Continued Exchange, Part 2

Bambi was trying to concentrate on getting the water to Rafiki but his mind was elsewhere. If this didn't work, he'd stay a lion and would still have Scar's task hanging over his head. Physically, he knew he could do it and he could do it quickly but...

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The Human Species Ch.112 - Bored Vanguard Graveler

Cold and desolate, Nomad's Land had not changed much since their last visit. Lucario trod through the snow with heavy footsteps, and even Zerobi was beginning to sink through the softening whiteness as spring did what it could to melt the frozen north....

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The Human Species Ch.109 - Problematic Oppressor Primeape

Giving off a pained grunt, Lucario struggled to sit upright, finding it difficult to move his body. The noise of laughter surrounded him as his head bobbed back and forth, his sense of balance in complete shambles. "Lucario! What happened!?" Zerobi...

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The Human Species Ch.104 - Carefree Returner Blue

Lucario yawned as he woke up, only to be greeted by the most unusual sound of something boiling. It was quickly followed by a sound he recognized all too well - His stomach rumbling. Any normal person would have seen this as a sign of something tasty...

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The Human Species Ch.100 - Prologue of Year 12

Celebi stirred awake, the large flower she was lying on moving in response to the arrival of another day beyond the cavern's walls. She stretched out her arms as she flew up, grimacing as she was feeling stiff all over. A strong urge to go outside and...

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The Human Species Ch.95x - Grade School Reminiscence

The moon was generous this night. A universal lighthouse that lit up the otherwise pitch black ocean to save countless boats and lives from the remorseless shoals, all while illuminating the surface of the sea and allowing eager Water-Pokémon to stay...

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The Human Species Ch.93x - High School Reunion

Zerobi stood in the middle of town, staring at a window while partially hidden by the shadow of a nearby house. Feeling quite foolish, she really hoped no one would see her like this. She had no valid explanation as to what she was doing there, a...

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The Human Species Ch. 91 - Epilogue of Year 11

Words fail me as I attempt to disclose the status of our mission. In regard to our objectives, the mission was a great success. We penetrated the enemy's defenses, acquired the virus and captured the perpetrator. Although the virus in question was not...

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The Human Species Ch. 64 - Unforgiven Killer Zerobi

Despite relishing in the newly discovered feelings of a long sleep and a big healthy meal, Lucario was exhausted. He had traveled with a hurt body before, but normally his legs would have escaped grave damage in what he assumed was a simple stroke of...

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The Human Species Ch. 63 - Supportive Flora Celebi

A quiet, metallic click sounded through the great hall. Lucario wondered if his ears and eyes had gone the same route as the rest of his body, everything seemingly frozen and surprisingly silent. Another click was heard as Silver pulled the trigger...

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